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Start page YAPE v1.1.4 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Improvements for the TIA 6525 emulation (1551 disk drive) and improvements for the SID emulation. Bomb Runner 2 - Plus/4 | Bomb Runner 2 is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 made by Roland (RKSoft). The game is based on Bomb Runner from Mark Quante. The game has 12 levels and is written in BASIC 3.5. Botticelli Bilderdisk #42 | Erich released a new Botticelli Bilderdisk for the Commodore C16 and the Plus/4. This double-sided diskette is filled with pictures in the Botticelli format. The Magica viewer is used to display the pictures. The pictures are a mix of handmade and digitized pictures YAPE v1.1.3 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Commodore 264 prototype, unlimited frame rate option, improvements for keyboard, TED and D64. Club Info 146 | In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks, C16 Sprtes, Random Files, Command Channel, Gunfright, Loco-coco, Strawberry Fields, Bobm Man, Lapland, Mr.Mind, Hitball, Computer Spass, Hardware, Redline, Rap4 and Basicode. Bitfire - Plus/4 | Bubis/RSC and BSZ/NST have made a Plus/4 version of the Bitfire IRQ loader. Features: Small program ($0200-$03FF), load with decompressing, IRQ handler for music, frame counter and SID detection. Mr. Mind - Plus/4 | Mr. Mind is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. The game uses the rules and of the classic Mastermind game turned into a bit of an arcade in a very entertaining way. But be careful, it's very addictive. HVTC | The HVTC or High Voltage TED Collection is an collection of music for the Commodore C16, 116 and the Plus/4. The files that are available, are the original programs that produce the music with the TED music chip. At the moment there are 544 files available in the database. YAPE v1.1.2 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Improvements for CPU, TED, speech and the monitor. Gunfright - Plus/4 | Gunfright is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. The original Z80 game was converted to the 6502 processor by Mariusz Wojcieszek. Emu converted this version to the Commodore Plus/4 and Saul Cross made the music (TED & SID). 1551USB | Cbmhardware is building an interface between the Commodore Plus/4 and a PC. He uses an Arduino Uno that connects to the cartridge port of the Commodore Plus/4 and to the USB of the PC. The transfer rates are 6 kB/s and software for the Commodore Plus/4, the Aruino Uno and the PC is available. Plus/4 World | The Plus/4 World has added many new items: Letter Sequences/Long And Short, Maze Mania, Mindbenders, Savage Collection N.2, Al Ladro / Briscola, Jackson Soft Compilation 3, Software Club #15, Star Wars, C16 Super Games 1, C16 Super Games 2, Olimpia 1 / Evadere and Math Games And Word Problems. Venice Carnival - Plus/4 | Zoltán (MMS) made a picture show for the Commodore Plus/4. The picture show has 12 HFLI images, all about the Venice Carnival. Club Info 145 | In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks, Gradm. In Bogenm., Gr. Gem. Teiler, Matatu, 1010, Spionsuche, Castle, Matcher, Exorcist, Pearl Diver, Blasto, Brickhunter, Flappy Dot, Wallbreak, Computerspass, Hardwar (7501), Uninvited, Music Composer Synth, and Andere Systemen. YAPE v1.1.1 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Improvements for the T6721A speech LSI emulation, vblanking, screenshot, TED bitmap DMA bank switching, tape and the assembler (BRK mnemonic). Slipstream - Plus/4 | Slipstream is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 (and C64) made by: Stephan Mader (code), Rainer Mühr (graphics), Ingo Jache and Ronny Krueger (music). The game is a fast-paced 3D space shooter and you must fight the enemy forces in five different galaxies. Plus4emu v1.2.10.1 | Istvan Varga released an update for his Commodore Plus/4 emulator for Linux, MacOS and Windows. Changes in this version: Fixed a preview bug in p4fliconv. Genius - Plus/4 | Twinspirit32 released the game Genius for the Commodore Plus/4. In the game you are in a dream world and must run through 8 toy warehouses. The game is compatible with PAL and NTSC. Plus/4 covers, photos and TAP files | On the Plus/4 World web page you can find many new covers, photos and TAP files: A Helyhatározó, A Kérdõ Névmás És A Mutató Névmás, A Határozói Igenév, Tulajdonnevek, Pattinka, Szemirámisz, Breki, Tányértorony, Kis Professzor, Music-16, Térbeli Amõba, Bolyongás A Labirintusban, Játék POKE-ok C-16-ra, Magician's Curse 5 and Cave Fighter. HVTC | The HVTC or High Voltage TED Collection is an collection of music for the Commodore C16, 116 and the Plus/4. The files that are available, are the original programs that produce the music with the TED music chip. At the moment there are 502 files available in the database. YAPE v1.1.0 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: OpenGL video mode, improvements for the monitor, sound sampling, tape signal and the ACIA 6551. Plus4emu | Istvan Varga released an update for his Commodore Plus/4 emulator for Linux, MacOS and Windows. Changes in this version: Improvements for SID emulation, video display, memory dump, debugger, screenshots and audio. 1010! - Plus/4 | Csaba released a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. The game 1010! is a puzzle game. The game can be played with the joystick or the keyboard. Club Info 144 | In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks, Arcanoid, Fakultaet, Minefiled, Bombrunner, Knack dem Code, Binominalkoeffizienten, Primzahlermittl., Computerspass, Hardware, Crazy Worms,Space Invaders, Convoy, Climb-It, Rich Freddy, Borrowed Time (9) and Music Composer Synth. YAPE v1.0.11 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Improvements for tape (signal detection), hue phase (CRT), sound, speedometer and the monitor. Bombrunner - Plus/4 | Mark Quante (264er_Fan) released a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. The game is written in Basic and is compatible with NTSC and PAL machines. In the game you must collect all bombs before your time is up. Commodore Plus/4 Game Music Collection 1984-2016 | Skoro made a music collection of Commodore Plus/4 music. A few examples are: Auf Wiedersehen Monty, Daley Thompson's Star Events, Hollywood Poker, Icicle Works, Kazik And The Ghosts, Leaper, Skyhawk, Terra Nova, Treasure Island, Winter Events, Adventures In Time, Get It, Majesty Of Sprites, Pac-Pac, Sgt. Helmet Zero and Xplode Man. Club Info 143 | In this German language d64 magazine for the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4 the following articles: Forum, Scene, Tips & Tricks, C16 Diskmonitor, Pac-Pac, Pentagram, Frutty Man, Verwuerfelt, Rebound, Computer Spass, Hardware, Spionagelehrling, Turm von Hanoi, Monster Hunter, Borrowed Time, Dateimanager and other systems. Pentagram - Plus/4 | Pentagram is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4. In the game you must help Sabreman to find the lost Pentagram, an artefact of magical power. The game is based on the Atari 800 source code from Mariusz. The game also has support for a SID card. Crackers' Demo 5 - Plus/4 | You can now watch Crackers' Demo 5 for the Commodore Plus/4. CD5 is an old-school mega demo made by Ati, aNdy, Bubis, Chronos, Csabo, Degauss, gerliczer, Harry, Kichy, Lavina, Luca, Mad, MMS, Moldi, Murphy, Ninja, Nukem, PPCS, siz, Skoro, Spektro, 5tarbuck, TMR and Unreal. FPGATED | István Hegedüs has developed a cycle exact FPGA core for the MOS 7360/8360 TED chip. The goal is to make a FPGA core that could be used as a drop in replacement for the MOS 8360 chip which is used in the Commodore C16, C116 and the Plus/4. YAPE  v1.0.10 | A new version of YAPE is available. YAPE is a Windows emulator for the Commodore Plus/4. The changes in this release are: Improvements for subfolders (CBM type), watch-point / break-point, speedometer, joystick, SID engine, non-CRT mode, raster-line counter and save PRG.