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Start page Lvllvl - Online | Lvllvl is a versatile, browser-based tool tailored for fans of vintage digital art, allowing you to dive into various character sets, including the Commodore C64's iconic PETSCII format. Whether you're creating simple tile art or intricate animations, Lvllvl makes it easy and fun to bring your ideas to life. SQLMan - Amiga | SQLMan is a database manager for the Amiga computer, and is based on the SQLite database engine. You can create, edit and view the database structure and content via the GUI or a command shell. Multi-game Character Editor - Amiga | With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 120 Amiga games. Koala Image Loader & Linker - C64 | Koala Image Loader and Linker is a program for the Commodore C64 computer, developed by Milasoft. The program is written in machine language and creates compressed Koala files, a loading picture, optional music and a text scroll in the upper or lower border of the screen. V.A.M.P. v3.20 - Amiga | Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player is a media player made with the help of Hollywood. Changes in this version: Improvements for special video sizes and new logos. Petmate 9 - PC | Petmate 9 is a cross-platform PETSCII drawing program, developed by Janne Hellsten. Recent changes: Improvements for Zoom, TAB / CTRL (colour), Ultimate, PETSCII: VIC20, PET & C128, CBASE BBS, Copy / Paste PNG, Brushes, Selections, Menu's and Dir-art. CPU-A - Amiga | CPU-A is a system information program for the Amiga computer (AmigaOS 3.0+), developed by Rafal Zabdyr. You can view information on the CPU/FPU, Mainboard, Graphics, Expansions, OS, etc. VideoVortex - AmigaOS 4 | Video Vortex is a frontend GUI for YT, to search and view YouTube Videos. The program is developed by Thomas Kölsch, and it needs the full version of Emotion to play the videos. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: Wayfarer_9.1.lha, IconInfo_1.0.lha, GetMimetype_1.0.lha, AmbientFind_1.0.lh, Znax_1.1.lha, Markdown-Viewer_1.0.lha, cmark-0.31.1.lha, OpenRCT2_0.4.19.lha, SonicMania_1.1.0.lha, protrekkr_2.8.1.lha, boost-1.87.0.lha, AmiSpeedTest_0.8.lha, sidid-1.09.lh, Defblade_1.0.lha, AmiArcadia_33.90.lha, PerCIMan_0.7.6.lha, WaveEdit_1.1.lha, CDogs-SDL_2.2.0.lha, jansson-2.14.lha, OpenKropki_0.4.lha, stream-5.10-efika.lha, Mahjong_0.17.lha, AmiTranslate_0.5.lha, Lite-XL_2.1.7r1.lh and Physfs-3.3.0.lha. AmiKit XE 12.7 | A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: CPU-A 0.3, Currency Converter DOpus5 Button Bank, Convert, TuneFinderMUI, WinUAE, Amiberry, AmigaGPT, AmiSSL, DOpus5 User Menu, GTLayout Library, Disassembler Library, Image2PDF, Infinite Music Player, IsoMount, PowerPacker Library, RapaGUI, ScummVM, Settle the World, SysVars and WHDLoad. Wayfarer v9.1 - MorphOS | Wayfarer is a web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit. Changes in this version: Rebased to WebKitGTK 2.46.6, bug-fixes and updates for libcURL, libtasn, libgpg-error, libgcrypt, liblcms2, libnettle, libpng16, libwebp, libxslt and libsqlite. Versatile Amiga Test Program v6.45 | The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. SEUCK School | SEUCK School is an web page for people who want to make games with the help of SEUCK. You can learn tips & tricks, the basics of assembly programming many coding examples (Codebase) and tools to make a better game. New in this version: Improvements for detecting objects, hires sprites and sound effects. ProTrekkr- AROS | ProTrekkr is a tracker program combining a software synthesizer together with a traditional sample tracker which can be used to create electronic music. The AROS version is developed by Franck Charlet. PyDPainter 2.1.0 - PC | PyDPainter is a pixel art program written in Python, developed by Mark Riale. The program is inspired by the Amiga version of Deluxe Paint released by Electronic Arts in 1985. PyDPainter will help you to create retro pixel art on a modern PC. Moon - C64 & VIC20 | Moon is a minimalistic Hex Monitor for the Commodore C64 and VIC20 computer, developed by Aleksi Eeben. There are only three functions: View, Edit and Save memory. And the size of the program is just 205 bytes. ALBERT v2.2.0 - PC | ALBERT is an editor for creating extended Commodore C64 images on the PC. The program is developed by Luigi Di Fraia and Joachim Ljunggren. Amos Anim Player - Amiga | Amos Anim Player can play compressed IFF Anim format synched with a separated IFF Audio Sample. The anim frames and the audio is streamed directly from HDD. If you have enough RAM, the audio is streamed directly from RAM. This program is developed by Electric Black Sheep. PerCIMan - AmigaOS 4 | PerCIMan is a program to collect and manage contact and other information about persons. The features are: addresses, phone, email, web/social media contact, birthday and picture file. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: SuperTux_0.6.3.1549.lha, SteadyFeet_0.0.1.lha, LetsSweepSomeMines_0.3.1.lha, Tutris_1.0.1.lha, JustSolitaire_1.0.lha, TileWorld_1.3.2.lha, AmiArcadia_33.72.lha, AmigaGPT_2.2.0.lha, PuzzleTiles_1.0.lha, Frodo_4.5.lha, fheroes2_1.1.5.lha, OceanPop_2.00.lha, Shisen-Seki_0.2.1.lha, Image2PDF_2.8.lha, LHArchiver_1.12.lha, OpenGW_1.0.lha, ScummVM_2.9.0.lha, Wayfarer_9.0.lha, SDL2Wiki_0.8.lha, iConecta_5.50.lha, X-pired_1.22.lha, Sudoku_1.0.lha, Galaga_1.0.lha, SimpleSokoban_1.0.5.lha and SDL_2.30.10_Libraries.lha. ALBERT v2.1.0 - PC | ALBERT is an editor for creating extended Commodore C64 images on the PC. The program is developed by Luigi Di Fraia and Joachim Ljunggren. Vasm v2.0a - Amiga | Vasm is an assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version. Multipaint 2025 | Multipaint allows you to draw pictures with the colour limitations of 8 bit computer platforms. Changes in this version: Improvements for handling files, recent files, increment filename, save, single project - single folder. DART v1.4 - PC | DART is a simple command-line tool that imports directory art from a variety of source file types to D64 disk images. Accepted input file types are D64, DART will import all directory entries from the input file and PRG, DART accepts screen RAM grabs and $a0 byte terminated directory entries. TinyASM - VIC20 | TINYASM is an assembler for the unexpanded VIC20, developed by Henner Kessler. The program can be loaded directly from disk without a module or memory expansion. The functions are: .D (Delete), .I (Insert), .J (Jump), .L (Load), .S (Save), .B - (Code / Byte view), .T (Insert text), .Mn (Memory labels) and F1 (Start). NEO1541 - PC | NEO1541 is a Commodore 1541 emulator for Linux, developed by Domenico Muti. Currently, you can load and save PRG files directly from your hard disk, or from D64 image files. To use it, you need a hardware parallel port and an XM1541 cable. PixelKraken - PC | PixelKraken is a simple yet powerful pixel ripper that dives deep into C64 memory to surface with your precious sprites, tiles, and fonts. You can load a memory snapshot from your favourite Commodore C64 emulator, and watch your pixelated treasures. Sparkle v3.1 - C64 | A new version of Sparkle is now available for the Commodore C64. This trackmo loader for the C64 is developed by Sparta. JSIDPlay2 V4.11 - JavaScript | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Changes in this version: Better performance, Picture In Picture Mode, Assembly64 API, Sub tune, Music recognition, SID Identity Scanner, PSID64 settings detection, Status line, SID info tab, USB hardware playback, Printer, Screenshot and Turbo tape. Wayfarer v9.0 - MorphOS | Wayfarer is a web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit. Changes in this version: Rebased to WebKitGTK 2.46.5, updated cURL, tasn, xml2 and the nghttp2 libraries. Retro Debugger V0.64.70 | Retro Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE emulator. In this version: Improvements for remote debugging, C64 mouse, current value (hex, dec, binary), search, VicEditor and a lot of various bug fixes. SID Known v1.28 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC. SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files.