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Start page AROS One x86 - v1.9 | A new version of AROS One x86 is now available. New or updated in this version: English & Italian manual, Icon set, DiskInfo, Dopus4, Wanderer. Auto Mount, Backdrop & Theme, CLS, libglfw.i386-aros, libglew.i386-aros, Amitube, PerciMan, Vim, PintorWeb, BeeBase, uCommander, Murks IDE, WebpTools, UHCTools, HWP AVCodec, TextMio, AnimWebConverter, PortablE, RNOEffects, RNOTunes, RNOInfoScreen, Image2PDF, SuperMarioWar, Beret, Gilbert, GianaReturn and SuperTux. Vision BASIC - Ball demo | You can watch a new video from the Vision BASIC YouTube-channel. In this episode a A review of the Ball Bounce Demo at the TPUG meeting in November 2022. PETSCII Compositor v1.10 - PC | PETSCII Compositor is a new program for making PETSCII art from pictures. You can make multiple PETSCII pictures of the original picture and combine the best parts into the final PETSCII picture. The program is developed by Jason Page and Joe. Versatile Amiga Test Program - Amiga | The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. Digital Audio Player - Amiga | Digital Audio Player is music player for the Amiga computer. This program is developed by Thomas Rap, and is available for Amig 68k, OS4 and MorphOS. The features are: mp3, AIFF, WAV, FLAC, OGG, MOD, MIDI, DBM, CDDA, Audio-CD, ID3-Tags, CDDB, CD-Tekst and ARexx. Spotless 2 - AmigaOS 4 | Spotless 2 is a debugging program for AmigaOS 4. This program is developed by Alfkil Thorbjørn Wennermark. Changes in this version: Improvements for the menus, stacktrace, iconify, split windows, run self, stepinto and save state. RetroBBS | RetroBBS is a multimedia BBS, written in Python, for Turbo56K enabled terminals running on Commodore C64 computers. The program is developed by Durandal and Pastbytes. HippoPlayer 2.55 - Amiga | A new version of the Mod-Player: HippoPlayer for the Amiga computer is available. This program is developed by Kari-Pekka Koljonen. Changes in this version: Improvements for playlist, infobox, sort, fonts, download, sound (playsid.library) and added the FastTracker 2 replayer: xmaplay060. VideoClipper - AmigaOS 4 | VideoClipper is a program for the Amiga computer developed by Kevin Taddeucci. VideoClipper can be used for cutting and optionally joining various format video files while converting the files to a common format. Other features: brightness, contrast, gamma, sharpness / blurring, fast / slow motion and rotation. Chrysalis 3.17 - MorphOS | Chrysalis is a complete package of programs, games and emulators for MorphOS. Chrysalis is maintained by Yannick Buchys and is available for MorphOS 3.17. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: AnimWebConverter_5.0.lha, PegasosJedi.jpeg, CloudDav_1.81.lha, AmiBlitz_3.9.8.lha, NoClick_2.0.lha,, X-Mass_2.0.lha, image2pdf_1.0.lha, HWP_XLSX_1.0.lha, SnesMUI_0.2.lha, ScummVM_2.6.1.lha, PastePass_1.10_beta.lha, Nova_1.2.lha, AmiSSL_5.5-68k.lha, VirtualVoodooJob_2.0.lha, SacrificioPagano_1.80.lha, Wayfarer_4.3.lha, Woof!_10.4.0.lha, 2nd-Albireo_1.5.lha and Albireo_1.5.lha. PortablE - r6 - Amiga | Christopher Handley released a new version of PortablE. PortablE is a new version of the AmigaE programming language with many improvements. The program is available for Amiga OS3, OS4, AROS, MorphOS, Linux and Windows. 64TASS v1.57.2900 - PC | C64tass is a multi-pass compiler with support for 65816, CPU64, DTV and illegal opcode's, optimizations, and a lot of features. The syntax is the same as the well-known Turbo Assembler on C64. C64tass can be used on a Linux, Windows or Mac OSX computer. GTUltra V1.3.0 - PC | GTUltra is an extensively modified version of GoatTracker Stereo (2.76). Changes in this version: Improvements for List editing, Stereo Panning, SID Chip Pan positions, backups, looping, 9 / 12 channel SIDs, MIDI and the Editor settings. CBM prg Studio v4.0.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: Added support for Kick Assembler and Mega65/Basic65. Many small improvements and a few programming bugs were removed. AmigaAMP v3.32 - Amiga | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improvements for playlist, plugins, error status and the documentation for settings. Triangular OS 1.30 - C128 | Triangular OS is a operating system for the Commodore C128 computer. This OS is written in BASIC 7.0 and is still in development. There is also an Commodore C64, PET and VIC20 version available of Triangular OS. HivelyTracker v1.9 | HivelyTracker is a tracker program based upon AHX to create a very SID-like sound on the Amiga. Recent changes: Improvements for mixchunk(), white noise, filters, wavefilter, font and the replayer. ACID 64 Player Pro V4.2.2 | Wilfred Bos released a new version of ACID 64 Player Pro. New in this version: Improvements for SID ID info / SID ID detection and STIL. Report+ v8.41 | Report+ is a utility for the Amiga. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF-files, Batch processing on icon files and an ASCII-converter. Vision BASIC - Smooth Scrolling | You can watch a new video from the Vision BASIC YouTube-channel. In this episode a tutorial about programming smooth scrolling backgrounds in Vision Basic. Spotless 2 - AmigaOS 4 | Spotless 2 is a debugging program for AmigaOS 4. This program is developed by Alfkil Thorbjørn Wennermark. Changes in this version: Improvements for various symbol types and removed a couple of programming errors. Charmander - C64 | Charmander is a program that can help you design a custom character-set from the original character-set. The program is developed by Aleksi Eeben. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: LITEXL_2.1.0r1.lha, HWP_AVCodec_1.5.lha, IMP_3.382.lha, MCE_14.02.lha, DAPlayer_1.14.lha, SpaceCadetPinball.lha, PlayCity_1.1.lha, MultiPlay_2.0.lha, SDL_2.24.1_Libraries.lha, TinyGL-Update-2022-10-05.lha, abcm2ps_8.14.13.lha, wla_dx_10.2.lha, DevilutionX_1.4.1r2.lha, MirageImager_1.1.lha, Amdrum_1.1.lha, TMPI-Speech_1.1.lha, Vim_9.0.583.lha, SSA-1_1.1.lha, Re2c_3.0.lha and Dandanator_1.0.lha. C64 Music Player Identifier v2.00 | The C64 Music Player Identifier is a cross-platform utility to identify Commodore 64 music players in SID files. This program is developed by Wilfred Bos, and is inspired by the SIDId tool written by Cadaver of Covert Bitops. Versatile Amiga Test Program - Amiga | The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. Recent changes: Improvements for SerialPortTest, Overscanscreentest, ChipID, ROMchecksumtest and CPU detection. DOSBox v0.74.032 - Amiga | DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library, which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox is available for Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X and Amiga. Lite XL - Amiga | Lite XL is a lightweight text editor written in the Lua programming language. Lite XL is available for AmigaOS 4 & MorphOS 3. WLA DX - Amiga | WLA DX is a cross compiler for many 8/16 bit processors. WLA DX supports the GB-Z80, Z80, 6502, 65C02, 6510, 65816, 6800, 68001, 6809, 8008, 8080, HUC6280 and the SPC-700. JC64dis v2.3 | JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG files of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows. C6Maps - C64 | C6Maps is an online mapping tool for your Commodore C64 that works together with the WiC64. You can scroll, zoom and search on Google maps. HippoPlayer - Amiga | The source code of HippoPlayer for the Amiga computer is now available. HippoPlayer is a module music player, developed by Kari-Pekka Koljonen.