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Start page GRay Defender - Vision Basic | You can now watch a new video from the GRay Defender channel. In this video he looks at Vision Basic by Dennis M. Osborn for the Commodore C64 computer. Vision Basic can be used on a C64 with a 256 kB REU, an Ultimate64 or an emulator. Sid Sfx Editor | Sid Sfx Editor is a SID sound effect editor (with a basic UI) that allows you to create some sound effects and export them to be used in BASIC or Assembly (through IRQ). DDR64 v0.99 Beta | Disc Disk Revolution (DDR64) is a program that allows reading and writing C64 disks using a GreaseWeazle. Supports 40 and 80-track drives and the following formats: CBM DOS, Vorpal, EA/PirateSlayer, XEMAG, ProMat64 and Melbourne House. TED Screen Editor - Plus/4 | The TED Screen Editor is a new program for the Commodore Plus/4 computer developed by Xander Mol. The features are: Screen size 40x25 or bigger (max = 15.615 bytes), custom charsets, luminance (121 colours) and blink. Triangular OS v1.10 - VIC20 | Triangular OS is a operating system for the VIC20 computer. In this version updates for the DISK program, MATH calculator, SYNTH program and a new racing game by Fabrizio Caruso. Anykey V1.4 & Joyride V1.5.1 | Anykey & Joyride are programs for the Commodore C64, 128, Plus/4, PET, MEGA65 or an emulator to test the keyboard, but also the joysticks, mouse, light-pen etc. Seq - Amiga | Seq is an Amiga MIDI sequencer program for the Amiga computer, made by Tuomas Hokka. The program features quick editing and can be used with live performances. Recent changes: Improvements for the user interface and channel muting. C64 OS - Beta 0.8 | Gregory Naçu released a new beta version of C64 OS. The recent changes are made to the mouse, time, opener, places and the date utility. GTUltra V1.2.0 - PC | GTUltra is an extensively modified GoatTracker Stereo (2.76) version. Changes in this version: Display, undo, instrument-counter, transport-bar, 3, 6, 9 or 12 channels, song-pattern, song-playback, Jam mode and much more. DOSBox v0.74.031 - Amiga | DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library, which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox is available for Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X and Amiga. VectorAnim Player - Amiga | VectorAnim Player is a simple animation player and creator tool for Amiga computer. The program is written by Electric Black Sheep in AMOS and the source code is available. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: SDL_2.0.22_Libraries.lha, Aquaria_1.002.lha, VidentiumPicta_2.50.lha, iniparser_4.1.lha, hrysalis_3.17r1.iso, Wayfarer_3.6.lha, OpenTyrian_2.2_SDL2.lha, LHArchiver_1.0.lha, BlackjuanPokerCard.lha, MCE_13.72.lha, femto_2.11.lha, ld80_0.6.1.lha, zmac.lha, fluidsynth_2.2.7_sdk.lha, DevilutionX_1.4.0.lha, vbcc_0.9h.lha, cc1541_3.4.lha, NMTM_Final.lha, SilkRAW_1.3.lha and OpenTTD_12.2.lha. C64-Archiv 4.3 | A new version of C64-Archiv is now available. Changes in this version: Improvement for navigation, import, loading, zip, G64 and the Basic/Hex view. REDPILL v0.9.9 - Amiga Game Creator | REDPILL is a tool for creating games for Amiga without programming knowledge. It is easy to use but you can also do complex things and create games with the true Amiga feeling. Changes in this version: Improvements for Animation, Sounds, UI, Memory, Input, Triggers: AGA, Instantiate Attached and Custom to Var. Videntium Picta - Amiga | Videntium Picta is an image viewer program for the Amiga, made with Hollywood. Videntium Picta can show almost all image formats. Features: Rotate, mirror, turn and scale. Sparkle V2.1 - C64 | A new version of Sparkle is now available for the Commodore C64. This trackmo loader for the C64 is developed by Sparta. Meatloaf Media Explorer | With the Meatloaf Media Explorer it is possible to view a diskette file in your browser. You can view the directory but also the data on a block/sector level. The supported files are D64, D71, D80, D81 and D82. HippoPlayer 2.52 - Amiga | A new version of the Mod-Player: HippoPlayer for the Amiga computer is available. This program is developed by Kari-Pekka Koljonen. Amiblitz 3.9.2 | A new version of Amiblitz 3 is now available. Amiblitz is a development tool for AmigaOS3.x. Amiblitz is the further develop of BlitzBasic 2. Playpiano64 - 64 | Playpiano64 is a new music-program for the Commodore C64 computer developed by Matteo Angelini. You can use the C64 keyboard or an external keyboard, it has mono (25 instruments), polyphonic (12 instruments) and synth effect like PWM, vibrato, portamento, transpose, filter modulation, drums, arpeggio, octave selection etc. MorphOS 3.17 | A new version of MorphOS is now available. Changes in this version: This release includes numerous important performance, stability and security improvements. Multi-game Character Editor - Amiga | With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 100 Amiga games. Hollywood 9.1 | A new version of Hollywood is now available. Hollywood is the ultimate cross-platform programming language and multimedia application layer that can be used to create all sorts of games and applications. Chrysalis 3.16 - MorphOS | Chrysalis is a complete package of programs, games and emulators for MorphOS. Chrysalis is maintained by Yannick Buchysand is available for MorphOS 3.16. SEUCK Title Screen Maker V1.4 - C64 | With the SEUCK Title Screen Maker you can make a title screen for your own SEUCK game. The features are: Music, Koala or OCP Art studio logo, character sets, credits, scroll text and a comprehensive manual. Retroterm V0.14 - C64 | Retroterm is a small PETSCII terminal for the Commodore 64 computer implementing the Turbo56K protocol for high speed data transfer and streaming. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: MirrorCopy_2.5.lha, Symmetrix_1.0.lha, Uptime_1.5a.lha, GrafX2_2.8.lha, MouseEyes_1.4.lha, BeebAsm_1.09.lha, vbcc_PosixLib_3.0.lha, Atto_1.22.lha, AmiArcadia_28.4.lha, Exutil_1.1.2.lha, FFmpeg_4.4.1.lha, Wayfarer_3.2.lha, Collection-JeuxVideo_1.3.lha, MUIwake_0.4.lha, ScummVM_2.6.0GIT.lha, Less_590.lha, Ancient_2.0.0.lha, MouseCoords_1.4.lha, EMagicBeaconModules_0.1.lha and EMUIModules_0.4.lha. Sprite Studio 64 v0.9 | Sprite Studio 64 is a sprite editor program for the Commodore C64 computer developed by Tobiasz Stamborski. It can edit up to 64 sprites and save them to PRG file on diskette. SEUCK Title Screen Maker V1.2 - C64 | With the SEUCK Title Screen Maker you can make a title screen for your own SEUCK game. The features are: Music, Koala or OCP Art studio logo, character sets, credits, scroll text and a comprehensive manual. Versatile Amiga Test Program - Amiga | The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. JC64dis v2.0 | JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG file of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows. DevInfosNG - Amiga | With DevInfosNG, developed by Pankalla, you can look at the technical information of your Amiga computer. For example information about the mainboard, devices or media such as hard disk, cd-r or audio-cd.