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Start page FadeMaid | FadeMaid is an editor for screen-values mapped to a multicolour bitmap for the Commodore 64. This program is available for Linux, MacOS, Windows and other systems supported by Python. REDPILL - Amiga Game Creator | REDPILL is a tool for creating games for Amiga without programming knowledge. It is easy to use but you can also do complex things and create games with the true Amiga feeling. Changes in this version: Improvements for level properties, copper, audio, sprites, minimap, action triggers, rendering, animation, CIA and more. C64 Graphics Maker | The C64 Graphics Maker is a graphics editor for Windows. The features are: mono & multi-colour, 4 layers, shifting, rotation, resizing, invert, mirror, freehand, line, ellipse, rectangle, flood-fill, animation editor, zoom, undo / redo and a VIC-II calculator. MediaVault - AmigaOS 4 | MediaVault is an open source desktop application for AmigaOS 4, which can be used to discover online audio and video content. MediaVault is developed by George Sokianos. Music Studio | Music Studio is a Windows-based SID music creator software. For an accurate C64 sound, it utilises the newest RESID-FP emulation available, both old (6581) and new (8580) SID chips. SID Monitor | With SID Monitor it is possible to visualize SID music in the style of a piano-roll. The SID Monitor is developed by Daniel Langner. VicSAM - VIC20 | Raros developed a VIC20 version of the SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) program for the C64. This version of SAM does not use the SID chip. He also made an Italian version of VicVoce3. Zak Supervisor - C64 | With the Zak Supervisor you can play and monitor music on your C64. This program helps you find the right addresses to monitor for equalizers and other effects synced to the music. Sprite Pad Pro v3.0 | Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of Sprite Pad Pro. With this (Windows) program you can edit and animate your multi-colour and high-resolution sprite images. Sprite Pad has also advanced editing features like: rotation, overlay and multiple colour palettes. Assemble IT | Richard from TND has updated his Assemble IT machine language tutorial. Recent changes: Tape multi-load games. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: Umoria_5.7.15.lha, ScummVM_2.5.0.lha, Exomizer_3.1.1.lha,, UniDOS-Cartridge_1.1.lha, SonosController_1.1.lha, RNORadio_1.3.lha, AmiArcadia_28.21.lha, NMTM-solution.lha, IMP_3.28.lha, Witchcleaner_2.10.lha, SonicCD_RSDKv3_1.3.0.lha, Wayfarer_2.7.lha, NMTM_14.09.21.lzx, vvg_intro2.lha, prowokacja.lha, HWP_Healthcare_1.0.lha, Oberon_2016.1.lha, RNOXfer_1.3.lha and fxBlankers_1.0.lha. MusicMaker V8 - v3.10 | MusicMaker V8 is a music program for the Amiga computer developed by Thomas Winischhofer. MusicMaker V8 is a sample-based music editor that uses macros and has eight audio channels / tracks. SIDInfo 0.9.4 | A new version of SIDInfo is now available. With this program you can view all the information on a SID file. The program is developed by ccr. Sprite Studio 64 v0.6 | Sprite Studio 64 is a sprite editor program for the Commodore C64 computer developed by Tobiasz Stamborski. It can edit up to 64 sprites and save them to PRG file on diskette. Greaseweazle v0.31 | Keir Fraser has made updates for the Greaseweazle hardware. The recent changes are: Support for STM32F103C6, a new PCB type: V4 Slim and improvements for memory and USB. Superfluid v0.8 - C64 | Superfluid is a basic extension, freezer and machine language monitor for the C64 or C128 with a Retro Replay (or compatible) cartridge. Changes in this version: Improvements for initialisation, drives, freezer and the monitor. RNORadio - MorphOS | RNORadio is a GUI based internet radio player program for MP3 streams. The features are: Custom skins, MP3-metadata, station editor, PLS, M3U, Extended M3U, XSPF, Shoutcast, ARexx, command-line and tool-types. Transwarp V0.82 - C64 | Transwarp is a fast loading system for the standard Commodore 1541 disk drive. With Transwarp you can load up to 50 times faster. The program is developed by Krill (code) and q0w (test). cc1541 - v3.3 | A new version of cc1541, the cross platform command line tool for the creation and editing of disk images, is now available. Changes in this version: Added Transwarp PETSCII printer and non-standard interleave scheme. Improvements for files and the directory. Pixy - Amiga | Pixy is pixel editor for the Amiga computer. The program is developed by Tony Canazza and has the following features: Pixel editor, Animation (Gif, IFF, APNG), Brush, Sprite, etc. CBM-Transfer v1.22a | Steve J. Gray released a new version of CBM-Transfer. CBM-Transfer is a collection of utilities for transferring files and working with diskette images. New in this edition: Re-assemble, improvements for diskette reading and support for G71. RNOXfer v1.4 - Amiga | RNOPDF is a graphical multipurpose file transfer client. The features are: FTP(S), SFTP, recursive, resume and large files support, online editing of files, filenames and permissions, search and custom FTP commands. RetroLoader - C128 | RetroLoader is a browser for the Commodore 128 computer capable of loading and running Commodore C64 programs directly from 128 mode. The program supports JiffyDOS and SD2IEC devices. Wayfarer - MorphOS v2.2 | Wayfarer is a web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit.
RNOPDF v1.4 - Amiga | RNOPDF is a PDF-viewer for the Amiga, made with Hollywood. Features: Zoom, search, bookmarks, export PNG / TXT, full screen, rotate and ARexx support. Recent changes: Improvements for export and added WINSIZE tooltype/argument and localization support. Multi-game Character Editor - Amiga | With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 75 Amiga games. Changes in this version: Added Speedball 2 saved game editor and enhanced Bloodwych saved game editor. VCXX Toy Keys - VIC20 | VCXX Toy Keys is a new music program for the Commodore VIC20 computer developed by Ryan Liston. The features are: Fast and smooth key reaction, voice selection, pulse wave selection, simple attack/release envelope and 3 octave playable keyboard. S.E.U.C.K Title Screen Maker - C64 | The New Dimension released a new version of the S.E.U.C.K Title Screen Maker. A fun tool which can help you make cool new front ends and link them to your very own standalone games, created with S.E.U.C.K.
Amiga QuickBasic Compiler | Amiga QuickBasic Compiler is an improvement over the standard AmigaBASIC: The features are: Advanced type system, non-static functions and subs, module support, modern syntax, true native 68k compiler, syntax highlighting and auto-indent. Nick Bild - Pi64 | Pi64 is new project of Nick Bild. The Pi64 is a Raspberry Pi 400 that thinks it's a Commodore 64.It is not a C64 emulator, it is Raspberry Pi OS with a C64 theme. UltimateTerm v2.5 - C64 (Ultimate) | A new version of UltimateTerm for the Commodore C64 computer with an Ultimate cartridge is now available. The program is developed by Francesco Sblendorio and Schema. C64Studio v6.9 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. In this version improvements for Tabs, macros, BASIC, Illegal NOP, string literals, source/label info, Memory map output, ASM Parser, navigation, File Manager, Search/Replace, Find, Show, Charset screen editor and PRINT.