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Start page Kick Assembler v5.17 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for noStartAddr, asminfoToStdOut, files, eval phase and the manual. Luigi Di Fraia - C64 Raster Effect Editor | Luigi Di Fraia has made a new YouTube video. In this video he shows automatic raster bar generation in the C64 Raster Effect Editor. MusicMaker V8 Version 3.0 | MusicMaker V8 is a music program for the Amiga computer developed by Thomas Winischhofer. MusicMaker V8 is a sample-based music editor that uses macros and has eight audio channels / tracks. JSIDPlay2 - v4.3 | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Changes in this version: Improvements for video, SIDBlaster, HardSID4U, Loop and WHATSSID? Update 2 for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition | Hyperion Entertainment released update 2 for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Changes in this version: Improvements for kernel v54.28, graphics.library, workbench.library, dos.library, application.library, elf.library, USB-stack, console.device, ram-handler, appdir-handler and env-handler. Added DiskDoctor, SataControl, appdir-handler and ssh2-handler. TAV16 - Plus/4 | TAV16 is a Text to Speech program for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The program is developed by Jorge Castillo and is also available on other platforms. SID Known v1.20 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC. SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files. Icaros Desktop 2.3 | Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: Leu, SilkRAW, Amifish, RNOPublisher, Saga, IconPoser, Frets-on-fire-CPP, Ezekiel, ComicOn, AmiBrixx, FIGlet, Odamex, SilkRAW, Jumpman, Chromium, BlocksOfTheUndead, Extreme Tux Racer, IceBreaker, Jigzo, MCAmiga and much more. C64Studio v6.6 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for Import, Charset editor, Graphic editor, BASIC, Debug, Map editor, Simons BASIC, Text editor and the FileManager. Anykey V1.0 - C64 | Anykey is a program for the Commodore C64 or an emulator to test all the keys on the keyboard. It also shows the input of the joysticks. Pixel Polizei (2020) | Pixel Polizei is a tool for the retro/scene/retroscene artist. It lets you automatically check whether an image conforms to the colour limits of a particular retro platform and save the result in certain native formats. TitchySID - Windows | TitchySID is a very small program developed by Ben Squibb that can play SID chiptunes on your Windows computer. TitchySID plays PSID files and has a spectrum analyser to visualise the audio. DASM - Amiga | DASM is a versatile macro assembler with support for several 8-bit microprocessors including MOS 6502 & 6507, Motorola 6803, 68705 & 68HC11, Hitachi HD6303 (extended Motorola 6801) and the Fairchild F8. AmiModRadio | AmiModRadio is a system that makes it possible to play all 20,000+ mods on Aminet. AmiModRadio is composed essentially of four parts: A small FTP client (download), a XAD client (unarchive), a ARexx program and a MUI interface to control the various parts of AmiModRadio. In this version several small errors are removed. GyrospeedWin | GyrospeedWin is a Windows replacement for the Commodore 64 Gyrospeed turbo tape program written by Gary Saunders. With GyrospeedWin you can create turbo tape (.TAP) files from crunched PRG files. Multipaint 2020 - C64 | Multipaint allows you to draw pictures with the colour limitations of some typical 8 bit computer platforms. Changes in this version: Improvements for application window, Dark theme, SET GRID, Amstrad CPC mode 0, C64 free mode, ULAplus, import and mode change. REDPILL - Amiga Game Creator v0.8.2 | REDPILL is a tool for creating games for Amiga without programming knowledge. It is easy to use but you can also do complex things and create games with the true Amiga feeling. Changes in this version: Improvements for screen settings, repeat, animation, objects, sprites and auto slice. D64tool | D64tool is a multipurpose tool for d64 files from command line. Features: Directory, Export, Remove, Delete, BAM and Blocks. Tapadjust - VIC20 | Tapadjust is a head alignment program for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The program is developed by yoyoregime and is based on the Micro Head Align program for the Commodore C64. EvenMore v0.91 - Amiga | EvenMore is a text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are: Proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Improvements for gadgets, wordwrapping, files and the file conversion buffer. Report+ v8.00 - Amiga | Report+ is a utility for the Amiga. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF-files, Batch processing on icon files and an ASCII-converter. FBI+4 - Plus/4 | FBI+4 is a new program for the Commodore Plus/4 computer developed by Litwr. FBI stands for Faster Basic Interpreter and increases the speed of BASIC programs by 5-35%. IRC Client - C64Net WiFi Modem | This is a modified version of Bo Zimmerman's IRC client for the c64Net WiFi Modem. The new features are: Two-line input box to bottom of screen and incoming messages are not paused while typing outgoing messages or commands. VBASIC 1.1 - C64 | With VBASIC you can use the extra features of the BeamRacer hardware on your Commodore C64 computer. The BeamRacer is a co-processor for the VIC-II graphics chip. JC64dis | JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG file of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows. Changes in this version: Improvements for MUS decoding, buffer size, frequency finder and added multi PRGs support. vbcc 6502 | Vbcc 6502 is a compiler, assembler, linker and C-library for the C64 (NES). Features: Supports C99, banked memory, far-pointers, floating point, interrupt handlers, zero page and stack-frames. CBM Disk Transfer Benchmark | CBM Disk Transfer Benchmark is a tool to measure how fast your disk drive is with your favourite fast load cartridge. The program is developed by Obliterator918. TapEx - v1.6 | TapEx is a tool for analysing, verifying and cleaning Commodore 64 tape images (TAP V0, TAP V1 and DC2N RAW files (16, 24 & 32 bit). Changes in this version: Improvements for gaps between blocks and index files. And added a batch scan. MorphOS 3.14 | A new version of MorphOS is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for the kernel with TLS support and updates to the Netstack and ixemul.library. Wayfarer - MorphOS | Wayfarer is the latest web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit. REDPILL - Amiga Game Creator v0.8.1 | REDPILL is a tool for creating games for Amiga without programming knowledge. It is easy to use but you can also do complex things and create games with the true Amiga feeling. Changes in this version: Improvements for colours, math routines, CD, scrolling, objects and screen width. VIM - Amiga | VIM is a text editor for the Amiga. The features are: Multi-level undo, search & replace, plugin system and support for many programming languages and file formats.