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Start page Report+ v7.93 - Amiga | Report+ is a utility for the Amiga. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF-files, Batch processing on icon files and an ASCII-converter. DefMON 20200918 - C64 | DefMON is a music editor for the Commodore 64. Features: Sidtab chunks, multi speed tunes (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x), stereo SID support and a low CPU usage. In this version improvements for the 2SID mode. UltiConfig - VIC20 | With UltiConfig you can configurate your UltiMem and SD2IEC. The features are: Memory config selector, DOS wedge (miniwedge) and JiffyDOS speeder. ProTracker with sfx | Frank Wille has written a completely new music player based on the original Replayer source code which came with ProTracker 2.3. The player is optimized and has new functions for games: Insert external sound effects, fast master volume, no busy waiting, E8 command for triggers and lots of tables for best performance. Sparkle V1.5 - C64 | A new version of Sparkle is now available for the Commodore C64. This trackmo loader for the C64 is developed by Sparta. Amiblitz 3 - Amiga | A new version of Amiblitz 3 is now available. Amiblitz is a development tool for AmigaOS3.x. Amiblitz is the further develop of BlitzBasic 2. Kick Assembler Framework v4 | The Kick Assembler Framework v4 is now available. Changes in this version: Hi Score loader/saver, Power up, Bullet upgrades, Buzzsaw and 3 different front ends. HD-Rec - Amiga | HD-Rec is a powerful MIDI/Audio sequencer for AmigaOS. Features: MIDI tracks, audio tracks, audio mixer (16 stereo channels), input (1) and output (5) channels. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: Iris_beta_0.93.lha, UnQuill_0.11.2.lha, Grackle.lha, GoatTracker_2.75.lha, NetCat_0.7.1.lha, MTR_0.69.lha, WebRadio_2.2.lha, Effectus_0.5.2.lha, CMatrix_2.0.lha, RNORadio_1.2.lha, MCE_12.1.lha, UberCassette_0.04.lha, ReportPlus_7.92.lha, zmakebas_1.6.1.lha, SDLPoP_1.21.lha, InstallerLG_0.1.0a51.lha, img2oric.lha, Dopus_5.92.lha, NetFS-revised_3.0.lha and StarFighter_2.3.1.lha. GoatTracker - MorphOS | A new version of GoatTracker for MorphOS is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for ReadMe2Guide tool, configuration path, version tag and icons. Course in BASIC Programming - Plus/4 | RĂ¼diger found a complete Course in BASIC Programming for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. GoADF! - Amiga | With GoADF! it is possible to read information about the ADF files. It supports: ADF, ADZ, DMS & HFE. It can do ADF to floppy and floppy to ADF. SID Factory II | SID Factory II is a cross-platform editor for composing music that will play on a Commodore 64. SID Factory II uses the reSID emulator and is still in development. RNORadio - MorphOS | RNORadio is a GUI based internet radio player program for MP3 streams. The features are: Custom skins, MP3-metadata, station editor, PLS, M3U, Extended M3U, XSPF, Shoutcast, ARexx, command-line, and tool-types. REDPILL - Amiga Game Creator v0.8.0 | REDPILL is a tool for creating games for Amiga without programming knowledge. It is easy to use but you can also do complex things and create games with the true Amiga feeling. Changes: Net Connect, Pong, Set Map Cols, Norm Spd45, Frame control, Objects, Input, Speed, Settings and Follow. Amiga Test Kit v1.12 | The Amiga Test Kit is developed by Keir Frasers and can be used to diagnose an Amiga computer. The program is available as a diskette image and as a file for a hard disk. AmiKit XE 11.3 | A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: JFIFdt44, PNGdt, XMP, UnADF, ZGifDatatype, AMICast Player, MorpheuZ, AmigaAMP, DOSBox, Eagleplayer, EvenMore, IBrowse, ModExplorer, NetSurf, OpenDUNE, ScummVM and UnRAR. NOVA64 - C64 | NOVA64 (Neatly Organized Vintage Archives for the C64) is a front end for browsing and loading tape images from archives created with Tape Manager. MyCommander v0.9 -Amiga | MyCommander (MCAmiga) is a Midnight / Norton commander style file manager for all Amiga systems. The program is made by Marcus Sackrow. Changes in this version: Improvements for Move, Drive, Files and the German language. DIR PLUS V4.0 - Plus/4, C64 & VIC20 | DIR PLUS is a SD2IEC browser, program starter and file manager solution for your Commodore 64, Plus/4 and VIC20. Changes in this version: Improvements for loading the directory (background), paths, search, file-info and auto-load. And there is now a Commodore VIC20 version available. RNOPDF v1.3 - Amiga | RNOPDF is a PDF-viewer for the Amiga, made with Hollywood. Features: Zoom, search, bookmarks, export PNG / TXT, full screen, rotate and ARexx support. Recent changes: Search, links, bookmark, text export, password protected files, full-screen mode and jump back. C64Studio v6.5 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for the binary editor, macros, replace, renumber, export, rename, sprite editor and breakpoints. Report+ v7.9 - Amiga | Report+ is a utility for the Amiga. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF-files, Batch processing on icon files and an ASCII-converter. In this version: Improvements for the IFF/RIFF editor and other small improvements. Led - AROS | Led is a simple line-oriented text editor for the Amiga, written in Urn Lisp that compiles to Lua. The program is developed by Pasquale Frega. CharPad 2.7.6 | Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of CharPad. With this (Windows) program you can edit your own characters. Changes in this version: Improvements for the Tile Editor, Project Palette, Map Editor and Image Import. Retroterm TURBO56K | Retroterm is a new C64 terminal compatible with the TURBO56K protocol, which can connect to BBSs with 57600 bps. With Retroterm and a TURBO56K BBS you can view images, listen to 4-bit PCM audio and download programs. JITT64 v1.04 | There is an update of JITT64 available, you can read the details on the JITT64 web page. Java Ice Team Tracker 64 is a java-based music tracker (editor) for creating music for the SID chip of Commodore 64. Instruments are totally based onto tables for full control of sound generation. AmigaAMP v3.28 - AmigaOS 4 | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improvement for URL requester, ICY, ID3v2, Loading, PLS, sndfile and an update for the Swedish language. SongPlayer - Amiga | SongPlayer is an audio file player for the Amiga computer. Songplayer supports: IFF, AIFF, WAV, AU, MP2, MP3, MP3PRO and CDDA. Recent changes: Improvements for Vorbis, mp3, CDDA, intro duration, icons, buttons, playlist and 68k decoding. WimBASIC - VIC-20 | There is a new version of WimBASIC available. WimBASIC is a BASIC extension for the Commodore VIC-20. The program is loaded in BLK5 of a RAM memory expansion or you can use a ROM cartridge. The changes in this version are: Added Autostart and the output of >$ can now be captured in a diskfile, using CMD. Power Basic v2.1 - C64 | Mdraith released a new version of his Power Basic for the Commodore C64. A few examples of Power Basic command are: CLS, OLD, AUTO, HIRES, PLOT, ADSR, WAVE, SPRITE, DIR and DISK. 6510 Cross-Assembler | Aart released a new version of his MOS Technology 6510 Cross-Assembler and Disassembler: win2c64/lin2c64/mac2c64. With this program you can convert an assembler source file into a target file for an emulator or real hardware. The program is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.