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Start page Report+ v7.7 - Amiga | Report+ is a utility for the Amiga. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF files, Batch processing on icon files and a ASCII converter. AGABlaster - Amiga | AGABlaster is a video player for the Amiga computer. With AGABlaster it is possible to watch video on your Amiga computer without gfx or sound card. Kick Assembler v5.12 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for asminfo, .lohifill and address mode indirect x. DOSBox - Amiga | DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library, which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox is available for Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X and Amiga. Changes in this version: Added PowerPC Dynamic Recompiler (JIT), improvements for driver_fat.cpp, stack cookie and version support. Amiga Java | Michael Kohn wrote a blog about using Java on the Amiga. He wrote a demo in Java, for the Amiga 1000, that uses the Copper and Blitter and plays music. JC64dis | JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG file of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows. V.A.M.P. v2.20 | Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player is a media player made with the help of Hollywood. Changes in this version: Two extra buttons (help & info), improvements for the player head bar and the skin routines. Morpheus v1.61 - MorphOS | Morpheus is a word processor for MorphOS, developed by Carsten Siegner. Changes in this version: Support for tabulator, uni-code characters, tool-type, hand drawn vector objects and picture tracing. GeoDesk64 v1.0- C64 | A new version of GeoDesk64 is now available. GeoDesk64 is a DeskTop replacement and requires MegaPatch V3.x with 256 KB of memory. GeoDesk64 supports all CMD drives and SD2IEC devices. DAAD R5 - Plus/4 | DAAD is an adventure writer for the retro computers: C64, Plus/4, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, MSX, PCW, Atari ST, DOS and the Amiga. Changes in this version: Added support for the Commodore Plus/4 and C16 (64k). Led - AROS | Led is a simple line-oriented text editor for the AROS, written in Urn Lisp that compiles to Lua. The program is developed by Pasquale Frega. Petscii Cola v0.5 | Petscii Cola is a program for the PC that makes it possible to draw pictures with PETSCII characters. The program is developed by TheTom. Tape Master Pro V4.0 | A new version of Tape Master Pro is now available. The features are: High speed IRQ turbo tape loader system, scroll text, loading text / sprite, flashing / open border, music players, NesquickV3D Packer and Fast saver. Icaros Desktop 2.3.0 | Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: LEU, ZuneHexEditor, Ezekiel, LUA, LilCalendar, IconPoser, Hostbridge, Saga, AmiFish, Frets-on-fire-CPP, EasyRPG-Player, SQLMan, Timekeeper, MCC TextEditor, HivelyTracker, InstallerLG, VIM, ModExplorer, ActivateWin, VAMP, ZunePaint, ZuneView, spu.datatype, potrace, MUIMapparium, AnimWebConverter and deark. WLA DX - Amiga | WLA DX is a cross compiler for many 8/16 bit processors. WLA DX supports the GB-Z80, Z80, 6502, 65C02, 6510, 65816, 6800, 68001, 6809, 8008, 8080, HUC6280 and the SPC-700. VIM - Amiga | VIM is a text editor for the Amiga. The features are: Multi-level undo, search & replace, plugin system and support for many programming languages and file formats. Kick Assembler v5.10 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Added support for the 65c02 CPU. Improvements for the 65c02 address mode indirect x and cpu directive. Free Pascal - Amiga | Marcus Sackrow released the Free Pascal Compiler (v3.2.0.) for the Amiga computer. Requirements: Amiga 68020+ with OS 3.0+ and 50 - 250 MB HD space. Free Pascal is also available for AmigaOS4, AROS and MorphOS. IceBro - VICE | IceBro is a 6502 simulator with a graphical debugger. IceBro can connect to a running instance of VICE (C64 / VIC20) and copy the machine state: RAM, CPU registers, labels and breakpoints. After connecting you can use the debugger to look at the machine state. Seq - Amiga | Seq is an Amiga MIDI sequencer program for the Amiga computer, made by Tuomas Hokka. The program features quick editing and can be used with live performances. Wolin | Wolin is a modern language compiler for the MOS 6502 / 6510. The features are: functional programming, exception handling, if/else if, do...while, when and OO with classes, constructors and methods. Slideshow Maker | Slideshow Maker is a tool that converts images into a format that can be displayed on a C64 and adds a slideshow player with music. GuruTerm+ - C64 | GuruTerm+ is a program for connecting your Commodore C64 to a bulletin-board. The program is developed by Holy Moses, RaveGuru and Trident. New in this version: The addition of a Phonebook. Easy Sudoku Solver - C64 | Easy Sudoku Solver is a new program for the Commodore C64. This program is developed by Rudi and can help you to solve a Sudoku puzzle. MUIMapparium - Amiga | MUIMapparium is a Viewer for all Amiga computers. The requirements are: RTG Graphics card, an Internet connection and 8+ MB RAM. A FPU is recommended. Daniel Renner - CBM Studio | Daniel Renner made a video about the use of CBM Studio in combination with an Ultimate64 or a C64 with a 1541U2+. BestWB v1.3 | A new version of BestWB for the Amiga is now available. BestWB is an optimisation for AmigaOS 3.1.4. XC=BASIC v2.1 | XC=BASICXC=BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language for the Commodore 64 and xcbasic64 is a cross compiler that compiles XC=BASIC source code to 6502 machine code. Changes: IF / ELSE / ENDIF, WHILE / ENDWHILE, REPEAT / UNTIL, PRAGMA , LSHIFT / RSHIFT, MEMCPY, MEMSET, MEMSHIFT, WATCH, WAIT, PETSCII, ENABLEIRQ / DISABLEIRQ and XCB Invaders (game). Morpheus - MorphOS | Morpheus is a word processor for MorphOS. The program is developed by Carsten Siegner. The features are: RTF, ODT, PDF and EPUB. The pages are now only printed on a Postscript compatible printer. HivelyTracker v1.8 - AROS | HivelyTracker is a tracker program based upon the AHX to create a very SID-like sound on the Amiga. HivelyTracker is now also available on AROS. DOSBox - Amiga | DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library, which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox is available for Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X and Amiga. Changes in this version: Improvements for MIDI support. IntroBase v4 | K.C. has updated his IntroBase64. At the moment there are 10,500 intro's available. The intros will have screenshots, music/sound info (SID file) and a link to the online version. IntroBase64 supports emulators like VICE, CCS64, Hoxs64, etc.