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Start page 3D Engine - Plus/4 | George has been working on a 3D engine for the Commodore Plus/4. A PC is used to convert the 3D files to a Plus/4 format. Workbench Explorer v2.4 - Amiga | Workbench Explorer (WEx) is a modern file browser with many features. Changes in this version: Improvements for paste and the get version function. AmigaAMP v3.24 - AmigaOS 4 | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improvements for shoutcast, MPEG, COMM - ID3v2 tags, multimedia keys, Spanish catalog and AAC streaming. Vasm 1.8f & Vlink 0.16c | Vasm is an assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version. C64Studio v6.1 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for PETSCII dialog, PDS, Keyboard shortcuts, insert/replace, renumber, Sprite editor, Debug and the Disassembler. Bars and Pipes - AROS | Bars and Pipes is a MIDI sequencer for the Amiga computer, made by Alfred Faust. The AROS version is developed by hitchhikr. RS232 File Receiver - Plus/4 | GMOLN released his new program: RS232 File Receiver. With this program you can send or receive files on the Commodore Plus/4 via a RS232 connection. He is also working on a VT100 compatible serial terminal program. Node-M Terminal Emulator - C128 | Dave Van Wagner wrote a program for the Commodore 128 about 30 years ago. The program Node-M is a custom terminal emulator program for connecting the C128 to other computers via a modem. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: SIDDump_1.07.lha, SacrificioPagano_1.50.lha, AmiArcadia_25.4.lha, AlienVsPredtor_1.0-src.lha	 8, AlienAttack_1.1.lha, AbandondedBricks_1.12.lha, 4p_0.09.lha, 2048_1.0.lha, SIDId_1.09.lha, Hu-Go!_1.6.lha, Dopus5_92_dev_debug.lha, ACME_0.96.4.lha, WormWars_9.16.lha, MCE_11.3.lha, GoatTrackerStereo_2.76.lha, HermIRES_1.29.lha, FrodoSrc_4.2.lha, D64VRM_0.4.lha, C64Tools.lha and Basic-Boss_0.2.2.lha. Workbench Explorer v2.3 - Amiga | Workbench Explorer (WEx) is a modern file browser with many features. Changes in this version: Improvements for downloads (Aminet / OS4Depot), toolbar, picture details, SAK_GetVersion and the StatusBar. Grimorium PDF - Amiga | Grimorium PDF is a program made with Hollywood to read PDF files on the Amiga computer. New in this version: Added buttons options, compiled with Hollywood 8.0 and a AmigaOS3.x / MorphOS version. RGB64 - C128 | RGB64 makes it possible to use the Commodore C128 RGBI screen for C64 mode text programs and editing in 40 columns. Another bonus is that you can use the 2MHz mode and the extra keys of the C128 keyboard. Compute Mit Sonderheft | Rüdiger has completed the Compute Mit Sonderheft SA series, with all the disk compilations. They are now available on Plus/4 World. VIM - Amiga | VIM is a text editor for the Amiga. The features are: Multi-level undo, search & replace, plugin system and support for many programming languages and file formats. ZunePaint v0.14 - AROS | ZunePaint is a paint program for AROS. The program is being developed by Yannick Erb. DirMaster v3.1.2 | DirMaster is a Windows-based GUI tool useful for the management of emulator formats such as: .d64, .d81, .t64, etc. as well as archival formats such as .arc, .sda, .lnx, etc. New in this version: Improvements for drag/drop, .cvt files, page up/down, hexedit font, BAM view and Explorer preview. JaffyDOS v1.3 - C64 | Jani made an improved Kernel for the Commodore C64 with a SD2IEC device. Features: Jiffydos protocol / DOS wedge, Customizable colour scheme and F-keys, Filebrowser, File copier, d64/d71/d81 images and a file start- and end address during load. Changes in this version: More support for pi1541users and an optional SWE/FIN keyboard layout. FB1K | FB1K is a file browser for SD2IEC and compatible devices. The features are: Sjload (25x fast loader), support for 1024 files and a maximum of 202 blocks per file. Bunny Basic - Basic V2 | Bunny Basic is a relatively fast, limited instruction set, integer-only basic interpreter for the Commodore 64 and Commodore VIC20. A manual for Bunny Basic is included. SpeedCalc 2019 - C64 | Ilker Fiçicilar released an improved version of SpeedCalc for the Commodore C64. The original program was developed by Kevin Martin in 1986. This version can be integrated in the Final III plus cartridge and there is 2 MHz support for the C128 in C64 mode. Superfluid v0.7 - C64 | Superfluid is a basic extension, freezer and machine language monitor for the C64 or C128 with a Retro Replay (or compatible) cartridge. Changes in this version: Improvements for the monitor, F-keys and zero fill. And a freeze backup has been added. Icaros Desktop 2.2.7 | Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: SANAutil, NTPSync, Create Installation Pendrive scrip, TimeKeeper, LodePaint, S:testvmware, PCX, ZXSCR, MUIRoyale Hollywood Plugin, vim, HydraCastle, fpc, EasyRPG, Digger, Exutil and ViewLHA. Amiga Font editor - online | Alessio Garzi has developed a font editor for the Amiga. The editor is online and can be used in your browser. When you have created a font, you can download the raw data to your Amiga. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: ScummVM_2.1.0.git., AnimWebConverter_2.90.lha, Iris_beta54.lha, MCC_TextEditor_15.52.lha, RNORadio_1.0.lha, Vim_8.1.1099-src.lha, Vim_8.1.1099.lha, HWP_hURL_1.0.lha,, ShogoLauncherUpd.lha, ShogoDemo.lha, ShogoDemoUpd.lha, InstallerLG_0.1.0a35.lha,,,,, and ProTrekkr 2.5.5 - AmigaOS 4 | ProTrekkr developed by Fredrik Wikstrom is a tracker program combining a software synthesizer together with a traditional sample tracker which can be used to create electronic music. This program is based on the program NoiseTrekker written by Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius. The program can be used to make music for small sized intros, demos or games. CharPad 2.3.0 | Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of CharPad. With this (Windows) program you can edit your characters. Changes in this version: Improvements for copy, import, multi-colour mode, menu, export and help. DOSBox - Amiga | DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library, which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox is available for Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X and Amiga. Changes in this version: Improvements for the mouse. myCatalog - Amiga | MyCatalog is a new program for AmigaOS 4. With this this program you can manage your favourite collections, for example: Music, Movies, Applications and Books. GoatTracker V2.75 | A new version of GoatTracker is now available. Changes in this version: More options for octave division and note names. Added a isomorphic key layout. C64Studio v6.0 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for the screen editor, BASIC editor, file manager, sprite viewer, macro viewer and BASIC renumber. PETSCII Video Generator - C64 | PETSCII Video Generator is a new graphics tool for the Commodore C64 developed by LDX#40. This program draws PETSCII-based patterns which you can control yourself or you can let the computer make random patterns. SketchBlock v3.2 - Amiga | SketchBlock is a drawing program for AmigaOS made by Andy Broad. The aim of this project is to create a sophisticated application for digital painting. Changes in this version: Improvements for polygons, scale and stamp.