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Start page Seq - Amiga | Seq is a simple MIDI sequencer for the Amiga. With quick editing and features for live performance. CBCCWIF - Plus/4 | CBCCWIF is a replacement of the Austrospeed Compiler. You can convert your Basic program to assembler text and then compile it to a PRG file with the TMPX assembler. MPlayer-GUI v1.61 - AmigaOS4 | Daniel Westerberg from OnyxSoft released a new version of the MPlayer-GUI voor Amiga OS4. The changes in this version are: Improvements for H264, next video, pause and screen title. SketchBlock v3.1 - Amiga | SketchBlock is a drawing program for AmigaOS made by Andy Broad. The aim of this project is to create a sophisticated application for digital painting. Changes in this version: Improvements for pressure, curves, zoom, smoothing, brushes, import, channels and much more. MUIPlot - Amiga | MUIPlot is a program for the Amiga to plot mathematical functions on the screen. The program is developed by ALB42. A C64 Multiplayer Universe - Kickstarter | Mat (Matthias Lorenz) is creating a system in which you can create your own Commodore C64 games. You can put your game on a sever or export it as an Andriod game. Features: Sprites, scrolling, maps, charsets, borders, SID player and gamepad / keyboard support. GEOS MegaPatch V3.3 | GEOS MegaPatch V3.3 is a system upgrade for GEOS 2.x. In this version support for SD2IEC (16MB), SuperRAM (16MB), C=REU, GEORAM, RAMLink and RAMCard. RNOEffects - AROS | RNOEffects is an image processing program for AROS. The features are: 30 different effects, brushes, text, lines, ellipses, boxes, arrows and a batch converter. DMC V6.0 | DMC is a music editing program for the Commodore C64. The program is developed by Brian and The Syndrom. Features: 3 different tracks, vibrato channel, filter channel and a drum channel. C64 Debugger V0.64.56 | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version: Charset, Joystick, JukeBox scripting, Edit registers (VIC/SID/CIA/VIA), Copy & Paste, Export (Charset / Sprite), TAP/T64 and an Atari 800/65XE emulator. SEUCK Buster V2.0 - C64 | With the SEUCK Buster program it is possible to add title and/or in game music to your very own SEUCK game creations. ICU64 / Frodo Redpill v0.1.7 | Mathfigure has been working on a visual debugger for the Commodore C64. The debugger is available for the Frodo and the VICE emulator. The debugger will let you look at and change the memory of the emulator while running a program. Icaros Desktop 2.2.4 | Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: fOpenURL, GlJewels, AmiTimeKeeper, AmicastPlayer, AMath, FIG, INFO, ModExplorer, Open Gladiators, OpusTools, sox, sfxr, Targa, ZuneBrot, Vim, AROS installer, Super Mario War, Stunt Car Remake, UHCTools, ZuneView, ZunePaint, WHD_Menu, ICO, vic script, ,SysMon-XPT, VICE, MyWorkspace and RNOeffects. DefMON 20181027 - C64 | DefMON is a music editor for the Commodore 64. Features: Sidtab chunks, multi speed tunes (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x), stereo SID support and low CPU usage. In this version a few bugs were removed. PLATOTerm - C64 | PLATOTerm is a terminal program for the Commodore C64 developed by Thom Cherryhomes. With this terminal you can connect with the website The interface is graphical with 256 pixels by 192 pixels. Multipaint - 2018b | Multipaint allows you to draw pictures with the colour limitations of some typical 8 bit computer platforms. Changes in this version: In this version a couple of errors were removed. PETSCII BBS Builder | PETSCII BBS Builder is a Java framework for building highly customizable PETSCII-enabled BBS's. This BBS is accessible from 8-bit Commodore computers. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: RNOEffects_1.1.lha, Raffeli_1.0.lha, ScoutNG_beta.lha, MAME_0.148.lha, APPBuilder_2.0.lha, AppLauncher_sbar_1.1.lha, AmiArcadia_24.9.lha, Vim_8.1.401-src.lha, InstallerLG_0.1.0a.lha, GetExtIP_1.3.lha, Chrysalis3.11beta.iso, Vim_8.1.401.lha, Africa_1.51.lha, Koules_1.32.lha, Rtf_mcc_1.10.lha and ReggaePlay_1.1.lha. Icon Editor - Amiga | Icon Editor is a program for editing icons with many features: Separating alpha-channels, scaling, rotating, shadow and glow effects, blurring, contrast, brightness and much more. The recent changes are: PDF import and batch PDF to Icon conversion. AmigaOS 3.1.4 | Hyperion Entertainment released AmigaOS 3.1.4. Changes in this version: Improvements for Kickstart ROM modules, Workbench, CLI/Shell, CrossDOS, CD-ROM filesystem, printer drivers and the icon set. Support for all Motorola 68000-68060 CPUs and large hard disks. Turbo Rascal Syntax Error V0.04 | Turbo Rascal Syntax Error is a IDE, compiler, programming language and sprite editor for the Commodore 64. Petscii - PHP | Petscii is a tiny PHP library which converts text to PETSCII format. With this package, you can prepare your website to be fully compatible with web browsers available on Commodore 64 / 128. Netsurf 3.8 - Amiga | A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: libcurl 7.61, AES encrypt/decrypt, libjpeg and FPU support. Workbench Explorer v2.1 - Amiga | Workbench Explorer (WEx) is a modern file browser with many features. Changes in this version: Improvements for preview, resize window, preferences and the editor. c64unit | C64unit can be used to test your code within any cross-assembler of your choice. Features: Macros, free zero-page, data sets, mock methods, etc. C64unit supports 64tass, DASM, Kick Assembler, ACME, ca65 and xa65. | The web page has had an update with many new items: C64Studio v5.8, D71 - D81 Writer, Print PETSCII, SIDTitle Big-Char Editor v2.1, SIDTitle Editor v7.1, SIDTitle Editor v5.0, Extended Words Creator v2.0, Turbo Term II, C64 Power Pack, Keypunch Write & File Pak, Ledger 64 and LD Quick Notes v1.0. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: EasyRPG_Player.lha, Saga_1.91.lha, Pcd_mcc_1.0.lha, SacrificioPagano_1.40.lha, Africa_1.5.lha, myCatalog_3.2.lha, Vim_8.1.lha, THE_3.2b1.lha, NoWinED_0.83.lha, FileX_2.4.lha, Annotate_3.0.1.lha, VAMP_1.85.lha, Acuario_2018.lha, SetFileSize64_1.0.lha, AminetReadmeMaker_1.3.lha, DisplayInfo_1.0.lha, WHDLOpener_1.0.lha, E-UAE_1.0.0-JIT_Korni_version.lha, AmiArcadia_24.81.lha and MCE_10.6.lha. C64Studio v5.8 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for Reload, Charpad, tabs, line address display, !addr, XOR, BASIC editor, MRU, sprite editor, Copy/Paste, Find/Replace, GMOD2 and macros. GoatTracker V2.74 | A new version of GoatTracker is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for track length with swapping & merge-load and added a dotted pattern to the display modes. Multi-game Character Editor - Amiga | With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 75 Amiga games. Changes in this version: Death Knights of Krynn, Faery Tale Adventure and Hillsfar. SpriteMate v1.08 | SpriteMate is an on-line sprite editor for the Commodore C64 developed by Ingo Hinterding. The features are: Fill, shift, flip, preview, grid, overlays, undo & redo, copy & paste, load & save, import & export and keyboard shortcuts. HstWB Installer - Amiga | HstWB Installer can be used to make an hard disk image for the Amiga Computer complete with Workbench, games and demos.