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Start page SID Known v1.14 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC (#68). SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files. C64 Debugger v0.64 | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version: JukeBox, BASIC auto run, 64tass code labels and improvements for the SID, sprites and screen saving. C64Studio v5.5 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Value Table editor, Koala import, Short-cuts toolbar/menu, improvements for the assembler and search. Superfluid v0.4 - C64 / Retro Replay cartridge | Superfluid is a basic extension, freezer and machine language monitor for the C64 or C128 with a Retro Replay (or compatible) cartridge. Changes in this version: Improvements for the monitor accessor system, speed increase for all operations and improvements for fast save. Dreamload Menu Creator - C64 | With Dreamloader Menu Creator (DMC) you can create a diskette with a fast loader menu. The menu program will show the files you want to display but they cannot be seen in the directory. FLOD 7.0 | FLOD is a JavaScript/AS3 module written by Christian Corti. With this module it is possible to play back music from the Amiga in a modern browser. FLOD is also used in all the Flashtro intros. B.S.L.C.S. v2.4 - C64 | B.S.L.C.S. is a demo text writter for the Commodore C64. The program is developed by Stone and tested by Enzoottobit. The available SIDs are from Antony Crowther, Ben Daglish, Martin Galway, Peter Clarke and Rob Hubbard. SJL264 Light - Plus/4 | BSZ released SJL264 Light for the Commodore C16, C116 and Plus/4. This program works together with JiffyDOS equipped devices (1541, SD2IEC, etc.). This program is based on the C64's SJLOAD, but only the fast loader is implemented. AlomWare 64 v2.00 | AlomWare 64 is a Windows wallpaper in the style of a Commodore C64 screen with live information about the PC. In this version you can now configure your own colours. FMX V1.0 - C64 | FMX is a FM Sound Expander driver using SID chip songs as input. You can use a combination of editors to write FM music, with 8 different instruments per FM channel, controlled by changing waveform in your SID files. MorphOS Storage | An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: IRSSI_1.0.5.lha, AmiArcadia_24.63.lha, HWP_Malibu_1.4.lha, MCE_10.08.lha, File_5.32.lha, FontWalker_1.2.lha, Aquaria_1.002.lha, Report+_7.12.lha, Greedium_1.4.lha, MUIbase_4.0.lha , RNOComics_1.1.lha, MCC_Webp.1.0.lha, lcal_2.1.0.lha, HWP_MUIRoyale_1.7.lha, Gnuplot_5.2.0.lha, MCC_Reggae_1.0.lha, Indent_2.2.10.lha, MCC_Epub_0.4.lha, MCC_Wmf_1.0.lha and HWP_RapaGUI_1.2.lha. Superfluid v0.3 - C64 / Retro Replay cartridge | Superfluid is a basic extension, freezer and machine language monitor for the C64 or C128 with a Retro Replay (or compatible) cartridge. Basic extension: Function keys, ON, OFF, KILL, OLD, MON and $. Freezer: RAM, I/O registers and colour RAM. Workbench Explorer v1.6 - Amiga | Workbench Explorer (WEx) is a modern file browser with many features. Changes in this version: Improvements for cover art images, EXIF data, MP3 tags and image preview. FontWalker v1.1 - Amiga | With FontWalker you can search for TTF font on your Amiga. Features: Sample text, Load / save font, navigation by mouse or keyboard and drag & drop. Kick Assembler v4.16 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for CR / LF, -execlog, zp/z, abs/a, out dir, .dword, assembler state, .pseudopc, assertcode and asserterrorcode directives. Marq's PETSCII Editor | Markku Reunanen has released a new version of his PETSCII editor. The changes in this version are: Improvements for C64 two-page mode, save, preferences, zoom, size, undo and SEQ export. SpriteMate v1.03 | SpriteMate is an on-line sprite editor for the Commodore C64 developed by Ingo Hinterding. The features are: Fill, shift, flip, preview, grid, overlays, undo & redo, copy & paste, load & save, import & export and keyboard shortcuts. AK Real v9 | AK Real is a 16 colour version of AmiKit adjusted to work with real Amiga AGA computers. AKReal is maintained by Retrofan. Changes in this version: Retro Switch, AmiStart, UAE 4.4, CoolCALC, OpenTyrian, MiniSlug, TinyMeter, ButtonMenu, DigiClock, AmiStart, ProTracker, TinyLauncher, Icon.library, Riva, AmiSSL, WHDLoad, MUIRoyale, EvenMore, AmigaAMP, MUI-5.0, AfA_OS, LoadModule and NetSurf. Netsurf 3.7 - Amiga | A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: CSS, OpenSSL, Duktape, plotter API, GIF, SVG, splash screen, redrawing and improved the AmigaOS3 compatibility. defMON - C64 | DefMON is a music editor for the Commodore 64. Features: Sidtab chunks, multi speed tunes (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x), stereo SID support and low CPU usage. C64Studio v5.4 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for import file, error marking, branches, export, undo, media manager, BASIC compiler, map editor and the graphic screen editor. CodeBench v0.55 - Amiga | CodeBench is a management system for the Amiga for various programming languages. Features: Project window, multiple targets, integrated editor, clip manager and build window, spell checking, keyboard macros and a ARexx port. AmiKit X 10.3.1 | A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: ArtiGames (Artur Jarosik), Extra themes and Real3D. FunkPaint 0.45a - C64 | FunkPaint is an editor for Hires, Multi and Multicolor pictures. The program can be used with an joystick or mouse and supports memory expansions (+60k, REU, Ramcart, Georam etc.). Changes in this version: Improvements for align view, screen switching, colour cycle, toolbar and border blanking. SD2IEC Kernal v2.2 | Clause made a modified kernal for the Commodore 64. This kernal supports the SD2IEC devices that based on the design of Ingo Korb. The kernal provides a file browser and a fast loader (10x). Decomp 64 v1.0 | MP Software has released an application that will try to decompile a binary file in assembly code, with the syntax of KickAssembler. The application has been written in VB6 and has been tested in WinXP and Win7 systems. The program supports only the standard opcodes. GrafX2 - Amiga | GrafX2 is a bitmap paint program inspired by the Amiga programs Deluxe Paint and Brilliance. The program uses 256-color drawing and includes a very large number of tools and effects. JSIDDevice 3.9 | JSIDDevice is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for the music collections like HVSC and CGSC. CBM prg Studio v3.11.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: Improvements for label / variable and its definition, tooltips, macros, control/screen codes, watch list, quick colour change and support for the Super Expander basic extension (VIC 20). TAWS v0.28 | TAWS (The Amiga Workbench Simulation) is a JavaScript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.x - 3.x for IE, Firefox, Opera and WebKit-Browsers. With TAWS you can work with the Amiga Workbench inside your favourite web browser. Changes in this version: OS 3.9 AmiKitX, polish translation (Marcin Pianka) and an update for the ListBox-Scrollbar. AmiKit X 10.3 | A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: Boxx Trilogy games, Info 39.18b, AmiKit Quick Guide, AmiStart menu, AHI Audio System, LAME 3.100a2, NetSurf 3.7, OpenURL 7.17, Opus Audio Tools 0.1.10, playOGG 140508, PlaySID 1.2, Polish Locale, PTPlay library 2.6, ScreenText 1.4, UnLZX 2.16 and WHDLoad 18.4 beta. NinjaTerm - VIC20 | NinjaTerm is a new program for the Commodore VIC-20. NinjaTerm has the following features: Very fast, 2400 baud in VICE, 1200 baud in hardware, C64 char set, file transfers, address book and support for Wifi Modems / tcpser modems.