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Start page Polyanna - C64 | Polyanna is a 8-channel music editor for the Commodore 64. Polyanna plays 3 regular SID channels together with 5 emulated SID channels on a stock machine with the 6581 SID chip. C64 Debugger v0.56 | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE v2.4 emulator. Changes in this version: Improvements for loading PRG, sprites, settings and audio. The following commands are added: pass, S PRG , L PRG and D. SD2IEC Kernal v1.0 | Clause made a modified kernal for the Commodore 64. This kernal supports the SD2IEC devices that based on the design of Ingo Korb. The kernal provides a file browser and a fast loader (10x). NinjaTracker v2.04 | Cadaver and Spider Jerusalem made a new version of the NinjaTracker. Changes in this version: Added pause for long directories, F-keys in goattracker/sidwizard style and a new colour scheme. CCGMS 2017 Final | A new version of CCGMS is now available. Features in this version: User Port / UP9600 / Swiftlink / Turbo232 / Comet64 (300-38400 Baud). Support for 17xx REU, Phone Book, Ansi colours, Themes, Drive #8-15 and sd2iec/uIEC. SDBrowse - C64 | SDBrowse is a new program for the Commodore C64. With SDBrowse you can browse drives, copy files, edit filenames, etc. The program uses a special font (6 x 8) and the side borders to display the information. Kick Assembler v4.6 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvements for the null-pointer exception, symbols, variables, directives, error messages and the bytedump option. Amiga 500 Online | A new article on the AmigaLove web page explains how to get an Amiga 500 online. With the help of a modern PC connected to the internet the Amiga 500 can connect to a BBS. AmigaAMP v3.20 | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Support for AAC streaming and improvements for AHI and mpega. SimpleMail 0.43 - Amiga | SimpleMail is a mail program for the Amiga platform (classic and OS4) and compatible systems (MorphOS). Changes in this version: Update to OpenSSL (v1.0.1u), improvements for folder rescanning, error window an many more small improvements. X-bEnCh v1.00 | X-bEnCh can be used to replace the Workbench when you only want to load games with WHDLoad. You can use X-bEnCh with all Amiga's, OCS or AGA and with 68000 to 68060 CPU's. Changes in this version: Display Mode switch support and screenshots for games. Improvements for the Mod player and the audio playlist. Netsurf 3.6 - m68k | A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for YouTube playback, dithering, loading, scale, copy text, fonts and much more. TapEx - v1.05 | TapEx is a tool for analysing, verifying and cleaning Commodore 64 tape images (TAP V0, TAP V1 and DC2N RAW files (16, 24 & 32 bit). Changes in this version: Super Pavloda, Bleepload, Macmillan loader, Alternative loader, Procass loading system, Turrican loader, TDI-loaders , Guerrilla War, Snakeload V5 / V5.1, Ocean T2, Action Replay loader, CBM ROM SEQ-files, Trilogic loader, Atlantis loader, Trap loader, Palace T1 / T2, Rainbow Arts T1 / T2 loaders, Tai-Pan, Rainbow Islands, Freeload format 2, 3 & 4, Dragon Load, Hewson loader and Freeze Frame Tape. Calimero v3.8 - MorphOS | Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Tables, Excel import / export and workbooks in CALS format. VChar64 v0.2.1 | Ricardo Quesada developed a character editor for the Commodore 64. The features are: Import, export, rotate, invert, clear, shift to left, right, up and down. Changes in this version: Added support for new VICE v3 snapshot function and a new Colodore palette. SDK Browser version | Jamie Krueger release an update for the SDK Browser. Changes in this version: Updated to AmigaOS4 SDK, support for 64 bit filesystems and (STRUCT)ure browsing. Improvements for fonts, tab lengths, mouse wheel, preference settings, find files, search and more. AmigaAMP v3.19 | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improved the saving of the window position and the DIRECTORY ToolType. And extended support for BufferSize=File to more file types. Slack - C64 | Jeff Harris developed a Slack Client for the Commodore C64. He connected an Raspberry Pi via an RS-232 to the user port of the Commodore C64. He also wrote an application in 6502 assembly for the C64 and a NodeJS app which talks to the Slack RTM API. ADFBlitzer v3.0 | Rob Cranley release an update of ADFBlitzer. With ADFBlitzer it is possible to transfer ADF images to and from the Amiga. Changes in this version: Progress bar, cancel function, AB3 format, error checking (file & drive), low memory mode and improvements for the GUI and read / write routines. CBM prg Studio v3.9.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: Added a TARGET directive, ifdef and import of SEQ files. Improvements for constants, label names, status bar, sprite editor and the character editor. Netsurf 3.6 - AmigaOS 4 | A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for time handling, CSS, SVG, GIF, BMP, web-search, scheduler, tabs and AmigaOS3 support. D64 Editor v0.035 | A new version of the Windows based D64 editor is now available. The features of this program are: Reading of D64 files, display the directory, move files around in the directory and rename files. Export from D64 to PRG. View/Edit the BAM and the data blocks. Mapping the Commodore 64 - Excel | Steve Morrow made an Excel sheet with the memory map of the Commodore C64. At the moment he has documented the memory addresses 0 - 62097. He is still working on the last part of the memory map. VICScript v0.1 | Bobbi is working on a scripting language for the Commodore VIC20. At the moment he is still developing VICScript but if you find a problem or have a suggestion please contact Bobbi. Kick Assembler v4.4 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Added an errorif directive. Improvements for referencing variables and a small update for the manual. C64Studio v5.0 | C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for the Sprite editor and nested IFs. Added the <> operator, !pseudopc (ACME) and build chains. AmigaAMP v3.18 | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: A problem was solved that could occur during the changing of the settings. RasterBuster | RasterBuster is an online utility to develop rasterbars. You can choose the colours and create your own rasterbar design. You can choose between the pepto and godot colour palette, save your designs and copy/paste your bytes. Vasm 1.7g & Vlink 0.15c | Vasm is an assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version. Streamer v2.11 - Amiga | Streamer is an Internet radio (ShoutCast/IceCast) player. It can stream MPEG and RealAudio files from any web server and play them in real-time. New in this version: Improvements for synchronisation, Shoutcast metadata alignment, status window and the buttons. ModExplorer - Amiga | A new version of ModExplorer for all Amiga platforms is now available for download. The program allows you to select at random and play modules from the Aminet servers; the application also supports playlist, change skins, manage a blacklist and more. Relaunch64 - v3.3.7 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Second run-script, start option R64BG and improvements for the warnings.