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Start page Zune View v0.27 - AROS | ZuneView is a program for image visualisation and manipulation. The features are: Cropping, resizing, rotating, flipping, lens barrel distortion correction, colour manipulation and filters. Changes in this version: Support for more languages: French, German, Italian, Polish and Czech. EvenMore - Amiga | EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Update for the Spanish language and the Greek language is now also available. Improvements for PopPen, Match Case and Find. Icaros Desktop 2.1.3 | Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: Mapparium, OWB, SimpleMail, PortablE, FinalBurnAlpha emulator, meteMP3 player and the ColorCLI scripts. MUIBase 3.3 | MUIbase (Magic data BASE with User Interface) is a relational, programmable database with a graphical user interface for Amiga, Linux, Mac and Windows. Steffen Gutmann has released a new version for the Amiga. The changes are: Improvements for printing, save, structure editor (records), dates, French translation, ImportSample and many other small improvements. Vasm 1.7f | Vasm is an assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version. Calimero v3.6 - MorphOS | Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Improvements for settings window, editor class, key input handler and mui layout. WinMTAP 1.0 | Gaia released WinMTAP 1.0. This is a Windows front-end for TAP2WAV. The program makes it easy to convert TAP files for the Commodore 8-bit computers. Dodo | Dodo is an engine for creating text adventures for the Commodore C64 in BASIC. You can use this program to make your own text adventures, a manual for dodo is included. LISP 128 | Hamster released LISP for the Commodore C128. The LISP programming language is one of the oldest programming languages and was introduced in 1958. LISP is used for artificial intelligence and for scripting. C64 Charset Logo Generator | You can now use an online logo generator with the character sets of the Commodore C64. Idea and code by Chris Heilmann. Charset ripping, credits and clean-up by Dejan Petronijevic and Daniel Kottmair. C64 Debugger v0.54 | C64 Debugger is a code and memory debugger that works in real time. The program works together with the VICE v2.4 emulator. Changes in this version: New keyboard shortcuts, cycler-view, loading and viewing Vice labels, autojmp and 0-cycle background value action for breakpoint. D64 Explorer | Daniel England made an application for viewing the contents of a C64/C128 disk image file. It presently supports images from the 1541 (.D64), 1571 (.D71) or 1581 (.D81). It supports partitions in .D81 and reading GEOS format disks including GEOS file details. VChar64 v0.2.0 | Ricardo Quesada developed a character editor for the Commodore 64. The features are: Import, export, rotate, invert, clear, shift to left, right, up and down. Changes in this version: Import of VICE Snapshot including maps and an auto update function. Calimero v3.5 - MorphOS | Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Automatic hyphenation, barcodes, add new words to spell dictionary and many other small improvements. TapEx - v1.0 | TapEx is a tool for analysing, verifying and cleaning Commodore 64 tape images (TAP V0, TAP V1 and DC2N RAW files (16, 24 & 32 bit). Changes in this version: Support for Martech block-loader, Visiload, Cult, Bleepload, Audiogenic, Hitload, Firebird loader, ODEload, Burner, Microload, Alternative Software loaders, CHR loaders, Power Load, Anirog Tequila Sunrise loader and Flashload. AEROS 4.0.1 - Raspberry Pi 1, 2 & 3 | AEROS is a hybrid distribution of AROS and Linux (ARM and x86 systems). AEROS is a very fast desktop, and you can use AROS apps and AROS games. Changes in this version: Support for the Raspberry 1,2 and 3. Updates for uae4arm, exFAT and Bluetooth. JSIDPlay2 - v3.7 | JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. In this version a number of small errors were removed. Dir Me Up 3.0 - Amiga | A new version of Dir Me Up is now available. This program can be used to explore and manipulate files, links and drawers of your Amiga. Changes in this version: Shell-, ARexx- or Python scripts. Configurable Toolbar buttons, progress bar and improvements for dialog screens and menu's, graphical view of partitions and much more. meteMP3 | A new version of meteMP3 for AROS is now available. Recent changes: Drag & Drop, custom memory allocation / deallocation, command line play via cli/shell and improvements for the playlist. Pixcen v0.7.0.10 | Pixcen is a graphics tool for the PC. You can use it on a Windows computer to make graphics for the Commodore C64. The program is developed by Censor Design. Recent changes: Improvements for rendering, loading, flip, shift, 1x2, 2x1 and 2x2 fonts and the colour picker. Ignition Beta 4 - AmigaOS 4.x | Ignition is a modern spread sheet for AmigaOS 4.x. This AmigaOS 4.x version is made by Achim Pankalla, which is based on the 68K version from Axel Dörfler. Changes in this version: Improvements for the German manual and the import of TurboCalc and CSV files. And a Dutch manual is now also available. Kick Assembler v4.2 | The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Improvement for the pre-processor, assembler Feedback, Scoping, Namespacing, Error Reporting and many more optimisations. VChar64 v0.1.0 | Ricardo Quesada developed a character editor for the Commodore 64. The features are: Import, export, rotate, invert, clear, shift to left, right, up and down. Changes in this version: Improvements for Export, Save, Recent Files and Multicolour. SID Known v1.12 | Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC (#65). SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files. Virtuoso 0.99 - C64 | Hein has released an update for his music tool for the Commodore C64. The features are: Main editor: sequencer, patterns, instruments, step and FLO programs. Jam mode: mono, poly or layered. Selection of instruments, song, octave or song speed and a diskette menu. Regenerator 1.7 - C64 | Regenerator is a program made by Tomaz Kac, that will disassemble a Commodore 64 machine code program on your Windows PC. Changes in this version: Multiple system support, improvements for JMP/JSR and Immediate Load in $00 - $ff. C64 Intros Reorganizer | K.C. released a new version of the C64 Intros Reorganizer. This script copies or moves the intros available from to a folder structure that is more convenient when using a 1541Ultimate or another C64 storage solution. C64Studio v4.8 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for highlighting, memory information, sprite editor, key mapping, Pi and lots of other smaller improvements. Micro VICious | R'zo made a synthesiser program that allows you to shift the tone, tune and the octaves of the 4 voices of the VIC20 across 2 playable octaves. Micro VICious can be used on a unexpanded VIC20. CBM prg Studio v3.8.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: Logical operators, code relocation, watch labels/addresses, local character mapping, more export options for the screen editor and multiple layers for sprite preview. GoatTracker - MorphOS | A new version of GoatTracker for MorphOS is now available. Changes in this version: ReadMe2Guide tool update, configuration path, version tag, icons and improvements for the manual. Regenerator 1.6 - C64 | Regenerator is a program made by Tomaz Kac, that will disassemble a Commodore 64 machine code program on your Windows PC. Changes in this version: Improvements for .WORD Lookup tables, Go To Reference Label, Remove Parameter Label, Add Hi/Lo & Lo/Hi Label and a Jump To button.