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Start page Relaunch64 - v3.3.6 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Improvements for expand folded lines or sections. Edit files in external editor. And the load and save operations are more stable. Icaros Desktop 2.1 | Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: OWB 1.25, HTML5 video, DirectoryOpus 5, FPC, PortablE, GoogleDrive, Filesysbox library, NTFS-3G, EX-FAT, SNUG http, ZuneView, Amath, EdiSyn, metaDiary, RPNScientific, Water, GLMark, Fract, Timeless, Scalos, Unarc, Ri-Li, RotateGear, Skunks, FFMPEG, ImageMagick, meteData, RFT-Riddle and toram. CBMXfer v0.41 | Steve J. Gray released a new version of CBMXfer. CBMXfer is a collection of utilities for transferring files and working with diskette images. New in this edition: Support for .P00 files, New options: new folder, cancel all and lock view. And more compatibility for the 1571 (XM1541). FunkPaint 0.44a | FunkPaint is an editor for Hires, Multi and Multicolor pictures. The program can be used with an joystick or mouse and supports memory expansions (+60k, REU, Ramcart, Georam etc.). Changes in this version: An update for the documentation, the DTV support has been removed, larger paintbrushes (8x8) and many more improvements. Virtuoso 0.98 - C64 | Hein has released an update for his music tool for the Commodore C64. The features are: Main editor: sequencer, patterns, instruments, step and FLO programs. Jam mode: mono, poly or layered. Selection of instruments, song, octave or song speed and a diskette menu. VChar64 v0.0.12 | Ricardo Quesada developed a character editor for the Commodore 64. The features are: Import, export, rotate, invert, clear, shift to left, right, up and down. Changes in this version: Improvements for Koala import and added VICE snapshot import. Music Studio | Music Studio 2.2 is a Windows-based SID music creator program. For an accurate C64 sound, it utilises the newest RESID-FP emulation available, both old (6581) and new (8580) SID chips. Changes in this version: Added MIDI file importing and various small bug fixes. Zune View - AROS | ZuneView is a program for image visualisation and manipulation. The features are: Cropping, resizing, rotating, flipping, lens barrel distortion correction, colour manipulation and filters. Changes in this version: GUI clean up. Added a clear selection button and improvements for live barrel correction and rotation. C64Studio v4.6 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Visualisation for byte, cycle, fast-scroll and change marker. Group modification and a check for HiRes bitmap mode in the graphic editor. EvenMore v0.89 - Amiga | EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Improved the text selection, word wrapping and XML converter. Added colour rows option, XadUnFile command to Arc2Text plugin and w:highlight command to DocX XML converter. Netsurf 3.4 | A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for rendering, plotting, menus, file extensions, AmigaOS 3, fonts, keyboard short cuts, hotlist and support for UTF-16 surrogates. Multipaint | Multipaint allows you to draw pictures with the colour limitations of some typical 8 bit computer platforms. The display formats supported are: C64 high resolution, C64 multicolor, ZX Spectrum and MSX 1. The program is available for Windows, Apple and Linux. View64 - v1.59 | View64 can be used to view native C64 image files without using an emulator or a real C64. The features of this program are: Open source, Supports of many image formats (70+), PAL/NTSC S-Video and RGB rendering, Scanline, shadow mask, chroma leakage simulation, Multicolor interlace de-interlacing and image saving to BMP. Calimero v2.50 - MorphOS | Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Improvements for the screen handling, added a label printing system and many small errors were removed. SEUCK School | SEUCK School is an web page for people who want to make games with the help of SEUCK. You can learn tips & tricks, the basics of assembly programming many coding examples (Codebase) and tools to make a better game. VChar64 v0.0.11 | Ricardo Quesada developed a character editor for the Commodore 64. The features are: Import, export, rotate, invert, clear, shift to left, right, up and down. New in this version: New font, support for: Koala import, tile map, copy & paste & cut, undo & redo, zoom and assembler export. EasyFlash 3 USB Utilities V1.9 | A new version of the USB utilities program for the Easy Flash 3 is now available. Changes in this version: Added CRT flashing with b[urn] .crt command and TAP file reading with m[aketap] command. MorphOS 3.10 Software Development Kit | The MorphOS development team released version 3.10 of the MorphOS Software Development Kit (SDK). The changes are: GCC 5.3.0, LUA-Interpreter, ixemul v50.16, tar v1.28 and sed v4.2.2. PSID64 v1.2 | PSID64 is a program that converts PSID files into C64 executables. PSID64 is written by Roland Hermans. This program allows users to play PSID files (originally used by the PlaySID program) on a real Commodore 64 computer or emulator such as VICE. In this version improvements for the code, added support for player identification based on SID ID and PSID/RSID v4 support (Triple SID). Calimero v2.00 - MorphOS | Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Support for animation, WEBP and APNG with import and export. Added register labels, page preview, QR-codes and more little improvements. EvenMore v0.88 - Amiga | EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Added an unlimited bookmarking system. Added DEVICES and BOOKMARKS strings into EvenMore catalogue template and optimized the quick load menu creation. TapEx - v0.5B | TapEx is a tool for analysing, verifying and cleaning Commodore 64 tape images (TAP V0, TAP V1 and DC2N RAW files (16, 24 & 32 bit). The features are: cleaning / removing noise, gap limit adjustment, skew limit and auto save after cleaning. Moldi's Treasure 10/10 | The web page Plus4world is releasing many more programs, games and demo's from the Moldi collection. A few examples are: ABC, Atlós Fényujság, Disk Lister V3.2, Ékezetes Képújság, Háztartás-kalkuláció, Katalog Maker, Mágneses Indukció Számítása, Pluto, Speed Assembler, Super Speed Loader, Uni Header, Drakula Kastélya, Hanoi Torony, Kukacka, Logikai Játék, Memóriajáték, Tekergõ, Tenisz, Castle Demo, Microdemo II, Outrun II Demo, Party In Mezõkövesd, Terror Music Box, Variációk Egy Témára, etc. Spectacular Copy Turbo 2 Disk V1.1 | A new version of Spectacular Copy is available. Changes in this version: A Fastsave I/O for 1541 devices is now available. VChar64 v0.0.10 | Ricardo Quesada developed a character editor for the Commodore 64. The features are: Import, export, rotate, invert, clear, shift to left, right, up and down. New in this version: A TCP/IP server for the c64/c128 to preview the changes in runtime and a few small improvements. Seabrowse - C64 | Seabrowse is file browser for standard diskettes and mass storage devices (sd2iec) and is developed by Seanser. The following functions are available: Next / previous dir page, Load program, music or t64. Dir level up / down / root. You can use the browser with a keyboard or the joystick. ADTWin v1.3 | With ADTWin you can write ADF files from a PC to a real diskette. You will need a PC with a parallel port and Windows. You can connect a 3.5 floppy drive to the parallel port with a special cable. Changes in this version: The program can now be used on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1 and 10 (32bit / 64bit). And it can use compressed Amiga Disk Files. Discan v1.0 | Mr. Nop released a new program for making changes on a diskette. You can use the program to search for specific data on a diskette. And you can edit that data on the diskette directly. It also can scan for viruses such as: HIV, HIV 2, Starfire and Bit Addict. AROS Vision 3.0.0 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. In this version: Support for whdload, updates for System files, App Store, MUI and the Peterk icon library. ACID 64 Player Pro V3.6.1 | Wilfred Bos released a new version of ACID 64 Player Pro. Changes in this version: Fixed small issue for displaying specific user folders in Windows 10 and other small improvements. The latest version can be downloaded from the Acid64 web page. SimpleMail 0.42 - Amiga | SimpleMail is a mail program for the Amiga platform ( classic and OS4) and compatible systems (MorphOS). Changes in this version: OpenSSL v1.0.1q, TLS / STARTTLS support (SMTP / IMAP4), An improved error window and many other internal improvements. d2d64 | Jani has released a program that can be used to quickly transfer diskette images from real drives to a modern PC. The base of this program is the utility Nibread from Pete Rittwage. The program has now a progress bar and colours to indicate the status. And if you have many diskettes you can transfer them all just by pressing Enter between the diskette sides.