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Start page Relaunch64 - v3.3 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Code navigation, Find-by-typing option, Toolbar with common functions, Sorting-options for sidebar, More shortcuts to menu-commands and a couple of errors are removed. AROS Vision 2.7.2 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: PlaySID, AmiBlitz 3.6.1, FLX animations, Clock, More demos, converted to formats: MED, MOD or SFX, ARexx easy start and SimpleMail can be changed between German and English. C64Studio v3.7 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Dependencies allow to include symbols. Improved export for sprites. Resolved a problem with !media / sprite-sets and Charpad .ctm import. Sprite Pad v2.0 | Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of Sprite Pad. With this (Windows) program you can edit and animate your multi-colour and high-resolution sprite images. Sprite Pad has also advanced editing features like: rotation, overlay and multiple colour palettes. Changes in this version: The code is completely rewritten for .NET C++. Added animation storage, browsing and simultaneous playback. D71 Ultimate 0.4 | Jasmin68k released a new version of D71 Ultimate. This program can be used to write D71 diskette images to a real 1571 disk drive with the help of a C64 and a Ultimate cartridge. Changes in this version: Only Assembler, no more BASIC. Combined Ultimate DOS and Manual REU version. Integrated 2 MHz 1571 transfer code from Uload M3 R1 (Marko Mäkelä). GOS 95 | Ilker Fiçicilar developed GOS in the nineties. GOS is an Operating System and BASIC extension for the Commodore 64. The GOS features are: disk cache, read-a-head disk buffer, memory manager, memory compression, mouse support, BASIC variable transfer, linking BASIC files and external commands loaded from diskette. After 19 years Ilker found his original diskettes and they are now available again. Notepad+4 - Plus/4 | Vladimir released an text editor for the Commodore Plus/4. The editor can use the same keyboard combinations as the default BASIC editor. It can load and save SEQ files and has a search function. The program can be uses together with SVS Calc to form a Office suite. AROS Vision 2.7 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: Updates for: MUI royale, ROM's, IBrowse, Simplemail, Digibooster, Audio software, Filetypes and AMOS. SID-Wizard v1.7 | SID-Wizard is a Commodore 64 music tracker made by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath). Changes in this version: Support for 3 SID chips, Independent order list-marks, Insert entire order list column, SWP - re-locatable music data / player and Tape slow-down effect support in player. EvenMore v0.81+ - Amiga | EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Support for AmigaWriter file format. Improvements for the WordPerfect, StarWriter5, Wordwrap, WordWorth, FinalWriter, ProWrite, RTF, Dir2Text, HTML and Pagestream plugins. And a few new Escape codes. MorphOS 3.6 | A new version of MorphOS is now available. Changes in this version: It is now possible to use the built-in Wi-Fi hardware in all Apple systems with the Broadcom BCM43 chip-set. Support for AMD R400, Radeon X800 XT / Pro and FireGL X3 cards. SMBFS file system handler with 64 bit I/O support. VNC server and a Synergy client. You can read all the details in the release notes. SysMon v3.8 - Amiga | Sysmon is a system monitor for AmigaOS 4 made by Guillaume Boesel. Recent changes: Added a network bandwidth benchmark in Benchmark tab. Removed the Used Stack in the Tasks tab because it produced wrongs results. Improved the CLI numbers in the Tasks tab and the Workbench library version in the System tab. SoundBankster 1.2 - MorphOS | Antoine Dubourgs released SoundBankster version 1.2. SoundBankster is a program that  DJ's can use to play there music. The features are: Waveform rendering with TinyGL, Reggae support, 20ms audio buffer, Beat detection, Accurate track pitch, Filters, Loops, Play-list and a MUI interface. AROS Vision 2.6.1 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: Added Amiga-E modules, AmiTwitter, AmIRC, IBrowse Demo and Raystorm. Updates for the ROMs and DOpus Magellan. Changing Locale/Input is now more easy. Relaunch64 - v3.2.0 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Code-folding, automatic indention with spaces, SOURCENAME, OUTNAME, RSOURCFILE, ROUTPUT, goto sidebar and removed some small errors. C64Studio v3.6 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Added extra data per map in the map editor, license information, IDE layout saving, !convtab, Charpad .ctm import, !media, !mediasrc and many general improvements. AmiKit v1.7.0 | The 1.7.0 version of AmiKit is now available as a download. A number of errors are removed and the following programs are added: BDSlide 2.5, FourOne visual theme by Ken Lester, CheckSMPrefs, Matrix screen blanker 1.9 and there are updates for the XPK compression libraries. EvenMore v0.81 - Amiga | EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Improvements for the Dir2Text plugin. And for the HTML2Text plugin it is now possible again to do conversions of &# character commands and the trimming of the extra spaces and linefeeds works now as it should. Relaunch64 - v3.1.0 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: New editor. Improved navigation. Added DASM and TMPx support. Alternative syntax highlighting mode and many (code) improvements. FRODIGI - C64 | Thealgorithm released FRODIGI (Free Running Oscillator Digi) for the Commodore C64. FRODIGI is a new method of playing back digitized samples. It uses the free running SID oscillators of the SID chip with 3 channels and a master volume to recreate the audio. It can store 4 minutes of audio into less than 41 KByte. Hollywood documentation | The complete documentation for the multimedia-oriented programming language Hollywood is now available online. With Hollywood you can create graphical applications very easily. Hollywood is available for AmigaOS 3 / 4, Android, AROS, Linux, Mac OS X, MorphOS, WarpOS and Windows. FlipPaper - Amiga | FlipPaper is a MUI program which will allow you to manage your wallpaper pictures and swap automatically between them periodically. The program is available in the following languages: English, Czech, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Swedish and German. Recent changes: Selected picture is now always visible in the Workbench drawer. Added a Delete picture menu option and a Send by mail menu option. And a update for the Spanish translation. Relaunch64 3.0.1 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Support for CA65, DreamAss, ACME macro and math functions. Improvements for the Goto function, tab / shift+tab, Jump to label, Find next, Replace, auto-indent and auto-completion. Striketerm - C64 | Alwyz released a new version of Strikterm. Striketerm is an improved version of the Novaterm 9.6c communications program. Changes in this version: REU detection on start-up. Support for and IRC support. And it is now possible to select terminal mode options from inside the terminal. SketchBlock v2.6 - Amiga | SketchBlock is a drawing program for AmigaOS made by Andy Broad. The aim of this project is to create a sophisticated application for digital painting. Changes in this version: One important error was removed, a couple of small improvements and a new Julia set is available. Dopus5 - Amiga | Dopus5 is a Workbench clone for AmigaOS-based computer systems. The main feature of Dopus5 is the file manager functionality. The team behind Dopus5 has released a new version for AmigaOS4, MorphOS, AROS and the original AmigaOS3 platform. CBM prg Studio v3.0.0 | Arthur Jordison has released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: 65816 assembler/debugger. Bitmap import/export for character editor. Binary file import to Assembly source. Line and rectangle drawing tools for the screen designer. And TASM support is added to Source Converter tool. MorphOS 3.5 Software Development Kit | The MorphOS development team released version 3.5 of the MorphOS Software Development Kit (SDK). The changes are: LogTool only runs one multiple ramdebug sessions. Improved SDK indexing for Scribble and updated for OpenSSL and dependencies. Assist v1.9 - AmigaOS 4 | Assist is a collection of information: All the content from the Get the most out of your AMIGA PDF guide, shortcuts and links. Assist helps with downloading and unpacking of software, plays YouTube videos and it has AmiUpdate support. Changes in this version: Many improvements to the download system including the Tuomas Hokka's download tool. Improvements for Remove. Added the DOWNLOADSDIR ARexx command. Added 37 new articles and 1 new tutorial and various articles are updated. AROS Vision 2.6 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: Updates for the system data, new background picture from Wawa, Magellan v5.90, Speech support, FAT95, more demos, compilers and much more. D64 Editor v 0.033 | A new version of the Windows based D64 editor is now available. The features of this program are: Reading of D64 files, display the directory, move files around the directory and rename files. Export from D64 to PRG. View/Edit the BAM and the data blocks. New in this version: New options for the SEQ viewer screen (ASCII<->PETASCII). The Export DIR is moved to Text Menu function in the Edit menu. Improved the drag and drop code (multiple files). QtCBM v1.0.0 | Vmark released version 1.0.0 of QtCBM. QtCBM is a GUI interface to the CBM command line tools inspired by the original GUI4CBM4WIN interface. QtCBM is written completely from new using the open source Qt GUI library. The program is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.