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Start page MorphOS 3.5 Software Development Kit | The MorphOS development team released version 3.5 of the MorphOS Software Development Kit (SDK). The changes are: LogTool only runs one multiple ramdebug sessions. Improved SDK indexing for Scribble and updated for OpenSSL and dependencies. Assist v1.9 - AmigaOS 4 | Assist is a collection of information: All the content from the Get the most out of your AMIGA PDF guide, shortcuts and links. Assist helps with downloading and unpacking of software, plays YouTube videos and it has AmiUpdate support. Changes in this version: Many improvements to the download system including the Tuomas Hokka's download tool. Improvements for Remove. Added the DOWNLOADSDIR ARexx command. Added 37 new articles and 1 new tutorial and various articles are updated. AROS Vision 2.6 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: Updates for the system data, new background picture from Wawa, Magellan v5.90, Speech support, FAT95, more demos, compilers and much more. D64 Editor v 0.033 | A new version of the Windows based D64 editor is now available. The features of this program are: Reading of D64 files, display the directory, move files around the directory and rename files. Export from D64 to PRG. View/Edit the BAM and the data blocks. New in this version: New options for the SEQ viewer screen (ASCII<->PETASCII). The Export DIR is moved to Text Menu function in the Edit menu. Improved the drag and drop code (multiple files). QtCBM v1.0.0 | Vmark released version 1.0.0 of QtCBM. QtCBM is a GUI interface to the CBM command line tools inspired by the original GUI4CBM4WIN interface. QtCBM is written completely from new using the open source Qt GUI library. The program is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. NetSurf 3.1 | NetSurf is a small but fast web browser for Amiga, RISC OS and Linux. NetSurf supports HTML and CSS: A few examples of the changes in this version are: Faster CSS selection performance, faster start up time, new look and feel to the tree views, improved options handling, undo/redo support in text areas, and general improvement of forms. YAM 2.9p1 | YAM (Yet Another Mailer) is a email client for AmigaOS. With YAM you can receive, send and manage all your messages on your Amiga computer. The first version of YAM is made by Marcel Beck in 1995. In the year 2000 Marcel made the source-code open source and now YAM is maintained by a team of developers. Relaunch64 3 Beta 8 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Improvements for Goto and Auto functions and a Command-Line-Parameter is implemented with the start of the program. EvenMore v0.80 - Amiga | EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Optimized the RTF2Text and the HTML2Text plugin. Improved the highlighting, shadow text and strikethrough. Added a PageStream2Text plugin with a outline text style. BetterWB v3.6 | BetterWB is a new workbench pack, like AIAB, Amikit, AmigaSYS, ClassicWB etc. It aims to be an enhancement and an update to AmigaOS 3.1 but without the need of extra hardware. Changes in this version: Rebooter, EnvHandler, customize and lock palettes with FullPalette, updates for icon.library, PFS3 aio and DMS, and many other improvements. PT-1210 Protracker Turntable Software - Amiga | With the PT-1210 Mk1 you can use your Amiga as a Protracker Digital Turntable. You can use your Amiga to play live at DJ shows. The program is written in 68k assembler and can be used on all Amiga set-ups. Petscii Editor v4.5 | FieserWolf released a new version of the Petscii Editor. Changes in this version: Joystick support, 4 x 4 mode, two pages (buffers) like in Amica Paint. The speed of the keys is now adjustable and you can load your own music in the editor. Odyssey Web Browser 1.24 - MorphOS | Fabien Coeurjoly released a new version of the Odyssey Web Browser for MorphOS. The features are: WebKit, Javascript, CSS, DOM, SVG, Unicode, SSL and HTML5. Changes in this version: WebKit r161078, OpenSSL 1.0.1g, GCC 4.7.3, CURL, WebP support, RequestAnimationFrame and improved CSS animation support. durexForth v1.3 | Ravelli released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and a assembler. Changes in this version: Music Macro Language (MML) support. Renamed four assembly mnemonics. Strings can now be longer than 256 bytes and optimized jsr. AmigaAMP v3.15 - AmigaOS 4 | Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio. It can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improvements for info window, pubscreen, AREXX open/add commands, playlist loading, charset conversion routines, M3U playlist, time display and automatic reconnect for shoutcast streaming. AROS Vision 2.5 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: Poseidon, ImageFX 1.5, AmiBlitz 3.6, Amiga-E-Compiler, Trog AGA, SDL games, Ignition, ViewCSV and support for MIDI-Data. Armin Sander interview | Armin Sander is the programmer of the famous 8-tracks tracker Oktalyzer on Amiga. The problem with an 8 track tracker was that the CPU was not fast enough to mix all 8 channels in real-time. The later version had only 6 channels to improve the quality of the sound. You can read the whole interview on the Obligement web page. PlayEm64 V1.0 - C64 | PlayEm64 is a tool that makes it possible to play .SID files on your Commodore C64. You just have to change the file type/ending/ex-tension on your PC from .SID into .PRG and then put the files on a disk image. The code was written by TheRyk, the documents are made by Achim and TheRyk and Thunder.Bird did the testing. Relaunch64 3 Beta 6 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Relaunch64 is going to be completely re-written, using Java and NetBeans. Plus/4 memory map v1.8 | SVS improved his memory map for the Commodore C16, C116 and the Plus/4. This .xls file is a very comprehensive description of the 264 models. Changes in this version: PETSCII codes with CBM+key codes. New tables and command modes for RS232. More information about: ACIA registers, banking routines, OS96, LOAD routines, functions keys, monitor commands and the RT clock. Diskimage.device - Amiga | Diskimage.device is an virtual storage device driver that allows to mount various diskimage file formats and use them just as if they were real disks. Changes in this version: Improvements for MDS. Updates for Thore Boeckelmann's bz2.library and application.library version 2 interfaces. FunkPaint 0.42a | FunkPaint is an editor for Hires / Multi / Multicolor and DTV pictures. The program can be used with an joystick or mouse and supports memory expansions (+60k, REU, Ramcart, Georam etc.). Changes in this version: Improved the fill function and mouse precision. Support for the Atari ST mouse / CX-22 trackball. And now the cursor follows the mouse in zoom mode even when not drawing. AROS shell manual v0.80 | Paolo Besser has made an manual for the AROS shell. The manual has the following subjects: Introduction, AROS shell basics, Path / Command Template / Patterns / Redirection /Special drives devices / Running in background / Basic file operation with shell / Working with SFS / Script programming / AROS-DOS Scripting / Working with a script file / Changing system script files / AROS command reference, Printer escape codes and error codes. This version also includes AROSTCP commands and the archive management utilities in the Extras drawer. Spectacular Copy Turbo 2 Disk V1.1 | A new version of Spectacular Copy is available. Changes in this version: Automatic correction of characters in the file name when saving to diskette. 100% accurate block size calculation for files that are read from tape. No more problems with files that are 0 byte long. When using the turbo, the sound is now enabled. Odyssey 1.23 - AmigaOS4 | The Odyssey Web Browser is a WebKit-based browser for AmigaOS. The features are r155188 WebKit, Javascript, CSS, DOM, SVG, Unicode, SSL and HTML5 Video/Audio support. Recent changes: Improvements for ffmpeg, adblock, HTTP authentication, FTP, spellchecker and many more. EvenMore v0.78 - Amiga | EvenMOre is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Auto check for local files. Improvements for printing, Dir2Text, MUI and Arc2Text plugin. A new button interface and the images are now IFF files instead of icons. durexForth v1.26 | Ravelli released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and a assembler. Changes in this version: Improved line buffering, added assembler labels, base, hex, decimal, [char], Floating point values, lshift and rshift. GPS View v0.2 - C64 | Timo Voutilainen has made an update for his GPS system for the Commodore C64. New in this version: A basic navigation system is added. The negative latitude is now correct. The screen has now a heading and the speed is in km/h. ACME v0.94.8 | ACME is a cross assembler, and can produce code for the following processors: 6502, 6510 (including illegal opcodes), 65c02 and 65816. ACME supports global, local and anonymous labels, offset assembly, conditional assembly and looping assembly. New in this version: Segments can be edited inside PseudoPC sections. The old Pseudo Opcodes !cbm, !subzone and !realpc are switched off. Support for the illegal Opcode 0xab (LXA #$xx) and 120 other improvements in the code. Chameleon - C-One | Peter Wendrich made a new core for the C-One. The core is based on the beta9 firmware release of Chameleon. With this core the C-One is an C64 with a turbo mode (F11). The SID is emulated with filters (stereo SID is optional), and all VGA resolutions are available. AROS Vision 2.4 | A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. Changes in this version: New icons. Freeware-Raytracer added. Improvements for file formats and support for the YAFA file format (Trackers). Text-client for the indieGO-Marketplace. And many other improvements and optimisations. Jack v4.5 - Amiga | Jack is a multi-purpose program for AmigaOS, AROS and MorphOS. Features: Preferences, Screen snapshot, Knowledge Base, Image editor, Music player, Slideshow, File-management, Auto-updates, etc. Changes in this version: OS4 Kernal update. Reorganised the buttons in a list view, Icon for list items. A window for add, edit or remove RSS Feeds. Improvements for the GetDevices() function.