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Start page VIC-20 Sokoban | Michael Kircher made a Commodore VIC-20 version of the classic puzzle game Sokoban. The game can be played on a real (unexpanded) VIC-20 with a disk drive and a joystick or with the VICE-emulator. Sokoban was originally developed by Hiroyuki Imabayashi in 1982. Lemonade - VIC-20 | Orion70 made a conversion of the classic Commodore 64 game Lemonade for the VIC-20. This version works with the the FAT40 system to give you 40 columns text instead of 22. Your goal in this fun little game will be to make as much money as you can within the 12 summer weeks. Carling the Spider (VIC-20) | Psytronik released a new game for the Commodore VIC-20 called Carling the Spider. This is a multi-screen platform game. Your mission is to collect all the shiny diamonds while avoiding deadly spikes and balls of steel! The game is made by Joe 'Polygon' Dixon and can be played on a Unexpanded VIC 20 (PAL or NTSC). You can order the game as a download and as a budget or premium diskette version. Omega Fury | Robert Hurst released another new game for the Commodore VIC-20. This time he made a sequel to Bally-Midway's Omega Race. An arcade-style space shooter making use of Roberts VIC Software Sprite Stack - 4th edition. Included with the games are the source-code, documentation to the story line and game instructions. To play the game you need a VIC-20 with a 16 kByte memory expansion or the VICE emulator. VICUAL MMIX | Pasi Ojala released a new demo for the VIC-20. This demo runs on a un-expanded VIC-20 with a disk drive. The music for this demo was made by Anders Carlsson. All the parts of the demo are explained on Pasi's web page, there is a NTSC and PAL version of the demo and the source codes are also available. Ouranos 2 | This game for the Commodore VIC-20 with a 8k memory expansion is made by Anders Carlsson. The original game (Weather War) was made for the Commodore PET and Orion70 made a 40 column version for the VIC-20. But Anders made a genuine 22 column version with color. The game and the BASIC listing can be downloaded. Quikman 8K (VIC-20) | Robert Hurst made an improved version of his game Quickman. For this game, Quickman 8k, you will need an Commodore VIC-20 with an 8k memory expansion. You can also use the VICE emulator. The improved version has better (software) sprites and more features. You can download the game, sources and the cartridge binaries. Ten-Ten | Jeffrey Daniels made a new game for the (unexpanded) Commodore VIC-20. The game is called Ten-Ten and is a puzzle game. Your objective to align a universe of dots. The game is written in BASIC and uses a joystick to play. Island of Secrets - VIC20 | FAT40 and Orion made a VIC20 version of the game Island of Secrets. This is a adventure game and was originally written by Jenny Tyler and Les Howarth. To play the game you need VIC20 with a 24K RAM expansion or the VICE emulator. Besides the game itself also the manual, clues, map and the original book are available for download. As a bonus the adventure is in 40 columns! WhackE VIC-20 | Aleksi Eeben and Kweepa developed a game for the Commodore VIC-20. It is a enhanced version of the 1K game Whack. Find your way through the dungeon levels and bring the Amulet back to the surface. Watch out for fierce guardian Demons and other creatures living in the dungeons. The game can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20 or with the VICE emulator. You can use keys (ZXOK) or a joystick. Mega Cart | The Mega-Cart is a collection of games (179), handy utilities (24) and a software-configurable 32K RAM expansion. It can be used with the Commodore VIC-20 (PAL and NTSC).
The Mega Cart is in production and shipping starts in February. You can order it for USD 99.95 from the web page. Quickman - VIC-20 | Robert Hurst has released an new version of his game Quickman. Quickman is a Pacman clone for the Commodore VIC-20 (no memory expansion). Robert made the following improvements: Changed the character graphics to reduce flickering. Fixed the number of lives remaining. Fixed a software interrupt. Reverse monsters direction after swallowing a power pill. Improved quikman's death sequence. Added a cheat key to advance to the next fruit level. You can download the game and the complete source code from Roberts web blog. Game Theory 2 | Jeffrey Daniels released a new game for the VIC-20. Game Theory 2 is a collection of mini games written in BASIC. After each level the difficulty increases. The game can be played on a Commodore VIC-20 with no memory expansion or in the VICE emulator. VICtoria Gold Edition | Orion70 and Michael Mike Kircher teamed up and made a Gold version of the game VICtoria. In this improved version: Hi-res intro screen. Multi-colour map screen. 23 Regions, now including Hibernia (Ireland). Invasions by the Huns. You need a Commodore VIC-20 with an 16 kbyte expansion or an emulator like the VICE emulator. VICtoria Deluxe Edition | VICtoria is a strategy game set in ancient Rome, between 200 b.C. and 800 a.D. It is programmed in BASIC and requires a VIC-20 equipped with 8K RAM expansion. The game includes management of your army, troops transfer between provinces, war to enemy empires, and variation of tax rate. You can download the game and a manual. Ancient School | Andreas Gustafsson released a demo for the Commodore VIC-20. Andreas released demos in the past for systems like the Commodore C64, C64 DTV, a Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator and the PC. This time he did a demo on the VIC-20 with a 512 dots per frame plotter in a 96x160 pixels screen. 32 characters DXYCP with 8x8 animated characters. 3D vector in a 96x160 screen. You can download the demo and many others from his web page. Heist | Jeffrey Daniels released a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. This game can be played with a joystick on a real VIC-20 or with the VICE emulator (no memory expansion). In the game you have to steal as much money as you can and get it to your secret hideaway. There are also puzzles you have to solve. Mille Bornes | Orion70 released a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. Mille Bornes is a French card game. Mille Bornes is played with a special deck of cards. There are hazard, remedy, safety, and distance cards. Each hazard is corrected by a corresponding remedy, and is actually prevented from happening in the first place by a corresponding safety. The target distance is reached by playing distance cards. You can play the game on a VIC-20 with a 8kbyte RAM expansion. The Next Level | The VIC-20 demo The Next Level by PWP won second place in the oldskool demo category on Assembly 2008. The demo can be run on a real VIC-20 or in the VICE emulator. (disk-drive, no expansion). PWP (Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot) is a Finnish demogroup founded in 1994. PWP is known for their story line based demos. Tetris - VIC-20 | There are still new games releases for the VIC-20. NBLA000 and Nippur72 programmed this new game for the VIC-20 computer which was released more than 27 year ago. The music part was done by Carlsson. Tetris is a VIC-20 version of the very popular 80s puzzle game. Requirements: 3K expansion, joystick optional. The game can be downloaded from the web page. VIC-20 TTF font | ArugulaZ made a TTF font based on the VIC-20 typeset. With this font you can use the VIC-20 typeset in a word processor like Open Office or Word. Go-Moku VIC-20 | This is a board game with very simple rules. It is written by Nino Porcino. Two players writing a 'X' or a 'O' on a free square of the board. The player who first connects five consecutive squares with his sign (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins the game. You can download this VIC-20 or C64 game from the web page. Behr-Bonz Multicart | The Behr-Bonz Multicart is a cartridge for the VIC-20. Instead of only one game there are 127 games on this cartridge. The pcb comes fully assembled and ready for use. It can be placed inside an original cartridge case. The NTSC version is available for some time now but a PAL version is available in the near future. A few examples of the games are: Attack of the Mutant Camels, Avenger, Choplifter, Defender, Frogger, Gridrunner, Lode Runner, Moon Patrol, Pac-Man, Q-Bert, Sargon II Chess, Shamus, Super Smash, and Visible Solar System. VIC20 Denial  | This is a web site dedicated to the VIC20. There is a active forum where you can ask questions, chat or buy and sell your VIC equipment. Besides a forum there is also a WIKI. Here you can learn all details about the first computer to sell more than 1.000.000 units. JiffyDOS for the VIC20 | Jim Brain is working on Jiffy DOS for the Commodore VIC-20. Take a look on Jim's web page for all the Jiffy DOS products. VIC 20 lives inside the C-One | Tobiflex has transfered the VIC20 PAL Core from MNikeJ into the C-ONE. The IEC Support is included.