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Start page Exit Plan Z II - VIC20 | Exit Plan Z II (Channel Z) is a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is developed by R'zo. In the game you must avoid the zombies, get the key and make your way to the door for the next level. VIC-20 Fusion | Radical Brad is working on a multimedia expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. Features: No modifications to the VIC-20, VGA 400 x 300 with 4096 colours and a blitter system, 4 channel sound, SD and USB. 6561 Die-shot reversing explorations | Lance Ewing is exploring the MOS 6561 chip (Video Interface Chip). He is working on the Y-decoder and X-decoder logic. Cheese & Onion - VIC20 | The platform game Cheese & Onion for the Commodore VIC20 will be released on cartridge. The game is developed by Misfit, The Future Was 8bit and Tynemouth Software. The game is compatible with PAL and NTSC and can be played with a joystick. VIC-2000 Expander | Radical Brad is working on a modern expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. The features are VGA video, 4096 colours, 16 Megabytes of fast audio / video memory, a blitter system (sprites) and 4 channels of 8 bit sound. VIC 20 & VIC 1001 registry | Oldcomputr made a web page where you can register your VIC 20 or VIC 1001. This web page will be used to analyse the existing VIC 20s and VIC 1001s in the world. Floppy Days - Podcast #79 | Floppy Days is an English podcast about Retro computers. In this episode: The Commodore VIC-20, Part II. It Came from the Grave & Haunt - VIC20 | Jeffrey Daniels released two new games for the Commodore VIC-20. Both games are written in Basic and can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20. In the game It Came from the Grave you must find the key and escape through the gate without touching a hidden danger. In the game Haunt you must fight with the zombies. NitroWheels - VIC20 | NitroWheels is a new game for the Commodore VIC20, developed by Enrico Bruttomesso. The game is a racing game and can be played on a unexpanded Commodore VIC20. NinjaTerm - VIC20 | NinjaTerm is a new program for the Commodore VIC-20. NinjaTerm has the following features: Very fast, 2400 baud in VICE, 1200 baud in hardware, C64 char set, file transfers, address book and support for Wifi Modems / tcpser modems. WimBASIC - VIC-20 | There is a new version of WimBASIC available. WimBASIC is a BASIC extension for the Commodore VIC-20. The program is loaded in BLK5 of a RAM memory expansion or you can use a ROM cartridge. The changes in this version are: Improvements for PRINT USING and CMD. Flip Flop 4 - VIC20 | Flip Flop 4 is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 developed by vicist. The game is a 2-player strategy game in which you need to connect four pieces of your colour in a row by moving / jumping them around the board. Jan Beta - VIC20 Futureproofing | Jan Beta made a video about improving the life span of the Commodore VIC20. This includes recapping and heatsinking the chips. Cross Chase - VIC20 | Linzino released the Commodore VIC20 version of the open source multi-system 8-bit game Cross Chase which supports most 8-bit computers. In the game you are chased by enemies and you can kill them by luring them into the mines. Legend of the Lost Catacombs - VIC20 | Legend of the Lost Catacombs is a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is made by Ryan Liston (R'zo) and needs a 24 KiB memory expansion. In the game you must find your way through the dark catacombs with only the light of your fairy. SuperCPU - VIC20 | Kakemoms is working on a SuperCPU for the Commodore VIC20. The features are: 22MHz, 65C02 core, 1MByte RAM, USB, SD-card and VGA. At the moment the PCB layout is almost finished. The 8-Bit Guy - VIC-20 cartridges | The 8-Bit Guy made a video about using a Penultimate, Pentagorat and a Planet X1 cartridge with the Commodore VIC-20. Floppy Days - Podcast #74 | Floppy Days is an English podcast about Retro computers. In this episode: Giacomo Vernoni, Commodore Vic 20: A Visual History. SuperCPU - VIC20 | Kakemoms is working on a SuperCPU for the Commodore VIC20. The features are: 22MHz, 65C02 core, 16 KByte RAM expansion and plugs into the expansion port. Realms of Quest V - VIC-20 | Ghislain is working on Realms of Quest V for the Commodore VIC20. This RPG game will have 4 diskette sides, 250 portrait graphics, 6 races, 16 classes, music, big world map, 20 cities and 10 characters. Floppy Days - Podcast #71 | Floppy Days is an English podcast about Retro computers. In this episode: Neil Harris, Vic-20 Commando Team. The 8-Bit Guy - VC20 Super Expander / Eprom programmer | The 8-Bit Guy made a video about using a Super Expander and an Eprom programmer with the Commodore VIC-20. Commodore VIC 20: a visual history | Giacomo Vernoni made a book with high quality pictures of the VIC 20, peripherals and Commodore games on cartridge. A few examples are: VIC 1001, VIC 20 (PAL/NTSC), VIC 1010, VIC 1020, VICmodem, VIC 1515, VIC 1525, VIC 1540, VIC 1541, C2N, 1530, paddles, joysticks, boxes and cartridges. VIChaos - VIC20 | Vic Porter made a new game for the Commodore VIC20. VIChaos is a turn based wizard battle strategy game for 0-8 players. The original version by Julian Gollop was released on Spectrum in 1985. GCart Jr. - VIC20 | Thomas Lövskog is developing cartridges for the Commodore VIC-20. The GCart Junior is a RAM expansion for the VIC-20. At the moment he is testing the first batch of cartridges. Meteor Wave - VIC20 | Tokra released a new game for the Commodore VIC20. In the game a meteor wave is threatening the earth. You can play the game with the light pen on a unexpanded Commodore VIC20. Maxi-Edit - VIC20 | Tokra made a program for using a larger screen in Basic with the Commodore VIC20. The screen can now be 26x32 characters. But you will need an 8 KB RAM expansion. Floppy Days - Podcast #69 | Floppy Days is an English podcast about Retro computers. In this episode: The Commodore VIC20 - History, with Brian Bagnall, Michael Tomczyk, and Neil Harris. Cask Jumper - VIC20 | Tmy10100 released a game he made 30 years ago. In the game you must jump your motorcycle over obstacles. You can use the keyboard or a joystick to play the game. Sink-20 Beta2 | Kweepa developed an emulator for the Commodore VIC-20. This emulator also has a BASIC editor, a debugger and a profiler. Sink-20 is still a work in progress but you can try it already. $B - VIC-20 | Vic Porter made a VIC-20 version of the game 2048, originally developed by Gabriele Cirulli. The game $B is a puzzle game that can be played on a VIC-20 with no expansion. You can use WASD to move and R to restart. Pentagorat - VIC20 | Mika Keränen released the game Pentagorat for the Commodore VIC-20. In the game you wake up and you cannot remember where you are. You are a prisoner of the castle of Pentagorat. The game is PAL and NTSC compatible, but needs an 32 kB memory expansion.