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Start page | Bil Herd started a new web page. Bil worked, in the eighties, for Commodore and was the man responsible for C16, Plus/4, C128 and the C64 LCD. On this web page you can find information about commodore, news, videos, downloads, electronics, science and technology. There is a forum and you can start your own blog on the web page. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 5 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Final fight (U.S. Gold), Gyroscope (Melbourne House), Happiest days of your life (Firebird) , Nonterraqueous (Mastertronic) and Inside Outing (The Edge). Amiga 550 | The Amiga 550 is a project to replace the motherboard of a Amiga 500. The new motherboard will have extra features: IDE , 2 clock ports, Zorro-II connector for a Picasso-II, Mas-MP3 Player connector and a turbo slot for a 68020,68030,68040 turbo. In October the first prototype will be made and if it works correctly 30 more will be made. Computer Collection Vienna | The Computer Collection Vienna web page from Stefan Egger has had an update. On this web page you can see his collection of Commodore, Amiga, Atari and other computers. You can read information about transferring data, emulators, joysticks, repair and other tips and tricks. Stefan also made many 3D models from computers. Pet Me | Pet Me is a collection of true type fonts made by Rebecca Bettencourt. In this collection you will find the fonts of the Commodore PET, VIC-20, C64 and C128. As a bonus you can also download the GEOS and Giana Sisters fonts. Besides fonts for the Commodore, Rebecca made many more fonts including Apple II, Mattel, Atari, Gameboy, Spectrum and many more. Pirate's Portal | The web page Pirate's Portal is back online. The site, now hosted by, has more than 3000 pieces of software for the Commodore, Amiga, Spectrum, Atari, MSX, Amstrad, Nitendo and Sega computers. You can also find Demo's, Magazines, Tools and information about people from the retro computer community. HVSC #55 | There is a update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more than 40.000 SIDs in the collection. In this update 804 new SIDs, 113 fixed/better rips, 742 SID credit fixes, 176 SID model/clock infos, 20 tunes identified and 38 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Hyperion Entertainment Support Forum | Hyperion Entertainment has now a forum for customers. The forum has the following categories: General, AmigaOS 4.x including Classic, AmigaOne, Sam and Pegasus, Games (Shogo, Heretic II, Freespace, Quake II) and Developer (Generic and SDK). The language on the forum is English. RetroChallenge 2011 | In the month July you can enter the RetroChallenge 2011 competition. You can submit anything that has to do with computers from the pre-Pentium era. Everything is allowed, hardware project, programs, multi media etc. Visit the RetroChallenge web page for more details. AmigaRemix | You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix web page. In the last weeks they added the following Amiga music: Globdule, Golden Axe first level metal remake, Cabal metal remake, Test Drive 2 - 2011er CoolDown Version, Turrican II - The Explorer Rock Band Edition, Hybris Title (RAWk!), Turrican II - The Great Bath (Piano Arrangement), Street Fighter 2 Intro remix, Back From Blue, Simon the Sorcerer Main Theme. You can download the remixes, 785 at the moment, in the mp3 format. Mingo’s Commodorepage | On the web page Mingo’s Commodorepage you can find a comprehensive collection of Commodores. You will also find a game-, tools-, demo- and Easter eggs- database , many manuals, historical timeline of Commodore systems and operating systems and much more. TOSEC | TOSEC has been updated. TOSEC, or The Old School Emulation Center, is a group of people dedicated to the preservation of games and other programs for home computer and console systems. In this update: 37 new, 107 updated and 9 removed. | LukasSid has started a new web page. On this web page you will find information about midi hardware and software. If you have any information, pictures, software or hardware related to making music with Commodore 64 computer, not mentioned on this web page you can contact the team of What is MorphOS | Ulrich Beckers has written an introduction about MorphOS. If you want to find out more about this Amiga-like operating system you can find lots of information and links on this web page. MorphOS can be used on a Pegasus I and II, Efika 5200B, Apple eMac, Mac Min G4 and the PowerMac G4. TOSEC | TOSEC has been updated. TOSEC, or The Old School Emulation Center, is a group of people dedicated to the preservation of games and other programs for home computer and console systems. Duncan Twain made many corrections to the C64 section and added 2 GB of data. GameFAQs | GameFAQs is an online archive of video and computer game information, codes, walkthroughs, hints, message boards, save games files, and of course, FAQs. There are special sections for the VIC-20, C64 and the Amiga computers. Amiga Manuals | About a year ago Josh started a web page with Amiga manuals. Now there are more than 1500 game manuals and 500 other manuals for the Amiga computer available. The manuals are in the following categories: Ebooks, Games, Hardware, Schematics and others. And if you have a manual that is missing on this web page please contact Josh. Retroinvaders 2011 calendars | The new Retroinvaders calendar is now available. This calendar is available in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. In the calendar you will find lots of recent Commodore C64 games. There is also a calendar available for the Sinclair QL and a one with a compilation of Retro computers. Michau's CBM-II page | Michau has started a web page dedicated to the CBM-II computers. On his blog you can read about his projects. He transformed a CBM 720 into a CBM 720D, He works on a cartridge that give syou the possibility to connect a IEC disk drive to a CBM_II. And he has demonstrated that a CBM-II can use MS-DOS with the rare 8088 co-processor board. C64 Take-away podcast | Episode 048 is now available for download. In this podcast you can hear the following music: Mendacious, Law Of The West, Spellbound, Rainbow Shuffle, Forbidden Forest, Billig Oel, Eliminator, Boing Doing and Golden Axe. There is also news about: Remix.Kwed.Org, PRESS PLAY ON TAPE, Mind.In.A.Box, The Chipophone, Chiptunes podcast, One Man and His Mic, Music Assembler, Cubase64 and Get Lamp. Commodore USA | Commodore USA has new Commodore products. The C64 is a PC with a mini-ITX PC motherboard with Dual Core 525 Atom processor and a Nvidia Ion2 graphics processor. The outside is almost identical to the original C64. The Amiga series A1000, A2000 and A3000 are PC cases which can be used as a PC or as a Media centre. HVSC #54 | There is a update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. In this update 933 new SIDs, 217 fixed/better rips, 561 SID credit fixes, 258 SID model/clock infos, 34 tunes identified and 50 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Commodore Quiz | Test yourself if you know everything about this legendary computer brand. In the Commodore Quiz you will see a small picture of a Commodore related item. You can choose from 5 answers, but be quick because you get time bonus points. And the best quizzers get into the Top 50. Play the Commodore Quiz and proof you are an expert.
The Commodore Quiz is available in English, Dutch and German. Commodore - a Company on the Edge | Brian Bagnall has released a new book called: Commodore - a Company on the Edge. This book is a major rework of his book On the Edge: the Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore. In Brian's new book there are 15 additional interviews with: Brian Dougherty, John Feagans, Andy Finkel, Bill Gardei, Neil Harris, Manfred Kapp, Dale Luck, Bill Mensch, Dick Sanford, Bill Seiler, Kit Spencer, Yash Terakura and Michael Tomczyk. Commodore Bounty | Always wanted a piece of software or hardware for your Commodore but it does not exist yet? There is now a web page that has a bounty system for creating new software or hardware for the Commodore. A recent completed bounty is a rewritten frimware for SD2IEC that makes GEOS possible on your C64 with an SD card for storage. At the moment there are bounties for making a Kernal Cartridge, JiffyDOS for the Vic 20, CBM-Command documentation and a Taipan version for the Commodore 64. Commodore elections | The yearly election of the best product and the best developers in the Commodore community is now open. You can vote for the best hardware and software, the voting will close at 2010-12-01 23:59:59 Central European Time. Monarchy Website | The Hungarian demo group Monarchy presented their new web page. The web page is in English and Hungarian language. And the Monarchy group is also organizing a new competition called Pimp My Part. In this competition you must pimp an demo. C64 TrueType Fonts | Style has released a Commodore C64 TrueType font package. This package provides five TrueType formatted fonts as well as Embedded OpenType (.eot) and Web Open Font Format (.woff) versions ready for use in your own website. The fonts contains all the C64 characters and additional characters to complete the ASCII set (left and right brace, caret, grave accent, backslash and tilde). Replay Resources | The web page Replay Resources is a wiki about the Action Replay. On this web page you can find pictures, schematics, manuals, software, adverts, screen-shots, etc. for the Action Replay. But the wiki has also information about all kinds of freezers (Expert cartridge, Magic Formel, Nordic Power, Power Cartridge, Final Cartridge etc.), Kernal ROMs, Cartridge speeders, REUs, Expansion port expanders, Parallel cables and game pokes. 200 Commodore Sightings | The Commodore Info Page has reached the milestone of 200 Commodore sightings. And number 200 is a special one. In a episode of the Channel 4 computer-show, 4 Computer Buff's, you can see Jack Tramiel. He talks about the new range of computers from Atari. Other examples of sightings are: Airwolf, Buck Rogers, Derrick, Futurama, Knight Rider, MacGyver, Magnum PI, Miami Vice, Police Academy 3, Red Dwarf, Sesame Street, Star Trek, The IT crowd and Wayne's World. 25 Years Amiga | It is 25 years ago (24-07-1985) that the Amiga 1000 computer was introduced at the Lincoln Center in New York City. The first Amiga had 256 kBytes RAM, a Motorola 68000 CPU at 7 MHz and three custom chips: Agnus (blitter, copper), Denise (video) and Paula (audio, disk). The A1000 was followed by new models like: A500, A2000, A3000, A4000, A600, A1200, CD-32 etc. MiniGame Compo 2010 | Dr Beep made a web page for the MiniGame Compo 2010. You can send in your mini game for this year's competition. The rules are 1 kByte, 2 kByte, 4 kByte filesizes and only 8-bit computers are allowed. Take a look at the MiniGame Compo 2010 web page for all the details.