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Start page HVSC v53 | The HVSC (High Voltage SID Collection) crew released a new update. In version 53: 1045 new SIDs, 897 fixed/better rip, 153 entries deleted, 1076 SID credit fixes, 81 SID model/clock infos, 125 SIDs moved to new location. The latest update can be downloaded from the HVSC web page. Pac-Man - 30 years | The famous video game Pac-Man will celebrate it's 30th birthday on May 22, 2010. The game was designed by Tõru Iwatani, programmed by Shigeo Funaki and the music / sound was done by Toshio Kai. In the game you must eat all dots but be aware of the monsters Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. There are 255 levels and you can score a maximum of 3,333,360 points. There is a level 256 but a bug in the software makes it impossible to play this level. Take a look at the Pac-Man wikipedia page for more details. Commodore brochures | The Commodore Info Page has added a new section to the collection of Commodore items. This new section has scans of original brochures of Commodore computers, disk drives, datasettes, printers, software and more. At the moment there are 30 high resolution brochures available, a few examples are: Commodore LCD, Commodore SFS 484, Amiga 2286, Amiga 2024, KCS Power Cartridge, KoalaPad, Llamasoft games, etc. | The web page has an archive of German computer magazines. Last months they have been added many Happy computer and Powerplay magazines. The scans are in in full color and high resolution (150 dpi). At this moment there are 22 complete magazines available. C64 PC | A brand new company called Commodore USA has obtained the rights to use the Commodore name for a C64 style PC. This PC is a all in one keyboard computer just like our favourite C64. Technical data: Intel Core 2 Quad cpu, Up to 4 GB of RAM, Intel Graphics, Gigabit Ethernet, USB, Audio with build in speakers, Touchpad and a DVD or Blueray drive. The PC can run Windows, Linux or OS/2. Commodore monitor information | Gona made a web page with technical information about the Commodore monitors. This page has information about: manufacturer, connectors, resolution, introduction year and application. Tips and Tricks for C128 | MIRKOSOFT has build a web page with information for the Commodore C128 / C128D. The web page is still under construction, at the moment the following information is available: Herdware, Keyboard, BASIC V7, GO64 and Searching for... The following items are planned for the near future: VIC-II, VDC, BASIC V8, Assembler, CP/M, Input devices, Storage, REU, Networking, Printers, Cartridges, Interfaces and Downloads. HVSC - New web page | The High Voltage SID Collection web page is totally renewed. The main parts are: The download section, Search, SID-Players, Info, FAQ and Links. Especially the Search part is much improved. You can for example type-in Jeroen Tel 1991 and you will be presented with a complete list. Via this list you can view details such as Title, Author, Release date, SID model, Speed, File Format and more or download the SID. Amiga Documents | A anonymous person has published a large amount of files on a web page about the history of Amiga. At the moment there are more than 600 PDF files available for viewing or downloading. | There is a new web based database for c64 graphics. On this web page you can find high quality Commodore 64 graphics from the 80ies until now. To see all the graphics you need to register first. The following graphic formats are available: AFLI, CharMode, FLI, HiRes, IFLI, MCI, MUCSU, MultiColor, MUIFLI, NUFLI, SHI, SHIFLI, UIFLI and XFLI. For more details you can contact enthusi/onslaught or veto/oxyron by personal message via the CSDb web page. C64 Calender 2010 | Josepzin made a calender for 2010. The calender has a Commodore C64 theme. For example Ghost 'n Goblins, Antiriad, The Great Gianna Sisters, Boulderdash and Ghostbusters. You can download the pdf and print it out. There are English and Spanish versions available. HVSC #52 | The High Voltage SID Collection has been updated. This update: 874 new SIDs, 65 fixed/better rips, 470 SID credit fixes, 174 SID model/clock infos, 17 tunes identified. The whole collection (73 MByte) or the update (4,9 MByte) can be downloaded from the HVSC web page. Amiga Virus Encyclopedia | The Amiga Virus Encyclopedia has been updated. This web site dedicated to analysis and descriptions of viruses for the Commodore Amiga computer. The database has now information of more than 500 virusses. Commoradio | The internet radio station Commoradio plays a 1 hour play-list. The music is randomly generated. You can choose between Amiga 32/16 bit music and C64 8-bit music. There is no fancy interface, no presenters, no breaks, just authentic computer music for your ears! Plus/4 Ftp archive | A new Ftp archive is available with Plus/4 demo's, documentation, games, magazines, parties and tools. The archive will be kept up to date by Luca. All changes are available in the txt file in the main folder. Commodore Programming Wikispace | Scott Hutter made a Wiki about programming the Commodore C64 / 128. On this Wiki you can find articles about: BASIC Reference, GEOS Programming, C64 - 128 Kernal Reference, Redimenisioning Arrays (C64), Unnew, Autorun Programs, Fast SEQ File Reader (C128), Speeding Up The 1541 (C64), Rasters, Modifying the INPUT Question Mark (C64), Memory Transfer Using BASIC ROM (C64), Simple Word Wrap Routine and much more. Rick Dangerous and Switchblade | Game designer Simon Phipps made paper models of Rick Dangerous and Switchblade. You can download the pdf, print it out and glue the paper models together. Simon Phipps started with games in 1982 and designed games like: Skate Crazy, Rick Dangerous, Switchblade, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Bubba 'n' Stix, ShadowMan and five Harry Potter games. Hyperion and Amiga Inc. reach settlement | Hyperion is pleased to announce that on September 30, 2009, it has reached a comprehensive settlement agreement with Amiga, Inc., Itec LLC and Amino Development Corporation, Inc., to bring all ongoing litigation and worldwide pending procedures between the parties to an end. As part of the settlement agreement, the Amiga Parties acknowledge that Hyperion is the sole owner of AmigaOS 4. Commodore SX-64 controls a car wash | This car wash is controlled with a Commodore SX-64. The Commodore SX-64 is connected to the car wash with an home build interface. It uses the user-port to control 6 relays and it uses joystick port 1 to receive 5 inputs. The program is written in BASIC.
The horizontal brush has an height detection an can follow the contours of the car. Tulip is bankrupt | Netfield previously known as Tulip went bankrupt on September 3rd 2009. Netfield / Tulip was the holder of the name Commodore. Tulip bought the remains of Commodore from Escom in 1997 and was involved in the C64-DTV project. HVSC #51 | The High Voltage SID Collection has been updated. This update: 953 new SIDs, 93 fixed/better rips, 320 SID credit fixes, 159 SID model/clock infos, 14 tunes identified. The whole collection (70 MByte) or the update (4,4 MByte) can be downloaded from the HVSC web page. Starring the Computer | Starring the Computer is a web site dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance, realism and visibility. A few example of computer brands are: Acorn, Amstrad, Apple, Atari, Commodore, IMSAI, Kaypro, Oric, Sinclair Research, Tandy and many more. Nectarine Demoscene Radio | Nectarine Demoscene Radio is an Internet radio station dedicated to music from the demo scene. It's streamming 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You can also upload music or join others on the forum. RetroChallenge 2009 | In the month July you can enter the RetroChallenge 2009 competition. You can submit anything that has to do with computers from the pre-Pentium era. Everything is allowed, hardware project, programs, multi media etc. Visit the RetroChallenge web page for more details. Spot the Commodore | You are watching tv, and you spot a Commodore computer. In this article you can see these pictures. You can also read some background information about the tv-series, movie, music-video, arcade-game etc.
At the moment the number of found Commodore items is 50. C16 - Plus/4 books | There are more books about the Commodore C16 and Plus/4 available for download. The latest additions are: Commodore Plus/4 User's Manual. Commodore Plus/4 Integrated Software Manual. Write your own adventure programs. GEOS Inside and Out. The Commodore 16 Games Book. Beginners Micro Guides - Commodore 16. An Introduction to Basic - Part 1. C16/Plus 4 Reference Book. Mini Game Compo 2009  | The Mini Game Compo is a competition for game makers. There are three categories: 1k, 2k and 4k games. The games must run on a retro computer, for example the Commodore C64, Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, MSX, ORIC and many others. For the Commodore C64, Container by Charles Grey and Square Hunter by Richard Bayliss are in the competition. C16-Plus/4 BASIC programming | On the web page you can now download 4 pdf's about programming BASIC on the C16 and Plus/4. In these pdf's the following articles are included: Slow and Fast, Restore key, Window Command, Screen Codes / TED Text modes, Default and your own Character Set, Escape codes, ROM, Kernal jump table, 3-plus-1 and TedMon. HVSC #50 | A new update of the High Voltage SID Collection is available. In this update: 678 New SIDs, 59 SIDs fixed, 482 SID credit fixes, 135 SID model/clock infos, 25 Tunes identified, 47 Tunes moved to the correct directories. You can download the update (4 MByte) or the whole collection (68 MByte) LCP 2009 | The LCP (Little Computer People) party will be held on 17-19 July 2009 in Lund, Sweden. This party is for all C64, Amiga, Atari, Spectrum and console fans. In addition to the mighty compo, there will be lots of other party features in order to make LCP a mighty pleasant experience. You can expect demos on the bigscreen, game compos, DJ'ing, movies and much more. Retro fair | The Bonami game-computer museum organises a retro computer fair. There will be many exhibitors who sell games, consoles, computers and much more. The fair is in Harderwijk, the Netherlands on 4 April 2009. The entrance is 1 euro. Go to the Bonami web page for all the details. Retro Computer Dag - 2009 | The Retro Computer Dag is the largest retro computer event in the Netherlands. On this day (29 April 2009) you can buy all sorts of games, consoles and computers. Examples are: Atari, Commodore, Amiga, Sinclair, Philips, Sharp, MSX, BBC, Amstrad, New Brain, Intellivision, Vectrex, Coleco, Nintendo, Sega, Dreamcast and Sony Playstation 1.
Free entrance and free parking! Visit the web page of the Retro Computer Dag for all the details.