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Start page 10 MARC - Amiga & JPEG | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: Converting JPEG images into HAM 6 images, and presenting them with Amigavision. 8-Bit Show & Tell - Cobol 64 | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about using the programming language Cobol on the Commodore C64 computer. Jan Beta - BackBit C64 | A new video from Jan Beta. In this video: Jan talks about the new BackBit C64 cartridge for the Commodore C64, C128 and the VIC20. Pezz 82 - MiSTer FPGA Guide | A new video from Pezz 82. In this video: Pezz talks about using a MiSTer FPGA to emulate the Commodore C64. Virtual Dimension - Road Runner C64 | Virtual Dimension has made a video (German language) about the game Road Runner for the Commodore C64. The Jump'n'Run game Road Runner was developed by Atarisoft / Canvas Software and was published in the year 1987 by U.S. Gold. Mr Lurch's Things - C64 repair | Mr Lurch has made a new video about retro computers. In this video: The repair of a Commodore C64 computer. TheRetroChannel - 1541 repair | Mark Sawicki has made a new video. In this video the repair of a Commodore 1541 disk drive. Adrian Black - C64 video | A new video from Adrian Black. This time he shows how you can improve the video output of a Commodore C64 computer. CRG - Amiga hard disk options | A new video from CRG (Casual Retro Gamer). In this video CRG talks about hard disk options for the Amiga computer: CF card, SD card or IDE drive? GadgetUK164 - A2000 + TF534 | GadgetUK164 has made a video about upgrading an Amiga 2000. The upgrades are: TF534, Megachip, MKL 8MB and a bluetooth keyboard. Doktor64 - d64 & diskette | There is a new video from Doktor64. This time he shows you how to make a d64 and copy it to a real diskette. He also shows how to copy single files and format a diskette. Adrian Black - 1541-II repair | A new video from Adrian Black. This time he shows how you repair a Commodore 1541-II disk drive. 10 MARC - Amiga & Internet | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: Internet and e-mail with the Amiga computer. 8-Bit Show & Tell - 10 PRINT RACER | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about making a racing game for the Commodore PET computer.