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Start page CityXen - Encrypted Tales II | The YouTube channel CityXen made a Halloween video for this year: Encrypted Tales II - Commodore, Amiga, Atari, TI994a, MS-DOS Halloween AI War. Bart Venneker - C64 Communication experiment (2) | Bart Venneker has made a video about experimenting with communication via the cartridge port of the Commodore C64. (Dutch language.) 8-Bit Show & Tell - VIC20 RAM expander | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about a hand-made RAM and cartridge expander for the Commodore VIC20. Aphexteknol - Shuriken RF modulator | Aphexteknol made a new YouTube video. This time he talks about the Shuriken RF modulator and Zeta Wing. Chuck Hutchins - Datassette | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he talks about the Commodore Datassette. Dead Dinosaur - Commodore Basic | You can now watch a new YouTube video from Dead Dinosaur. In this video the basics of Commodore Basic. 8-Bit Show & Tell - Bruce Lee | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about the secrets and bugs in the game Bruce Lee for the Commodore C64 computer. - Amiga 1000 restoration | made a new video about the restoration of an Amiga 1000 computer. onaretrotrip - The making of Monkey Island | The YouTube channel onaretrotrip has made a documentary - The Making of Monkey Island. It is now 30 years ago that the game The Secret of Monkey Island was released. Chuck Hutchins - THE VIC20 | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he talks about the new THE VIC20 from Retro Games Ltd. CRG - Zipstik | A new video from CRG, in this video: The repair of a pair of Zipstik joysticks. Hey Birt! - C64 DIGI | In this new video from Hey Birt: C64 DIGIs, how they work and how to make your own. The Micro Museum - Fruity (2) | A new YouTube video from the Micro Museum. In this video the relationship between fruit and the computer industry. Daniel Renner - Mssiah | A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Modular synthesis with Mssiah Monosynth. The Centre for Computing History - Commodore MAX | A new YouTube video from The Centre for Computing History is now available. In this video: The Commodore MAX computer. BastichB 64K - Antonio Savona | A new video from BastichB 64K is now available. In this video: An interview C64 programmer Antonio Savona about his conversions of the Atari 2600 games, Frostbite, Keystone Kapers, Crackpots and Chopper Command to the Commodore 64. CRG - A500 Gotek | A new video from CRG, in this video: The installation of a Gotek OLED and a 2MB RAM expansion in an Amiga 500 computer. Bil Herd - MOS Technologies Factory Walk-Through | Bil Herd made a video of the old MOS Technologies building where he found some old Commodore equipment. 8-Bit Show & Tell - Programming the 6502 | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about the book Programming the 6502 from Rodnay Zaks. It's a Pixel Thing - Amiga PD games | A new video from It's a Pixel Thing is now available on YouTube. In this video Amiga: Public Domain games.  10 MARC - Telengard | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: The game Telengard from Avalon Hill for the Commodore PET, C64 and VIC20 computer. Retro Recollections - Kung Fu Flash cartridge | A new YouTube video of Retro Recollections. In this episode: The Kung Fu Flash cartridge. Retrobits - PlastiDip | A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video how to paint your Commodore C64 computer. Screen Shooters - LumaFix | You can watch a new video from the Screen Shooters YouTube channel (German language). In this episode the LumaFix for the Commodore C64 computer. CityXen - Beam Racer | A new video is available on the CityXen YouTube channel. In this video the FPGA Graphics Accelerator Beam Racer for the Commodore C64. Chuck Hutchins - VIC20 Cartridge - Cassette | Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he explains how he copied cartridges to tape in 1983 with his Commodore VIC20 computer. Nybbles and Bytes - Assembly (8) | The YouTube channel Nybbles and Bytes makes videos about retro computers. In this episode: Emulators and Assemblers. 8-Bit Show & Tell - JRPG | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he going to make a JRPG-Style Menu in C64 BASIC with LOADSTAR's Toolbox 181. Iz8dwf - 82S100 PLA | A new video from Iz8dwf. In this video: Replacing the 82S100 PLA in a Commodore C64 computer with an P556PT2. Bread Box - Rally sprint | A new video from the Bread Box Commodore Computer Museum. In this video the 1989 New Zealand National Rally sprint sponsored by Commodore Computer NZ Ltd. 10 MARC - SD2PET | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: A review of the SD2PET device for Commodore PET computers. Amiga Love - Amiga & CD | On the Amiga Love YouTube channel, you can now watch a video about using CDs on the Amiga computer.