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Strona startowa Tynemouth Software - VIC20 | Tynemouth Software napisało blog o działaniu Commodore VIC20. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Revs (Acornsoft, 1984) i Microcosm (Firebird, 1985). 8-Bit Show & Tell - C64 SID muzyka | Nowy film od Robin Harbron: Muzyka Commodore C64 SID (BASIC i IRQ). Laird's Lair - Commodore C900 | Laird's Lair nakręcił film o komputerze Commodore C900. 8-Bit Show & Tell - C128 TRON | Nowy film od Robin Harbron: Commodore C128 TRON, HELP i TRAP. 8-Bit Show & Tell - C128 PLAY | Nowy film od Robin Harbron: Commodore C128 PLAY. Aaron Baugher - C128 Assembly #44 | Wideo Aarona Baughera: Programowanie w języku asemblera. W tym odcinku: Przeprowadzka Zero Page i Stack. FRGCB | Nowe gra porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): The Last Ninja. AmigaLove - The Amiga Development System | Nowy artykuł na stronie Amiga Love: The Amiga Development System. C64 Bedtime Coding | Nowa seria artykułów na temat programowania 6502. Exploring the Amiga | Blog o programowaniu Amiga o Leonarda Giordani. Tematy na jego blogu to: Branching, Init, FindPos, InsertNode, Remove, AddLibrary, Manual decompilation, The complete Exec vector table i The memory list header. Retro 64 Blog | Blog o programowaniu Commodore C64. Exploring the Amiga | Blog o programowaniu Amiga o Leonarda Giordani: library jump table, reserved vectors, types & structures, exec library i vector table. Daniel Renner - The C64 Mini | Nowy wideo z Daniel Renner: The C64 Mini. Wiebo de Wit - C128 Assembly (3) | Wiebo de Wit: blog o C128 Assembly. VDC (8563) Chip, RAM, Matrix Data, Attribute Data, Character Definitions, Fonts i Display. Trevor's Amiga Blog | Blog Trevor Dickinson: We are Amiga, Tower 57, Commodore: The Amiga Years (Brian Bagnall), Polaris - the Amiga's new North Star, AmigaOne X1000, Dr. Stephen Hawking, AmigaOne A1222, Portable Portia, MorphOS i RetCon - retro gaming festival. Wiebo de Wit - C128 Assembly | Wiebo de Wit: blog o C128 Assembly. Wiebo de Wit - C64 Reloaded mk2 | Wiebo de Wit: blog o C64 Reloaded mk2. Icaros - 10 Years | Blog z Paolo Besser o: Icaros desktop 10 lat. Ultimate II+ | Wiebo de Wit: blog o Ultimate II+. Trevor's Amiga Blog | Blog Trevor Dickinson: AmiParty 21, A.L.I.C.E. revisited, Sitting on the fence?, Approaching Warp speed, A new generation, You've got a Friend, Lie, damn lies and statistics?, AMIGAAA!, Have a break(out) have a Kitkat (lawsuit!) i The Boing Ball Image of the week! Trevor's Amiga Blog | Blog Trevor Dickinson: VCF SE 5.0, AmigaDeveloper DevCon 2, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz, Enhancer Software package v1.3, Painting with colours, The Commodore Story, Yuri Van Geest, Cyrus Plus motherboards i Retro Mojo | Nowy blog o Commodore 128: Retro Mojo. The 8-Bit Guy - 80 Kolumn na C64 | The 8-Bit Guy zrobił film o Commodore 64 z 80 kolumn. The Retro Hour #59 | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Scott Adams, Commodore C65, 2dark, Dreamcast, Hyper Sentinal, Primal Rage 2 i The Commodore Story film dokumentalny. Trevor's Amiga Blog | Blog Trevor Dickinson: AmigaOne A1222. Amigos | Nowe artykuły na stronie Amigos: Heimdall, David Pleasance, Alfred Chicken, Karate Kid II, Mr Blobby, ThunderCats, Amigos Magazine Issue 02, Ninja Mission, Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, Vroom, Beyond the Ice Palace, Litil Divil, Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun, International Karate Plus, Allo, Allo !, Parasol Stars, Amiga 600 i Gotek. Tetris - 6502 Assembler 13 | Blog o języku programowania maszyn 6502. A history of the Amiga (10) | Nowy odcinek w serii: A history of the Amiga. Greek Software Houses 80s - 90s | Artykuł o greckich gry 80s - 90s. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): TWOFER #14: Formula 1 Simulator (Mastertronic, 1985), Maniac Mansion (Lucasfilm Games, 1987), Ghostbusters (Activision, 1984), NGOTM: Reaxion (Cosine, 1994) i Anarchy (Hewson Consultants/Rack-It, 1987). Amigos | Nowe artykuły na stronie Amigos: Game Assets that Weren't, Time to do battle with more corrosion, A590 Hard Drive, Jonas Amiga modding, Ghosts and Goblins, Amiga 2000 - Gotek Floppy Drive Emulator, Multi Select ROM Amiga 2000, Gary Hucker, Indivision ECS, Gloom & Alien Breed 3D, Dizzy, The Oliver Twins, Primal Rage, World Class Leader Board Golf, Rodland i Amigo Scour 6.