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Start page The Commodore 64 is 30 | This year the Commodore will be 30 years old. The C64 was the successor of the very popular VIC-20. The new computer was revealed on the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 1982. Later in the year the C64 was for sale in America. Outside America you could buy the C64 in the autumn of 1982. On the web page of you can read a nice article about the C64. BoingsWorld #22 | You can now listen to the episode 22 of BoingsWorlds. In this show of more than one hour you can listen to a interview with Petro Tyschtschenko. The show is in the German language and is available as .mp3 or .ogg file. MyCommodore64 | On the MyCommodore64 blog you can read all kinds of information about sound cartridges. You can find specifications, look at pictures or listen to sound samples. A few examples of cartridges are: Cynthcart 1.2.4, Drum Studio, Magic Voice, Easy Speech 64, VoiceBox, CommTalk Speech Unit, Voice Messenger, Currah Speech 64, Votalker and ProVoice. Retro-Link blogspot | After the forum, there is now also a blog page. This blog will concentrate on Commodore, Amiga, other platforms, retro-computing, the 1980's, and other topics making up the retro world. A few examples of the blogs are: Notacon 8/PixelJam Demoparty and the EasyFlash mini-review. BoingsWorld #14 | You can now listen to the episode 14 of BoingsWorlds. The themes in this one hour show are: ToolTime (Tools und nützliche Helferlein), Amiga Games and Amiga vor 20 Jahren. The show is in the German language and is available as .mp3 or .ogg file. How many C64's | Many of us asked themselves the big question, how many C64's were sold? Estimations are from 17 million until 30 million. To try to give an answer to the this big question, the blog did extensive research on this question. A Commodore Geek's Blog | If you visit the web page you can follow the life of a Commodore Geek. Robby writes in his blog about his experiences with his Commodore computers, a few examples are: Bringing the C64 online, The Chess Grandmaster, HQ video playback on a C64, Be like Jean Michel Jarre and much more. The History of Lemmings. | Mike Dailly tells the complete story of the classic game Lemings. Learn everything from the first demo made by DMA until the arcade version of Lemmings.