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Start page Mastertronic Chronicles | Mastertronic Chronicles is a blog of witchfinder dedicated to the Mastertronic games for the Commodore C64. This time you can see the worst ten games. And because the collection project is now finished you can see the whole collection of 209 Mastertronic games. Tetris - 6502 Assembler | Wiebo de Wit is writing a blog on how to program a Tetris game in 6502 assembler. He made a Tetris clone in 1992 and now he explains how the game is made. For the development he uses KickAssembler, Sublime Tekst 3.0 and the VICE emulator. Sprite Castle | Rob Flack O'Hara has a web page for all his podcasts. His recent podcasts are: Break Street and California Games. Besides the podcast you can also find the links of web pages mentioned in the podcast. CES 30 years ago | The most important electronics expo in the USA is the CES or the Consumer Electronics Show. Bil Herd is remembering when Commodore introduced new computers on CES. These were very hectic days for Commodore staff, you can read al about these days on Bil's blog. History of Personal Computing: Commodore PET | A new episode of the Personal Computing podcast is available. In this episode: Retrochallenge!, Altair 8800b, Wade Ripkowski, Commodore brochures, The Commodore bankruptcy, The Commodore PET 2001, Commodore PET 4032 and the Commodore PET Disk Drive 4040. TED part 2 - Bil Herd | This is the second part of the story about the 30 year old TED chip. The TED chip was used in the Commodore C16, C116, Plus/4 and the 364. Bil Herdwas in charge of the development of these computers and he implemented the TED (Text Editing Device) chip in the design. The TED chip was used for the video, sound, DRAM refresh, timers and keyboard / joystick input. TED - Bil Herd | Bil Herd talks about the 30 year old TED chip. The TED chip was used in the Commodore C16, C116, Plus/4 and the 364. Bil was in charge of the development of these computers and he implemented the TED (Text Editing Device) chip in the design. The TED chip was used for the video, sound, DRAM refresh, timers and keyboard / joystick input. Lost Treasures | On the Dustlayer Blog you can now see pictures of the Commodore production line in Hong Kong from December 1992. The photos were taken by Robert Baker who worked in production engineering at Commodore in West Chester, USA and who had been in Hong Kong for a pilot production run of the Amiga 600. The Almost forgotten Story of the Amiga 2000 | Glen VanDenBiggelaar wrote an article about the Commodore Amiga 2000. He writes about the introduction, the different models and the add-on cards for the A2000. He also talks about Video Toaster and the use of Amiga's at NASA. Programmable Logic I - PLA/PAL | Bil Herd made an article about Programmable Logic. In this article he explains how the PLA for the C64 was developed. The PLA in the C64 is used to create chip select signals from various other signals. These signals control which chip is connected to the data bus and is therefore responsible for the memory mapping of the C64. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a new web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Summer Games, Afterlife, Turbo Esprit, Mikie, The Vikings and Bionic Commando. Commodore 64 Machine Language (1) | Steve Morrow is making a series of YouTube video about programming machine language on the Commodore C64. In this part of the series he explains the reading and storing data into the memory. FRGCB | FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a new web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Action Biker, Bump Set Spike!, Rock Star Ate My Hamster, North & South, Unique Games!, Fist II: The Legend Continues and Spelunker. C64 Assembly Game Disassembly | Steve Morrow has made a video about the development of a game for the Commodore C64. The game Spaced Out from 1992 is written in assembly. Steve shows the different parts of the program, and explains how these parts work. C64assembly blog | Pierre Hallsten started a new blog. On his blog he will explain how to program in assembly on the Commodore C64. Pierre has made many programs for the c64 and Amiga, but he also programs in C, C++, Assembler, Java, Objectiv-C etc. Some of the examples are: CharZoom, Crazy Shoes and opening of the upper and lower border. Retro Asylum Podcast - 56 | Retro Asylum is a English podcast about retro computing. In this episode MrSid presents  another My 8Bit Life. This time he has an interview with Paul Norman. Paul made the music for games such as Aztec Challenge and Forbidden Forest. Also in this episode Paul Koller and Conquistador for the Atari Lynx. DRAM testing | Axlecrusher was repairing a Commodore C64. He found out that it was one of the memory chips. He replaced them all and the C64 was working again. But he wanted to know which of the 8 memory chips was faulty. He built an testing device with an AVR microprocessor to test each individual chip. You can read all about it on his blog. Floppydays - Podcast #6 | The Floppydays podcast of last August is about the Commodore PET. In this episode: Better World Books, VCF Midwest, 2013 Chicago TI International World Faire, World Longest Yard Sale, Historically Brewed book, Commodore PET history, Commodore a company on the edge, VICE, CBUG, TPUG, World of Commodore, Terry Stewart, Port Commodore, Edward Shockley's Pets, CBM Pet File Archive and the PET Index at MAS Player - Review | Dan Wood made an review of the MAS Player for the Amiga. The MAS Player is an hardware device that will decode MP3 music and makes it available to the Amiga. Dan shows you how to install the device and how the device works on a Amiga A1200. Commodore 1551/1541 | Dan Wood made an review of the Commodore disk drives. In the 20 minute video you can see the differences between the serial 1541 and the parallel 1551 disk drive. Dan also speak about OpenCBM and the XM1541 cable. Boingsworld #39 | A new episode of BoingsWorlds (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: OSD launcher, The Amiga years, MorpOS tutorial, A1200 label, X1000 2nd production run, M.A.C.E. preview video, Hyperion blog news, Konfigtool Indivision AGA MK2, Radeon HD driver and a bit of a different meeting. C64 Basic Sprite Animation | Steve Morrow made a video about sprite animation in C64 Basic. He explains how to work with sprites work in Basic. He also demonstrates a sprite being animated and explains what is happening in the registers. Amiga 1200 - review | Dan Wood made an review of the Amiga 1200. In the 30 minute video you can see the connections and interfaces, the inside, keyboard, disk drive and the mouse. He also shows programs and games for the Amiga 1200. How to build an 8-Bit TTL Computer | Many people know a little bit about the internals of a 8-bit computer. The most important part is the CPU (Central Processing Unit). You can buy many different CPU's to build a computer. But Kyle from 8 Bit Spaghetti decided to make a computer the hard way. He did not buy a CPU, he build one himself from TTL chips. In this very comprehensive blog he explains how a CPU works and how you can build one yourself. Boingsworld #27 | You can now listen to a new episode of BoingsWorlds (German language). You can listen to the following articles: BoingsWorld Ostergewinnspiel Gewinner, Timberwolf Beta 3 für AmigaOS 4, Viva Amiga in Europa, Tutorial Audioevolution 4, Turrican Soundtrack Anthology, AmigaONE X1000 Debian Linux, Micromys V4, AmigaOne X1000 AmigaOS Update, Floppy Autoloader, Indivision AGA Mk2, Classic-Computing 2012, WiiUAE 9, Commodore-Meeting in Wien, Project 1565, Blue Metal Rose Homepage, OctaMED Soundstudio 1.03c, Aegis Audiomaster, Ambermoon Arcade, Backbone, Super Street Fighter 2 DX, Maestro Professional Soundkarte, Konturen der Welt Musikvideo and the Commodore 64. Commodore Geek's Blog | If you visit the web page you can follow the life of a Commodore Geek. Robby writes in his blog about his experiences with his Commodore computers, a few examples are: Jack Tramiel 1928 - 2012, Hooking an iPod to a C64, Genlock on the C64, Utilities for the 1581 drive, Commodore hard drives, Casemodding and The best April fool! Amiga diskette archiving | Dweller used his Amiga in the late 80s and early 90s. He has about 5000 3,5 diskettes from that period. He tried to archive the diskettes by hand, but that took too much time. Then he tried to build a automated device from LEGO, but that did not function very well. The most recent version works perfect, Dweller used an old diskette duplicator, a Kryoflux and a Arduino micro controller. He also added a digital photo camera to take a picture of each diskette label. BoingsWorld #26 | You can now listen to a new episode of BoingsWorlds (German language). You can listen to the following articles: UHF, Viva Amiga, MAS Player Evolution, Updates from Rupert Hausberger, Amiga Future Full versions, RadeonHD, A-EON, X1000, ACA 1231-Turbokarten, FastATA, KryoFlux ADF, Commodore Amiga Mini, HTPC ITX2 Silver, DoReCo 31, DC2SNES, SD Card HXC Floppy Emulator, Amiga 600, BSC Colormaster 24, Amiga 3000 UX, Vermeer, Heretic II, Blood Money, Roll or Die, Animators, Esteregg agme and the BoingsWorld Forum. Blog | Michel van Osenbruggen writes a blog about his music, his studio and his do it yourself projects. Michel is a fan of retro computers and has many different Commodore computers like the PET, VIC-20, C64 and several Amiga's. A few examples of his recent blog items are: Final Expansion 3 -VIC20, Commodore 64 III, petSD and the HxC for the Amiga. BoingsWorld #25 | You can now listen to a new episode of BoingsWorlds (German language). You can listen to the following articles: Turbokarte ACA-1231/42, Amiga Games Award 2011, SMB Mounter 1.0, The Future was here, Mr. Beanbag, Sam 440EP, HD-Rec, Timberwolf, Audio Evolution 4, Geit @ Home, Hollywood 5 Infinity, Malibu Plugin, Amiga News Benchmarks, AmigaONE X1000, Commodore Gaming Gehäuse, AmiCygnix, AbiWord, Gimp, MuiOWB, ClipDown, Breathless AGA, Turrican II, Quake II, FPSE, ScummVM, BoingBall, ATI Radeon HD4650, Amiga Netbook, Icons Reworked, Art Effect 4, Define R3 Tower and Cord Hagen. BoingsWorld #24 | You can now listen to a new episode of BoingsWorlds (German language). You can listen to the following articles: Mr Beanbag AGA / CD32,  AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4, Amiga Future, AmigaONE 500, Prism2 WLan, Yam 2.7, A Tribute to Jochen Hippel, DigiBooster, 20 Years AMINET, WonderMedia X-177 Tablet, Cat Stargate Tablet, UAE 4 Droid, Cloanto, Competition Pro USB, GrabKick - Kickrom readout, IBatch website, Diskspace, Playlist Converter, AmiBlitz 3 website, Alt and Entfernen and a Interview with Gero Birkenfeld. BoingsWorld #23 | You can now listen to a new episode of BoingsWorlds (German language). You can listen to the following articles: Jens Schönfeld, UAE-Wii 7, Amiga-Club Braunschweig Meeting, Bermuda Syndrome Engine, Amiga Mania, Aros Intel 3D unterstützung, MacroSystem Maestro, Andreas Magerl, GeniScan, CDTV Werbung, Amiga 500 Plus, VXL 30 Turbokarte, ScummVM, Baphomets Fluch, Moonstone and Operation Lemmings.