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Start page Speed Ball - C64 | Speed Ball is an new game for the Commodore C64 made by the Kabuto Factory. The game is an conversion of the Spectrum version from 1987. The game is developed with the Pinball Construction Set program (Bill Budge / Electronic Arts). Speed Ball can be played with the joystick. 2048 - C64 | The group TRIAD released a new game for the Commodore C64. In the game you must slide blocks with numbers. If you connect two blocks with the same numbers the blocks will merge into one. The goal is to reach the magic number 2048. The game is written by Ruk, the music is from ne7, the graphics from ilesj and Tao made the character set. Diskimage.device - Amiga | Diskimage.device is an virtual storage device driver that allows to mount various diskimage file formats and use them just as if they were real disks. Changes in this version: Improvements for MDS. Updates for Thore Boeckelmann's bz2.library and application.library version 2 interfaces. FunkPaint 0.42a | FunkPaint is an editor for Hires / Multi / Multicolor and DTV pictures. The program can be used with an joystick or mouse and supports memory expansions (+60k, REU, Ramcart, Georam etc.). Changes in this version: Improved the fill function and mouse precision. Support for the Atari ST mouse / CX-22 trackball. And now the cursor follows the mouse in zoom mode even when not drawing. Spectacular Copy Turbo 2 Disk V1.1 | A new version of Spectacular Copy is available. Changes in this version: Automatic correction of characters in the file name when saving to diskette. 100% accurate block size calculation for files that are read from tape. No more problems with files that are 0 byte long. When using the turbo, the sound is now enabled. Sovox Datassette emulator | Sovox has made a Datassette emulator for the Commodore C64, that is based on a mp3 player. The mp3 player can be connected to a real Datassette for recording a .tap file and to a real Commodore C64 to replay the .tap file. Cosmos - C64 | Cosmos is a game for the Commodore C64. The original game was made as an arcade game in 1981 by Century Electronics. The original game is impossible to finish, but in the C64 conversion you can finish the game in level 7. The game can be played with joystick or keyboard, the comma key be used to activate light speed. BitJam #185 | In this BitJam the collection of Machinae Spupremacy. You can listen to the following music: Arcade, Bouff, Cryosleep, Fanvacoolt, Gianna Sisters, Hero, Killer Instict, Kings of the Scene, Koala Squadron, March of the Undead 2, Multiball, Ninja, Player One, Retrospection, SIDology 1 - SID Evolution, Super Mission and Winterstorm. Total playing time: 1:10:22. durexForth v1.26 | Ravelli released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and a assembler. Changes in this version: Improved line buffering, added assembler labels, base, hex, decimal, [char], Floating point values, lshift and rshift. Noxus - C64 | Alf Yngve released a new game for the SEUCK game competition of 2014. The SEUCK 2014 competition is open until 31st of March and four games are in competition. In the game Noxus an evil power wants to release dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere. Your mission is to sabotage all the vital machinery inside the chemical plant. RS-232 - C64 | On the blog from biosrhythm you can see how to build a RS-232 interface for your Commodore C64. The C64 doesn’t have a standard RS-232 serial port. But is has a user port with RS-232 at TTL levels. With a simple RS232 module you can make a real RS-232 port with the necessary -15 Volt  and +15 Volt levels. GPS View v0.2 - C64 | Timo Voutilainen has made an update for his GPS system for the Commodore C64. New in this version: A basic navigation system is added. The negative latitude is now correct. The screen has now a heading and the speed is in km/h. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6098 games on this web page. The new games are: 1k-Mini-Bdash, Angler 64, Attack Force, BMX Ninja, Colorout, Cuthbert goes Walkabout, Cuthbert in Space, Dark Force, Hummdinger, Nomad of Time, Operation Hormuz, Pro Mountain Bike Simulator, Protium, The Anglers, The Destroyers, The Lost Caves 7, The Lost Caves 8, Whirly Bird, Zombie Brain Eaters and Zombieparty. Gamebase 64 - v11 | The team of Gamebase 64 released version 10. The total number of games is now more than 24,000 entries, 500 more then the previous version. And many files are updated. The goal of Gamebase 64 is to preserve all software that was made for the Commodore 64 computer. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Amazon Tales, Hangman and Ultimate Stunt Boat Challenge. Update: Device for Alien Destruction, Microprose Soccer V1 and Star Tech Games. SD-BOX Cartridge v1.09 | The SD-BOX is a cartridge for the Commodore C64 with an SD card interface. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Support for the Micrus Copy program. HEX preview of the tape buffer and protection removal program. Improvements for the tape load and verify functions, and the manual is updated. Flappy Bird - C64 | Game developer Sos released a Commodore C64 version of the game Flappy Bird. Flappy Bird is originally a mobile app, developed by Dong Nguyen from Hanoi and published by GEARS Studios. The game for Andriod and iOS was very popular but was removed from the app stores in January by the original developer. BMP2MC | Seanser released a new version of BMP2MC. BMP2MC is a bitmap to C64-multicolor converter with 5 colours. The features are: Grey or Colour (three different colour tables). Full (one file) or Split (bitmap, colour, char). Remapping tables (Pal1 & Pal2). Mastertronic Chronicles | Mastertronic Chronicles is a blog of witchfinder dedicated to the Mastertronic games for the Commodore C64. The most recent reviews are: Tau Ceti (1988), Pastfinder (1989), Rollaround (1987), Super Stock Car (1990), Trailblazer (1988), Octagon Squad (1986), Reveal (1988), Fly Spy (1987), Starmaze 2 (1984), Radzone (1986), Quest for the Holy Grail (1985), Jet Set Willy II (1988) and Storm (1986). CGSC v1.25 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 13481 MUS, 4019 STR and 4658 WDS files. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Device for Alien Destruction, Castle Boy, Stratagos and Outpost. Updates: Arbitrator, Castle Boy, Starburst, Arbitrator, Castle Boy and Starburst. We Are All Connected - C64 demo | The demo groups Offence, Fairlight and Prosonix together released a new demo for the Commodore C64. Code: Bjørn Røstøen, Kribust, Pantaloon, Perplex, Stein Pedersen. Music: Groms, Kribust, OMP / Ole Marius Pettersen, Scarzix, Stein Pedersen, Wiklund. Graphics / design: Pal. Text: Lemming, Linking: Pantaloon. Loader: Krill. Vandalism News #61 | In this English D64 magazine the following items: The Charts, News, World of Demos, Mini Market, Coders Journey, Crackers Map, The Forge 1989 and a interview with Linus Åkesson (LFT). WebSID | Igorski started a new project that is called WebSID. With a modern browser you can now play the SID on-line. This virtual Commodore 64 is equipped with twin double octave keyboards, but note that the upper one plays arpeggiated chords. This are the limitations of the original C64, which gave it that characteristic sound. Double or Nothing - C64 | Double or Nothing is a new game for the Commodore C64. The program is written by Antifan and Chris Yates and the music is from PRI and Richard. In this game you must fight the aliens and the robots. But which world are you really in? Play the game to find out. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Flight Deck 2 and The Light Corridor. Updates: Aurum, Crossbow, Habitat, Joust, Questerious, Sonic The Hedgehog, Star Tech Games, Stargate and Xamitlu. GPS View - C64 | Timo Voutilainen started a new project. He connected a GPS device to the Commodore C64. If you want to built your own C64 navigation system you will need the following components: CRIUS NEO-6 GPS v3.0 + I2C-GPS NAV -combo, 3.3V USB FTDI cable, Arduino IDE 1.05 and a user-port connector. C64Studio v3.4 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Improvements for Copy/Paste, local labels, Replace all function and keyboard shortcuts. Added Commenting/Uncommenting selection, Solutions, AAY64 documentation and context help. C64 Assembly Game Disassembly | Steve Morrow has made a video about the development of a game for the Commodore C64. The game Spaced Out from 1992 is written in assembly. Steve shows the different parts of the program, and explains how these parts work. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Avenger (Gremlin Graphics), Autoduel (Origin Systems), Batty (Elite/Encore), Bugs Bunny - P.I. (Hi-Tec Software), Captain Kidd (Bug-Byte), Cavelon (Ocean Software), Demons of Topaz (Firebird), Enduro Racer (Activision), Fighting Soccer (Activision), Gee Bee Air Rally (Activision), Gremlins 2: The Next Batch (Elite), Hero Quest 1 & 2 (Gremlin Graphics), Venom (Mastertronic) and Wasteland (Electronic Arts). Phase Out - C64 | Phase Out is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Ernst Neubeck. In the game you must clear each level by swapping the position of the coloured gems. The black gems can't be cleared and there are bricks walls to make the game more challenging. Features: 50 levels, In game graphics, music and sound effects. Easy to use level password system. Nordic Scene Review - 08 | Nordic Scene Review is a English diskette magazine with reviews of C64 demos. In this edition: We Love Homeconnected, The Awakening, Sabat in Thorn, Our First FLI demo, Eagle, Fogyish, Soy un Dilicuente, Solaris, Too Hot To Trot, B-land Scrapbook, Fuersti, Matura Morta, Zeropage Gravity, Summer of 64, Live from Africa and many more.