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Start page CGSC v1.27 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 13552 MUS, 4038 STR and 4702 WDS files. Hoxs64 v1.0.8.7 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Resizable main window for windowed mode. Improvement for the Ultimax VIC fetch. Fixed an EasyFlash cartridge fault when loading a 4KB banked CRT file or state file. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Unknown helicopter game and Zolo. Update: 10-yard Fight, 3D Pool V1, Dragon Slayer, Eye Of The Moon, Gremlins, Grimblood, Here and there with the Mr Men, Hyper Galactic Warrior, Jet Set Willy V1, Omega Ceti, Panic Stations, Playboy – The Game, Purple Saturn Day, War in Middle Earth V1 and Xenon 2. SEUCK competition 2014 | You can now vote for your favourite game in the SEUCK competition 2014. The entries for this year are: Another Day, Another Zombie (Carl Mason), Hero time 2 (IndyJR/FanCA), Double or nothing (Alf Yngve), Noxus (Alf Yngve), Shaken - The Tale of the Swordless Ninja (Roberto Dillon), Vampire Hunter 2 (IndyJR/FanCA), 1941 - The Secret Conflict (Gibranx) and Last Hope (Gaetano Chiummo). You can vote until the 31st of May 2014. D64 Editor v 0.033 | A new version of the Windows based D64 editor is now available. The features of this program are: Reading of D64 files, display the directory, move files around the directory and rename files. Export from D64 to PRG. View/Edit the BAM and the data blocks. New in this version: New options for the SEQ viewer screen (ASCII<->PETASCII). The Export DIR is moved to Text Menu function in the Edit menu. Improved the drag and drop code (multiple files). Game Corner Q1/2014 | Games Corner is an English diskette magazine about new games and about craking games. The games in this edition: 2048, Arcade Football, Blob, Bomb Ace, Bouncing Ball, Castle Boy, CC65 Chess, Chickhack, Color Flood, Combination Deluxe, Cosmos, Crazy Dog Racing and many more. Kerberos - C64 MIDI Interface | This project is about a MIDI interface in the form of a cartridge to fit the C64 expansion port. Features: Connecting MIDI devices such as keyboard and synthesizers. File transfers PC / Mac. Internal flash memory chip with a menu system, for saving your own programs and games. The Last Hope - C64 | The game Last Hope, made by Gaetano Chiummo is the seventh entry in the SEUCK 2014 competition. In the year 3000 many people go to another planet called Earth II. But and alien force wants to destroy the old Earth and the new Earth II. You must defend both worlds with your advanced space-fighter. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: NARC (Ocean Software), Odysseus - Trojan Warrior(Silverbird), Postman Pat 1/2/3 (Alternative Software), Phobia (Imageworks), Punch and Judy (Alternative Software), Pharaoh (CP Verlag), Realm! (Firebird), Rock Star Ate My Hamster (Codemasters), The Real Ghostbusters (Activision / Data East), Rik the Roadie (Alternative Software), Rainbow Dragon (Firebird), Sherlock Holmes (Firebird / Bantam Software), Sidewalk (Infogrames) and To Hell and Back (CRL). Commodore 64 - Internet | Dan Wood made a YouTube video on how to connect a 1980's Commodore 64 8-bit computer to the Internet, BBS, IRC, WWW and Warpcopy. For his system he uses the 64NIC+ cartridge and the Contiki Software. Commodore 64 Machine Language (1) | Steve Morrow is making a series of YouTube video about programming machine language on the Commodore C64. In this part of the series he explains the reading and storing data into the memory. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: 3D Pool V1 and War in Middle Earth V1. Update: BMX Racers V1, Eye Of The Moon, Heart Of Yesod, Hijack, Hyper Galactic Warrior, Knuckles, Lusitania, Omega Ceti, Pentacle, Runestone, SDI, Stargate Legacy, Super Thief and Tyger Tyger. CGSC v1.26 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 13532 MUS, 4026 STR and 4689 WDS files. 1941 - The Secret Conflict - C64 | Gibranx made a new game for the Commodore 64. The game 1941 - The Secret Conflict is the seventh game for the SEUCK 2014 competition. In this game you are a fighter pilot and you are fighting against an evil dictator. The game is a tribute to Capcom's classic games 1942 and 1943. Core System C64 | Codefactory is dreaming about a successor of the C64. He made a 3D drawing of his successor of the Commodore C64 with the help of drawing program Blender. His wish list for the next generation home computer is: Simplified and transparent technology, easy to understand hardware, transparent architecture, easy to program and a graphic mode of 640 x 400, 24 bit colour or 1280 x 800, 16 bit colour. Sokoban 64 | Steve Ody released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game Sokoban is a classic strategy game where the player must push boxes onto their storage locations. Once all boxes are in place, the level is complete. Sokoban64 contains 100 puzzles divided into two difficulty levels. Relaunch64 3 Beta 8 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Improvements for Goto and Auto functions and a Command-Line-Parameter is implemented with the start of the program. | The web page had an update. You can now find 6124 games on this web page. The new games are: 2048, Battle Group, Battlecruiser, Bomb Ace, Bouncing Bill, Castle Boy, CC65 Chess, Combat Course, Combination, Combination Deluxe, Commodore in Space II, Cosmos, D-2000 IFR-Trainer, Dawn Patrol, Flappy Bird, Flying Ace, Ganimedian Rescue, Gold Grabber, Gulf Strike, Happy Flappy, Harald Hardtooth - The Fiight of the clean Tooth, Harald Hardtand - Kampen om de rene Taender, Intrigue and Jack and the Beanstalk. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Heart Of Yesod, Monstics Mystery 2 and C64GS cartridge titles. Update: Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes, Gremlins, Leaving Teramis, Milk Tray Game, Nighthunter, Stargate Legacy and The Seven Gates Of Jambala. Petscii Editor v4.5 | FieserWolf released a new version of the Petscii Editor. Changes in this version: Joystick support, 4 x 4 mode, two pages (buffers) like in Amica Paint. The speed of the keys is now adjustable and you can load your own music in the editor. Vermeer - C64 | Vermeer is a German-language economic simulation of Ariolasoft from the year 1987. But after 27 years there is now a English version available. In the game you must build a business empire. With the money you make you can buy paintings. There are 40 paintings to collect. durexForth v1.3 | Ravelli released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and a assembler. Changes in this version: Music Macro Language (MML) support. Renamed four assembly mnemonics. Strings can now be longer than 256 bytes and optimized jsr. Vampire Hunter 2 - C64 | Vampire Hunter 2 is the sixth entry in the SEUCK 2014 competition. The game is made by IndyJR and is the sequel to the classic Vampire Hunter from 2010. In the game you are Adam, the Vampire Hunter, and you must defeat Astaroth the brother of the vampire Mozgorioth. PlayEm64 V1.0 - C64 | PlayEm64 is a tool that makes it possible to play .SID files on your Commodore C64. You just have to change the file type/ending/ex-tension on your PC from .SID into .PRG and then put the files on a disk image. The code was written by TheRyk, the documents are made by Achim and TheRyk and Thunder.Bird did the testing. The Impossible Game - C64 | In the game you must jump over the triangles, if you land on top of them you have to try again. You can jump over a block or on land on top of them. You can use a flag to move the starting point. The code is from CSixx, the music is made by Spider Jerusalem, the graphics are from Achim and CSixx and TheRyk tested the game. Games That Weren't 64  | The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Droidz, Battle Ball, Play and Learn series, Restrictor and Shadowgate. Updates: Flight Deck 2, Heebie Jeebies, Lusitania, Mega Twins, Orcus, Viking Child and Stratagos. Lotek64 #48 | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: Lo*bert, Editorial, News, C64 Cartridges, Online-Emulator: Commodore LCD, C128 Dual Demo, Retro Treasures: Bio-Sensor,  PET 2001 Repair Story (2), Tir Na Nog, Retro-Test, Space Funeral, PlayStation 20 years, The Time Trap, Hobby&Elektronik, Alternatives Computer Meeting, The long night of the museum, Chipmusik, SIDologie and Videogame Heroes #14: Bomb Jack. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Cowboy Kidz (Byte Back), Fire Ant (Mogul), Hocus Focus (Quicksilva), Java Jim (Creative Sparks), Kat Trap (Bug-Byte), Last Duel (U.S. Gold), Magnetron (Firebird) and Mad Doctor (Creative Sparks). Shaken - C64 | Shaken - The tale of the Swordless Ninja is the fifth entry in the SEUCK 2014 competition. The game is a commando style Ninja game made by Roberto Dillon. In the game you must control your swordless Ninja through three zones and retrieve your stolen sword. An evil Shogun is waiting, and guarding the sword. C64 Reloaded | Jens from Individual Computer has made new a Commodore C64 motherboard. The C64 Reloaded will fit in all original C64 cases. The power supply will be a standard 12 VDC adapter, the video signal  will be S-video, but you need to supply the CPU, VIC and the SID yourself. The price will be 149,90 Euro. X-2014 | The organisation of the X party has announced the new dates for 2014. The X-2014 will be held in the city of Someren in Holland from the 24th until 26th of October 2014. This year there will be a demo competition (real machine), graphics competition (still picture) and a music competition. And Dane from Booze Design will keep everybody awake with his DJ set. Relaunch64 3 Beta 6 | Relaunch64 is a program (text editor) for programming 65xx assembly on a modern computer. This editor works together with common cross assembler like Kick Assembler, acme, dasm, c64asm or ca65. Changes in this version: Relaunch64 is going to be completely re-written, using Java and NetBeans.