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Start page You Have to Win the Game - C64 | Kabuto made a Commodore C64 version of game You Have to Win the Game. The game is a platform game and based on the PC game from Kyle Pittman. In the game you must collect things, jump, run, avoid spikes and water. You must also be careful when entering a new cavern, but after an accident you can continue with the game. Hoxs64 v1.0.8.0 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Cartridge emulation for the following cartridges: Action Replay, Final Cartridge III, Retro Replay 64K RAM, Magic Desk, Ocean 1, Fun Play, Super Games, System 3, Dinamic, Zaxxon, Simons Basic and standard cartridges. S-Blox - C64 | S-Blox is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by King Durin and the music is from NecroPolo. The game is a Tetris clone and is available as a .CRT file. You can play the game in an emulator as a cartridge. You can also burn a real EPROM or use a device like the EasyFlash cartridge. PubTrivia - C64 | Steve Ody made a new game for the Commodore C64. In the game you must answer 10 multiple-choice questions from a total of 400 questions. These type of games are played in many bars and pubs. The game is also available for Android, AmigaOS4, MorphOS, AROS, MAC and PC (written in Hollywood). Revenge of the Tomato - C64 | Revenge of the Tomato (ROTT) is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Richard Bayliss and Achim Volkers. In the game you have to fight against the evil mutant tomatoes, which were built by aliens. You must also save the people who are on top of the buildings. And at the end you must defeat the Mega Tomato. | The web page had an update. You can now find 5897 games on this web page. The new games are: Amazon Tales, Assembloids, Battalion Commander, Berty, Berty II, Boulderdash UX 1, Boulderdash UX 2, Brain Delicacy, Crazy Dream 10, Escape from the Laundry, Exodus Preview, Firebird (Markt und Technik), Firebird (Tronic Verlag GmbH), Fuzzball Prv, Get Em DX, Heavy Metal Deluxe Gold, Koenig Arthus, Kosmodrom, Last Mission (Tronic), Little Sara Sister 2, Match Buster, Mem64, Metal Gear, Meteorite Storm, Monkey eat Milkey, Morph, Otherworld, Pedro and Power Dash. Sir Ababol - C64 | The Mojon Twins released a new game for the Commodore C64. In the game you are Sir Ababol and you are searching for your lost sword. You need to collect 25 Ababol flowers in different places. On your search you need to eat Monegros fried chicken to stay alive and find keys to open the doors. Lotek64 #43 | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: Lo*bert, Editorial, Newsticker, Weihnachts Retro Shirts, RGCD-Module für den C64, C64-Cracking-Szene 2012, Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams, The Fool and His Money, Sonic der comic, SIDologie, Comet+/ Comet64-Modem, C64-Beat'em Up (4), The Making of Earthraid for ZX, Philips CDi 210 / Commodore CDTV, Klomanager Deluxe, 4. Retro Börse Wien, Hobby & Elektronik 2012, Chipmusik and Videogame Heroes (9). Digital Talk #96 | In this German language d64 magazine the following articles: Editorial, Computer Scene: Hallo Welt, Buying a SX64, The year 2012 by Mugg, Retro Winter, Datassette, Sword+Rose, X2012 demos, Ultraflash Noter and Retro 24/25, Party Corner: Connected 10 and Homecon 19, Games Corner: New, Commercial, Fairywell, Hall of Fame and C64 PGMC, Out of C64 and the music box. Sheep vs Fox - C64 | Sheep vs Fox is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Alf Yngve. In the game you are a sheep that gets chased by crazy foxes. The game is made with the help of SEUCK, but it also has some amazing enhancements you normally do not see in an SEUCK game. HVSC #58 | There is a update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more then 43.000 SIDs in the collection. In this update 906 new SIDs, 185 fixed/better rips, 971 SID credit fixes, 111 SID model/clock infos, 27 tunes identified and 47 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Commodore SX-64 party | The Commodore SX-64 was announced in January 1983 and was released a year later. Berry de Jager wants to celebrate the SX-64 and has organized a party in Amsterdam on the 20th of January 2013. Everybody with a SX-64 is welcome. If Amsterdam is too far away, there are also two SX-64 meetings in the United States of America. You can also organize a party in your own town or country. Visit the blog of Berry for all the details. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW web page has had an update. A few examples are: Otherworld, Fuzzball, Epsilon, Exodus, Martin Piper racing game, Andromedia III, Toby's Rescue, Speed Sprinter, Combat 2004, Light Cycles 2004, Paddle Mania, Mountain Combaters, Beauty And The Beast, Pyramid Of Time and Futureball. In total there are 70 new entries and 84 updates. Mini Mag #04 | Mini-Mag is a German diskette magazine. In this edition: Editorial, letters from readers, service, addresses, flea-market, Rock n' Bolt, top 10, SEUCK, Doreco #35, Connected #10, graphic design competition and a puzzle. Striketerm - C64 | Alwyz released a new version of Strikterm. Striketerm is an improved version of the Novaterm 9.6c communications program. Changes in this version: Supports for the Comet hardware. The old tone / pulse system is removed and replaced with a system that calls ip addresses. Ultimate Audio MOD Player | Freshness released a new program for the 1541 Ultimate. The program can be used for playing audio MOD files with your 1541 Ultimate. The MOD file system was developed by Karsten Obarski in 1987 for tracker software on the Amiga computer. NRC Soduko Tool - C64 | Sander Alsema, has made a Soduko Tool. This program is written in machine-code and is available for the Commodore C64. What makes this Soduko solver special is that is can solve the Soduko's from the Dutch newspaper NRC-handelsblad. With the cursor and 1 to 9 keys you can fill in the known numbers. With F1 you can find one number, or you can solve the complete Sudoku in one go with the crack function. Censor - Legacy - C64 | Legacy is a new demo for the Commodore C64 made by Censor Design. The demo was introduced on the World of Commodore 2012 party in Toronto Canada. The people who worked on this demo are: CRT, Magnar Harestad, NiM, Adrian, Bob, Euzkera, Macbeth, Pal and Krill. A special feature of the demo is the scroll system for the text. Assembloids - C64 | Assembloids is a new game for the Commodore C64. The programming of the game is done by enthusi, the music is from Conrad and the graphics are from iLKke. The game is a puzzle game, and you have to assemble a face before the time runs out. The better you assemble the face the more points you will score.

Assembloids is one of the games that entered the RGCD 2012 cartridge competition. Other games are: Amazon Tales, Escape From The Laundry, Get 'Em DX, Little Sara Sister 2, Match-Buster, Monkey Eat Milkey, On The Farm III, Rent-A-Cop, SpaceChem Nano, Super Bread Box and Wonderland. Strike Team Delta - C64 | Strike Team Delta is a new game for the Commodore C64, made by Carl Mason with the help of SEUCK. The music in the game is from Richard Bayliss. In the game you must get inside a high security prison. You must free the captive and defeat the dictator of the country. Hoxs64 v1.0.7.5 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Added point and click raster position breakpoints. New command window with assemble, disassemble and C64 memory map selection. Disassemble window for the address finder. Randomisation of drive weak bits and small disk drive timing improvements. 1541 Ultimate-II review | Oldtech81 has made an video review of the 1541 Ultimate-II. In this video you can see how to install and use your 1541 Ultimate. He explains how to load and run games from the SD card. For people who are starting with a Commodore C64, he also explains how to connect your C64 to a modern TV screen. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Elidon (Orpheus), Uwol and Quest for Money (The Mojon Twins). Alienbash 2 - C64 | Alienbash 2 is a new game for the Commodore C64, made by Tomi Malinen. In the game you need to defend earth from the aliens from planet HD3121. The features of the game are: addictive game play, 9 different levels, detailed sprites, spectacular music and smooth scrolling action. The game is available as a limited or standard cassette or as digital download. Crystal Space / Runners - C64 | Crystal Space is a new game for the Commodore C64, made by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of SEUCK. In the game you are a space miner who is searching for the Crystals of Space. But you need to fight with others who also want the crystals.

Another game from Roberto is Runners. In this game you need to stop the criminals that are driving dangerously on the roads. Can you stop them, or will your city be total chaos? CGSC v1.23 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 12483 MUS, 3705 STR and 4461 WDS files. C64Studio v2.6 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Support for WinVICE 2.4 and a PDS style assembler. Added: A save warning when closing a project, a char screen for the Basic export function, invert for char/sprite editor and rotating sprites or char set. Improvements: Breakpoints and Basic normal/label mode. update | The web page had an update. You can now find more than 5868 games on this web page. The new games are: Arcade Game Construction Kit, Assault Machine, The Argos Expedition and Monopoly online. Paku Paku - C64 | Jason M. Knight made a game for the Commodore C64. The game is based on the classic game PacMan. The game can be played with the keyboard or a joystick. Paku Paku is Cardware, this means that if you like the game you can send a postcard to Jason. C64 Tape Interface | Bart Venneker is experimenting with tap files. A tap file contains the digital data from a compact cassette that is used in a Datassette. With a PC you can transfer the tap file to a real compact cassette. And with a special interface you can connect a standard cassette player to the Commodore C64. In the video you can see how the system works (Dutch language). SID-Wizard v1.2 | SID-Wizard is a Commodore 64 music tracker made by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath). Changes in this version: NTSC support. More configuration options in the menu. Colour-themes, Raster-bars on/off. Instrument autotyping. GT/DMC piano-keyboard layout. Raster-time measuring. Fast-forward playback. Improved help function. Start-up menu with selectable players: normal/light/medium/extra. SIDSynth, Pocket Mini Computer | Jeff Ledger made a Midi SIDSynth with a pocket mini computer. The pocket mini computer is an open source mini computer with an Parallax Propeller microcontroller as it's brain. Jeff made an manual how to build your own Midi SIDSynth. He also explains which software you need.