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Start page CGSC v1.23 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 12483 MUS, 3705 STR and 4461 WDS files. C64Studio v2.6 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Recent changes: Support for WinVICE 2.4 and a PDS style assembler. Added: A save warning when closing a project, a char screen for the Basic export function, invert for char/sprite editor and rotating sprites or char set. Improvements: Breakpoints and Basic normal/label mode. update | The web page had an update. You can now find more than 5868 games on this web page. The new games are: Arcade Game Construction Kit, Assault Machine, The Argos Expedition and Monopoly online. Paku Paku - C64 | Jason M. Knight made a game for the Commodore C64. The game is based on the classic game PacMan. The game can be played with the keyboard or a joystick. Paku Paku is Cardware, this means that if you like the game you can send a postcard to Jason. C64 Tape Interface | Bart Venneker is experimenting with tap files. A tap file contains the digital data from a compact cassette that is used in a Datassette. With a PC you can transfer the tap file to a real compact cassette. And with a special interface you can connect a standard cassette player to the Commodore C64. In the video you can see how the system works (Dutch language). SID-Wizard v1.2 | SID-Wizard is a Commodore 64 music tracker made by Hermit (Mihaly Horvath). Changes in this version: NTSC support. More configuration options in the menu. Colour-themes, Raster-bars on/off. Instrument autotyping. GT/DMC piano-keyboard layout. Raster-time measuring. Fast-forward playback. Improved help function. Start-up menu with selectable players: normal/light/medium/extra. SIDSynth, Pocket Mini Computer | Jeff Ledger made a Midi SIDSynth with a pocket mini computer. The pocket mini computer is an open source mini computer with an Parallax Propeller microcontroller as it's brain. Jeff made an manual how to build your own Midi SIDSynth. He also explains which software you need. X2012 - Photos | You can now look at photos of the X2012 party. The X2012 party was held in Someren, the Netherlands on 26, 27 and 28 of October. The party was attended by Jeroen Tel and Reyn Ouwehand and many people from the Commodore C64 scene from all over the world. C64 Copy Protection | Steve started a new web page that is dedicated to the copy protection of Commodore C64 software. On this page you can find all kind of information about copy protection, interviews, technical articles and more. A few examples of the articles are: Jim Drew Interview, Adjusting the Commodore 1541 disk drive alignment, Diskbusters, Disk Surgeon by Ultrabyte and Disk Maker Plus. 1541 Ultimate | For the 1541 Ultimate is a new version (v2.5) of the firmware available. New in this version: File viewer. Selectable colours in user interface. Improved memory allocation. UltimateAudio module with 7 voices. Turbo Chameleon - A2601 | Frank Buss is working on a Atari 2600 for inside the Turbo Chameleon cartridge. He uses the Docking Station to connect a joystick to the Turbo Chameleon. At the moment the core is in a test phase, but you can download it to try it yourself. The video output is compatible with an VGA monitor and the audio also works. HardSync - C64 | Linus Akkeson made a new game for the Commodore C64 and a dance pad. In the game You can choose your music and the difficulty. The SIDs in the game are: Blox (Goto80), Commando (Rob Hubbard), Complications (Tomas Danko), Hawkeye (Jeroen Tel), International Karate (Rob Hubbard), Powerhouse (Jeroen Tel), R-Type & Techno (Jeff) and Shape (Johannes Bjerregaard). Camera C64 - iPhone | You can now use a nice retro app for your iPhone. This app will take pictures in the 16 original colours from the Commodore C64. Features: Retina interface (iPhone 5), Real-time pixellation, colour-mapping and dithering. Snap a picture, save it to your photo roll, or share it on Facebook, Twitter, iMessage or via e-mail. An extension for this app can also emulate black and white TV sets and amber/green monitors. C64-Archiv v3.4 | C64-Archiv is an easy to use file manager for C64-files on your PC. This program can work together with emulators such as VICE, CCS64, HOXS64 and EMU64 to start programs. New in this version: Picture files (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF) can be stored. Profiles for Micro64. MD5 hash. Preview. Improved views and much more. Space Lords, Centaurus - C64 | The game Space Lords is now available on cartridge for the Commodore C64. Space Lords is a game for 1 to 4 players. In the game you need to destroy many space stations. The game is NTSC and PAL compatible includes a cartridge case, a printed manual and a vinyl Space Lords sticker. Starship XNBIO -C64 | Starship XNBIO is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of Sideways SEUCK. The music in the game is from Richard Bayliss. In the game an alien empire will attack the planet Zorz. Your need to destroy the aliens with your Starship XNBIO and get out alive. But be careful because all aliens have pulse laser beams. The Player Dies at the End - C64 | The Player Dies at the End is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Alf Yngve with the help of Sideways SEUCK. The music in the game is from Richard Bayliss. This game is specially made for Halloween. Your mission is to fight the evil spirits and creatures, with your pistol, and defeat the evil darkness that lurks around you. Can you reach the end of this huge nightmare, or will you face death? C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Action Fighter (Firebird), Law of the West (Accolade), Quari (Jetsoft), Rapid Fire (Mastertronic), Space Rider (Hi-Tec Software), Victory Road (Data East), Wally Goes To Rhymeland (Interceptor Software) and Zoids (Martech). Trance Sector - C64 | Trance Sector is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Richard Bayliss. In the game you need to collect all the nuclear pods. But the pods are heavily guarded. You must have a smart plan to collect all the pods, avoid the rockets and stop the Cygma Elite destroying the universe. Big Hunter 3 - C64 | Big Hunter 3 is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of Sideways SEUCK. The music in the game is from Richard Bayliss. In the game you need to capture all the wild animals and bring them back to their cages. You can shoot the animals with your tranquillizer gun. After the animals are sleeping you can bring them to their cages safely. That Weren’t 64 - New web page. | The GTW64 web page has been updated. The web page is now a part of the main Games That Weren’t web page. The new web page has new features such as: ratings, comment, better search, update feeds and much more. MEM64! | MEM64! is a new game for the Commodore C64. The code was done by Dr. Science, the music is from Agemixer (SID = Audio Man). The graphics are from Dr. Who and Rebel and Dr. Zoom made the loader. In the game you need to find all the pieces that belong together by using as less turns as possible. C64 Intros | The web page C64 Intros has added another 50 intros bringing the total to 8950 intros. A few examples of updated or new groups are: Airborne, Bros + Blaze Factory, Echo, Fusion, Heavy, Midnight Maniacs Incorporated, Pikselsoft, Royal Copyright Intruders + Mass Corporation, Scottish Cracking Service and Warriors of Time + ComTec. Digital Talk #95 | In this German language d64 magazine the following articles: Editorial, Computer Scene, Party and Games Corner, Jack Tramiel, Purple Turtles Story, Retro #23, Chip C64 Sonderheft, DT-Leserchat, Therun's kleine C= Welt, Soulless, Strole World, Die Höhle, Hall of Fame, Charts and more. Shadow in Space - C64 | Shadow in Space is a new game for the Commodore 64. The game is made by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of SEUCK. You receive a distress call from a planet in a parallel universe. You are going with your spacecraft armed with a laser cannon to fight with the aliens. durexForth v1.21 | Ravelli released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and a assembler. Changes in this version: Updated documentation. The blkcol function has been changed. RESTORE jumps back to editor. Buffer is cleared when loading. Gfx loaded by default. Changes for the J command. Get 'Em DX - C64 | Get 'Em DX is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Georg Rottensteiner. In the game Getty and Emma have been captured by the troll King. Getty and Emma want to escape the prison. They need to go through many dungeons, fight with trolls and find keys to open doors. The game is available as cartridge or as download. update | The web page had an update. You can now find more than 5865 games on this web page. A few examples of new games are: 2 on One, 3D Golf, Alf - The First Adventure, Break Dance, Break Street, Chatterbee, Darkhorn, Decisive Battles of the American Civil War Vol 1 / 2 / 3, Rubicon Alliance, The American Challenge, Vortex (Ahoy), Wall Crawler and monopoly online. ICU 64 - v0.1.5 | Mathfigure has released a new version of the visual debugger for the Commodore C64. The debugger will let you look at and change the memory of the emulator while running a program. In this version several programming errors are removed. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: The Comet Game (Firebird), Freddy Hardest (Imagine), The Jetsons (Hi-Tec Software) and Ultima I (Origin Systems). Acorn Man in Magic Land - C64 | Acorn Man in Magic Land is a new game for the Commodore 64. The game is made by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of SEUCK. In the game Acorn Man travelled to magic land to find that the villages and woods are not as nice as they used to be. An evil wizard has cast a spell over the villagers, you must break the spells by throwing acorns at them. LED matrix – C64 | Bart Venneker has connected an LED matrix display to his Commodore C64. The display is developed by Bart himself and has 128 LEDs (16 x 8), the interface has 3 connections (plus power supply). In the video Bart explains how the display and the interface works (Dutch language).