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Start page DotBasic+ | Shane from the web page has rebuild the original DotBasic web page. Almost all of the original information is now available again. And the most recent files for DotBasic+ are available for download. Blinkenwall C64 | Blinkenwall is a wall made from 9 x 5 = 45 glass bricks. Next to every glass brick is a RGB-LED (Shiftbrite). The Blinkenwall is normally controlled by an Arduino system. But it was time for something different and now the Blinkenwall is controlled by a Commodore 64 with a custom build interface. You can see an demonstration on YouTube. Icony - SID | Icony is a new stereo SID for the Commodore C64. The original music was made by Yogibear (Joachim Wijnhoven) for the PC. The C64 version is made by Conrad (Owen Crowley). The SID is specially written for the 8580 SID chip. FPGA64 | Sabbi is still working on his Commodore 64 inside a FPGA chip. All the parts for the system are now placed on a wooden board to avoid problems with the connections. The hardware SID is replaced by an FPGA implementation. An Arduino Pro Mini together with an 1.8 Color LCD gives the system two joystick-ports with paddle support. The control panel has control buttons for a system reset, mute, borders on/off and a menu system to select the kernal image. update | The web page had an update. You can now find more than 5850 games on this web page. A few examples of new games are: 5 Weeks in a Balloon, Attacker, Brian Bloodaxe, Easy Flash Compilation 4, Ganymed, Market Forces, Pegman, Robot, Salvage, Sea Ranger, Sheep Out, Spike C64 Dislike, Stop Stones, Terror Tank and Tunnel Trap. Fifteen 3D - C64 | Falcon soft released a new game for the Commodore C64. The game Fifteen 3D is a sliding puzzle game made by Hamar (code), ryba (music) and Mitchell (graphics). In the game you need to restore a scrambled cube. You must rearrange the 15 pieces inside the 4 x 4 raster, but the difficult part is that the pieces in the cube are rotating all the time. Dream 64 | Dream 64 is a C64 emulator developed by tprodigy1. The features are: Cycle based Commodore 64 CPU, VIC and SID emulation. Supports the 1541 disk drive, joystick, full screen mode, auto load function an the use of PRG, P00, T64 and T64 files. Changes in this version: Re-write of CPU and CIA emulation for more accuracy. Added a Trace Cycle button to the debugger. Blinds - C64 | Charles Grey (Iceout) made a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is very small, it is only 256 Bytes in size. That is only 1 block on a diskette. In the game you have to match the upper part with the lower part. You can change the patterns with the joystick (left / right) or reverse the pattern (up / down). If the patterns match you can join them with the fire button. VIC 314 - Raspberry Pi, C64 | Retrotext build an new C64 with the help of a Raspberry Pi and a not working Commodore C64. For his project he used the following: Commodore C64 casing / keyboard, Keyrah USB interface, 4-way USB port, three RCA connectors, Ethernet and HDMI cable, on/off switch, power supply and some small items. After installing all the hardware inside the C64 he installed VICE on the Raspberry Pi. He can now play his favorite games on his new C64. C64 Power Game Mod Compo | The C64 Power Game Mod Compo is closed and here are the results:
1 - Coltfire (Jens Engel)
2 - Brain Delicacy (Dr Guru)
3 - Kikstart 2012 (V-12)
4 - Nibbly 2012 (Bimber)
5 - Power Dash (C64 Power Community)
6 - Crazy Dream 10 (Logic DeLuxe)
7 - Kolony Mod (Mikra) Doors of Space - C64 | Doors of Space is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is programmed by Roberto Ricioppo with the help of SEUCK. The music in the game is from Richard Bayliss. Earth is under threat by an alien force. Your mission is to fly into the doors of space, and wipe them out. Kristi Louise Herd interview | Kristi is a graphical artist and worked on many computer games from the year 1989 to 2002. She started her career at Imagitec Design and later worked for NMS Software, Revolution, Rockstar games and others. A few examples of the games that Kristi worked on are: Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'o Fun, Stratego, Daemonsgate, Mass Destruction and Ramparts. You can read the complete interview on the web page. The Lost Caves 7 - preview | The Lost Caves 7 is a new edition of the classic Boulderdash game made by schlonkel. The Lost Caves 7 will be officially released in September on the DoReCo-Party 2012 in Germany. You can now download the preview from the Lost Caves web page. SID-Wizard 1.0 RC | SID-WIZARD is a new Commodore 64 tracker. The program is made by Hermit and was released at the Arok Party 2012. This tracker is inspired on the well known trackers such as Goattracker, XSID, SDI and others but it also has many new and useful features. Yogi's Tiny Remixes | Yogibear started a new web page for his collection of Commodore C64 remixes. A few examples of the remixes are: Advanced Space Battle, Afterburner, Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, Defender of the Crown Tune, Emilio Butragueno Futbol, Erebus, The Final Assault Tune, Final Synth Sample II, FlaschBier and many more. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: The Big Deal (Ariolasoft), Extreme (Digital Integration), Sinbad, Throne of the Falcon (Cinemaware), Sword of Honour (CP Verlag) and Tir Na Nog (Gargoyle Games). Lotek64 #41 | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: Lo*bert, Editorial, Newsticker, 30th birthday C64, Amiga 500 as videoplayer, Jack Tramiel (1928-2012), Tetris-Shirts, 30 Years Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Projekt 1565, Pokémon, Books: Verdeckt aus dem Hintergrund, Wir waren Space Invaders, Copyright existiert nicht and Rise of the Videogame Zinesters, C64anabal, Retro Treasures: Samba de Amigo, Raspberry Pi - Commodore 64, Puzzle, Chipmusik and Videogame Heroes #07. CHIP - C64 Sonderheft | The German computer magazine CHIP has release an special edition about the C64. In this edition: The Commodore C64 history, the C64 scene, technical details of the C64 and the modern applications of the C64 such as emulators and how to connect your C64 to a modern PC. Escape from Zaphod - C64 | Richard Bayliss released a new game for the Commodore C64. He made the game with the help of the 3D Construction program from Incentive and Domark. In the game your are captured on the planet Zaphod. You find a way to break open your cell door. But it will not be easy to escape from the planet Zaphod. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: New PAL emulation, but you need a good graphics card for this option. Improvements for the VIC-II emulation, SID player mode and the bus read timing for the 1541 emulation. Updated FDI reader / writer for more Hoxs64 compatibly and improvements for the PSID driver. Spike C64 Dislike | David Eriksson made an C64 version of the PC and iOS game Spike Dislike by James Gamble. In the game you need to avoid the spikes that come towards you. When you are more aggressive in the game you can get more points, but it will also be more dangerous. HVSC #57 | There is a update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more then 42.000 SIDs in the collection. In this update 975 new SIDs, 239 fixed/better rips, 3136 SID credit fixes, 396 SID model/clock infos, 56 tunes identified and 96 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. HybridSID | Markus Gritsch has improved his HybridSID. Markus developed a program that converts the RSID format to a special format that can be used with the HybridSID. The device can now stream the data from a USB memory stick to the HybridSID without being connected to a PC. You can watch a demonstration on YouTube. Dream 64 | Dream 64 is a C64 emulator developed by tprodigy1. The features are: Cycle based Commodore 64 CPU, VIC and SID emulation. Supports the 1541 disk drive, joystick, full screen mode, auto load function an the use of PRG, P00, T64 and T64 files. The emulator can be downloaded from the Dream 64 web page. EasyFlash3 v1.0.0 firmware | Skoe released a new firmware version for the EasyFlash3. Changes in this version: USB and I/O2 RAM in KERNAL mode. Improved KERNAL implementation. Support for the C128 with 2 MHz mode. For the future there are plans for an external KERNAL on the C128 and USB-related features. C64 Intros | The web page C64 Intros has added another 100 intros bringing the total to 8900 intros. A few examples of updated or new groups are: Asphuxia, Commando Frontier, Gotcha, Jaycem Joy Division, Mad Energy New Life, System X, Team 2003, The Electro Mix, The Outsiders, The Wanted, Wolverines, Zombie Boys and Zqvis. Chameleon - Firmware: Beta 7b | Tobias released a new firmware version for the Chameleon cartridge. Changes in this version: Improved REU, Faster SDRAM controller, Slowdown modes. Update program added. Improvements to the menu and the file browser (navigation, quick find, gfx viewer, wav player and file copy). Vandalism News #59 | In this English D64 magazine the following items: News: Jack Tramiel, Elysium, Farlight, Genesis Project, Hokuto Force, Laxaty, Nostalgia, Onslaught, Remember, Samar and Triad. World of Demos, C64 After Death, Arise Hex10 and the Fairlight Cruise.  EasyFlash Cart Builder | EasyFlash Cart Builder is a tool for linking files together into an EasyFlash cartridge. The program utilizes both EasyAPI and EasyFS to make a series of 16K Ultimax cart images for the EF. On the Codeplex page of Payton Byrd you can find more information about the EasyFlash Cart Builder. TAPClean Front End | Luigi Di Fraia released a new version of TAPClean Front End. TAPClean Front End is a graphical environment for analysing the contents of tape images. The package includes a hex monitor, disassembler, CBM BASIC untokenizer for PRG files, TAP splitting application, TAP repair application for CBM files and the graphical TAP/DMP analysis application. Mini-Mag #2 | Mini-Mag is a German diskette magazine. In this edition: Editorial, Interview with Alex (Spacelords Cartridge Project), Difference Packer 2010, Psychopigs, Zoom Floppy, RTC (Retrotreff), Top 10 of games and demos, and a puzzle. VirtualC64 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. Changes in this version are: The Lions native full-screen mode now works as expected, removed the ugly borders. Removed old full-screen mode which caused problems on Lion machines. Visit Dirk's web page for all the details.