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Start page Lotek64 #40 | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: Lo*bert, Editorial, News, 30e birthday Commodore 64, Rainer‘s Rants, Piracy keeps old computer games alive, Aus dem Nähkästchen, Ms. Astro Chicken, Easter Eggs, Kunst, Coder und Maschine, Commodore 65, Interview with Hannes Graf, Retro Treasures, Plug and Pray, C64-Spiele auf Modul, Mario-Shirts, C64 Fighting games, Chipmusic, Bügeln auf der Wii, Alter Ego, Lapfox Trax and Jazz Jackrabbit. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Mancopter, Mask III, Nexus, Operation Thunderbolt, Pac-mania, Questprobe 1: The Hulk and Redhawk. C64 Studio v2.2 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version are: Stored open state of element. Improved the D64 export function. Added support for: breakpoint, !bank macro, Magic Desk cartridge type and help documentation. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: More settings for VIC-II audio leak sound. Improved the VIC-II emulation. Better low level 1541 emulation. Added on/off setting for OpenGL canvas texture interpolation. And a HLT is jam on/off setting. Games That Weren't 64 | The GTW web page has updated the following games: Motorcross Mania, Simon Nicol car game, Murder, Trojan, Tornado Tom and Wildfire. Soon there will be new entries added to the web page. Mr.Cipo in the Lost Planet | Roberto Ricioppo made a new game for the Commodore C64 with the help of SEUCK. In the game you are Mr. Cipo and you find a new planet to live on. But the Zarxions find your planet and decides to invade it. You need to defend your home with your laser cannon and destroy all of the Zarxions. Hell Racer - C64 | Jörg Heyltjes also known as DATA-LAND made a new game for the Commodore C64. In the game you have to shoot your enemy, but you can only shoot them if they are close. You can drive slow or fast, but the faster you go the more fuel you use. The game will end when you run out of fuel. Every area has 3 enemies and up to 5 helicopters. And as a bonus a set of multi-colour pictures. QR Code Generator - C64 | Jwh1977 made a program for the Commodore C64 that can produce QR codes. QR codes are two dimensional bar-codes that can contain an internet address. If you take a picture with a modern mobile phone of the QR code you automatically go to the internet page. The program and the source code are available on the CSDb web page. Mini Mag #01 | Mini-Mag is a German diskette magazine. In this first edition: Editorial, Reviews of C64anabalt and Enforcer. Top 10. Hardware test of the Easy Flash 3 and the Doreco #3 party. FunkPaint 0.40k | FunkPaint is an multi format graphic editor for Hires / Multi / Multicolor and DTV pictures. The editor is programmed by SOCI. The program can be used with an joystick or mouse and supports memory expansions (+60k, REU, Ramcart, Georam etc.). CheeseCutter v2.3.0 | CheeseCutter is a tracker program for composing music for the SID chip. The program uses the reSID engine for SID emulation. The packed files can be played on a real C64. Changes in this version: Extra keys for laptop users. Packer updated to handle sub-tunes. Absolute notes are no longer affected by the sliders in the player. Keyjam mode. Scene World #18 | Scene World is a English diskette magazine for the PAL and NTSC C64 scene. In this edition of Scene World: Editorial. Party scene: VSTsw#4. PAL scene: News and The Mad Scientist. NTSC scene: News, Wave HQ BBS and EEEC. Interviews: Michael Tomczyk and Captain Crunch. Games: News, reviews, C64 Power Game Mod Compo and Overkiller's Crack List. Charts. Huntress of Midgard - C64 | Huntress of Midgard is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Anthony Burns with the help of Sideways S.E.U.C.K. In the game you play the role of Eris. You have to save Midgard from the power of Morrigan. To be victorious you have to find all the pieces of the talisman. The music in the game is made by Richard Bayliss. Hoxs64 v1.0.7.4 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: The application is now DPI Aware. This will re-render all text in Windows 7 when a users uses the make text bigger option. The bitmapped rendering of the C64 is non DPI aware. Breakpoint listview with context menu options Show Address and Delete All Breakpoints. Improved emulation of illegal opcodes. Removed an error with reading G64 files with custom speed zones. CGSC v1.22 | The CGSC (Compute's Gazette Sid Collection) has had an update. The COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system, created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt, for the Commodore 64. The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 12228 MUS, 3597 STR and 4360 WDS files. C64 Intros | The web page C64 Intros has added another 100 intros bringing the total to 8800 intros. A few examples of updated or new groups are: Ahead (DE), Aliens, Axis (BE), The Bitbusters, The Celestial Knights, E.T. Cracking Service, The Gamebusters 1541, High Tech Boys, Looser, Mak-Soft, OK-Koral, Paradroid, Shock Xpress, TMB, Time Zone, Venom (DE) and Vibrators. FPGA64 | Sabbi is still working on his Commodore 64 inside a FPGA chip. He wanted to add a expansion port to his FPGA, but the old board did not have enough I/O. The new board has enough I/O and Sabbi can now also use the Flash IC on the board to store the Kernal, BASIC and Charset. He also added a Arduino micro controller to control the Joysticks and the video output has now 3 bit RGB colours. Icon Run - C64 | Icon Run is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game can be played with 4 players using the 4 player interface. The game was made by Evil Joe and it was released at the BCC Party #6. The game entered the Mixed Competition and reached 5th place. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Black Gold (Electronic Zoo / reLINE), Game Over (Imagine), Nightbreed (Ocean Software), Terramex (Grandslam) and Woolly Jumper (TND). On the Farm III - Sheep Invasion - C64 | Achim Volkers released the third edition in the On the Farm series. In this game, again filled with sheep, a greedy seagull is now the star of the game. You have to stop the sheep eating all the food. The only way to stop the sheep is by pooping on them. You can get better result if you also poop on the farmer and the mole. Bardiax I - C64 | Bardiax I is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Roberto Ricioppo. The game is a Space Invader game where you have to defeat your enemy with your laser canon. The game is made with the help of SEUCK (Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit) and the music was made by Richard Bayliss. C64 Studio v2.1 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. The features are: ACME syntax. Project viewer. Compiles: plain, prg, t64 and d64. Cartridge support. Debugging. Variable, memory and register viewer. Charset and sprite editor. Media Manager for t64 and d64. Star Wars - Yoda | This is a new demo for the Commodore C64. Code by TWW, music by Jeff and the graphics are from JSL. Sheepoid 2 - Woolly Jumper - C64 | Richard Bayliss made a new game for the Commodore 64. In the game you are a sheep called Pepito. After eating mushrooms and drinking beer you fall asleep. In your dream you visit a strange psychedelic universe called Mind Space. Your task is to jump through all 16 levels of Mind Space. A tape inlay and diskette cover are included. Umma Gumma #02 | Umma Gumma is an English diskette magazine for the Commodore C64. In this edition: Why a new issue (after 14 years), Fake charts, Old news and new olds, Medvurst is testing, Readers Questions, Son's corner, Mark's anything und Too bad it's over. Evil Wizard 2 - C64 | Evil Wizard 2 is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Pingo and the music is from Goto80. The game has many levels, it will start in the forest and will end in the evil wizard's castle. In the game you need to defeat many spooky creatures and break the spell from the wizard. C64 Studio v2.0 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version: Added !endoffile macro. Umlauts in labels are now allowed. Fixed a couple of programming errors. Enhanced the watcher, debugger and the media manager. Jason C. Brooke interview | The web page interviewed Jason C. Brooke. Jason is a computer games programmer and a computer musician. His professional computer career started with Binary Design in Manchester. He worked on games like 10-pin bowling game Strike, Rasterscan, Bosconian and Inspector Gadget. You can read the complete interview on the web page. PenPalz - C64 | The web page GTW64 found another lost game. This time they found PenPalz, it is a game that was made for the magazine GO64. The game is developed by John Pericos and Nathan Perry in 1997. In the game you need to fill the screen with a drawing, but there are creature who want to stop you. The game is not finished but it can be played.

Another game called, Angel of Hell II, is also found. The development of this adventure game was started in 1996 and was a serious project with 3 diskette sides and a impressive introduction sequence. Sarada Dojā - C64 | Carl Mason has made a new game for the Commodore 64. In the game you are a sumo wrester who travels through many countries. You want to eat as much food as you can. But if you want to be a big and heavy sumo you need to eat junk-food and stay away from healthy things. The music in the game is made by Richard Bayliss. CRT Games | On the Sam's Commodore Site you can find a collection of .crt files. The data in these files are games that are converted to be used in a cartridge. On the web page you can also find information on how to burn a EPROM and a schematic for building your own cartridge. A few examples of the .crt files are: Bruce Lee, Boulderdash, Super Zaxxon, Beach Head, Ghostbusters, Ghost 'n Goblins, Gryzor and many others. Peter Clarke interview | The web page has interviewed Peter Clarke. Peter composed chip-tunes back in the 80's for Ocean Software and others. When Peter got his first C64 he used it as a games machine. But he got more and more interested in the SID chip inside the C64. After reading magazines and buying music software he unlocked most of the secrets of the SID chip. Nowadays Peter still writes music and remixes of C64 tunes in his spare time.