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Start page World First and Records | On the Recollection web page you can find a list of world first and world records for Commodore 64 demo's. The categories are: World first or records in Effects, Graphic and SID. Jazzcat collected these records from various places. But if you have more records, please send him a message. EF3 USB Utilities v1.2 | Tom-Cat released an update for his EF3 USB Utilities. This version has new features and a couple of bugs were removed. The package contains the following utilities: USB Test, for testing the connection between the PC and the EF3/C64. EF3 Send, for transfer of a .prg to the C64 (200 blocks in 3 seconds). EF3 Copy, for copying a .prg from the PC to a C64 disk drive. EF3 Image Writer, for copying a D64 or .D81 to a C64 disk drive. EF3 Image Reader, for copying a diskette from the C64 to the PC. Planet of the Aliens - C64 | Planet of the Aliens is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is written by Roberto Ricioppo and the music is made by Richard Bayliss. In the game you control a space ship and have to destroy many aliens. The game is made with the help of the SEUCK program. C64 Endings | The web page has added new endings of Commodore C64 games. The most recent additions are: Droids (Anglosoft), Orion (Rack-It (Hewson), Pyjamarama (Mikro-gen) and Turrican 3 (Smash Desings). Robot Nation | Robot Nation is a graphics collection for the Commodore 64. The graphics are made by Rulas International, the coding was done by Lobogris and the music is from Roland Hermans and Yogibear. Commodore c64 Kernal Multiload | Musicmax gives an demonstration about installing and the use of the Commodore c64 Kernal Multiload. This device comes in two parts: One EPROM that replaces the original Kernal of the Commodore 64. And a control-box that makes it possible to select and start an alternative Kernal. In the video you can see that the SX-64, EXOS V3, JiffyDOS and the Cockroach Turbo ROM are being used. C64 POWER Game Mod Compo | This competition is for people who can make a alternative level for a Commodore C64 game. You can use a built-in level editor, use a special program like SEUCK, Creations or Game Maker or reprogram an existing game. You can read all the rules of the competition on the C64 Power web page. You can send in your game until 30 April 2012. Night Raid - C64 | Night Raid is a game that should have been published in the Ahoy! Magazine in February 1989. But the magazine ended in January 1989. Now the diskette of the February issue is found and the game is available. Night Raid is a fast paced action game where you must defend a military base against enemy warships. Tape Master Pro v2.0 | With Tape Master Pro you can make your own fast-loader for cassettes. This version uses a more intelligent IRQ loader system with error detection. You can write a scroll text for the loader and select the type of stripes while loading. Version 2.0 also gives you a choice of loading speeds. The program is made by Richard Bayliss (Editor) and Martin Piper (Tape loader) and can be downloaded from the TND web page. Pic2hires1col - v1.2 | Pic2hires1col is a program to convert pictures into a hires picture that can be used on a Commodore C64. You can open and save pictures in bmpC64 or prg. Other functions are: X/Y-zoom, X/Y-prescale, Autosize, Stretch and Export to TASM source. The program is written by Mr Wegi (Samar Productions) and can be used on a Windows PC. Universal C64 Cartridge | Frank Buss is working on an universal C64 cartridge. You can upload files from a PC (via USB) to the cartridge and store up to 31 cartridges (each 64 kB) on the cartridge. It can emulate any cartridge type except for cartridges with DMA access. On his web page you can find more pictures, schematics and information. C64anabalt cartridge | C64anabalt is now official available on cartridge. The game C64anabalt was original made by Adam Saltsman (Adam Atomic) and the Commodore 64 conversion was done by Paul Koller (Paulko64). The cartridge comes with a printed manual and a specially designed box. You can choose between two different sound tracks one from Mikkel Hastrup (Encore) and one from Andreas Slotte (Ghormak). EasyProg v1.6.3 | A new version of EasyProg is now available. Changes in this version. You can now use the function Erase KERNAL/AR/SS5. The Torture Test has been improved. When a slot is erased, the slot name is erased too (also for KERNALs). The slot number is now a part of the address.
Skoe also released a new version of the EF3-Menu (v1.0.4). Wyvern - C64 | Wyvern is a new Shoot 'em up game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Christian Siege with the help of SEUCK. The music is from Richard Bayliss and the loader was done by Martin Piper. In the game the evil lord has abducted the holy dragon Wyvern, and wants to take control of Prodigia. You must help Wyvern to escape from the evil lord's castle. you can shoot with magic fireballs but do not touch the deadly background. update | The web page had an update. You can now find more than 5700 games on this web page. A few examples of new games are: 1000 Kung-Fu Maniacs, 3D Cubert 64, Castles and Creatures, Duel, Fairy Well, Firing Line, Get Em, Harvest, Herbert on the Slopes, Hyper Blast, Inca Curse, Nuker Preview, Pot Nabber, Psycho Hopper, Q-Bert, Qix, Quolerus, R-Bert, Rainbow Challenge, Runestone, Super Cubert, Tubyx, Ufo Defense and Woolly Jumper. 128 kB cartridge - C64 | Andrew Dieffenbach is working on a 128 kB cartridge for the Commodore C64. For his cartridge he uses a 27C010 EPROM with bank-switching for the access of several 8 kB banks of data. In the demonstration video you can see the game M.U.L.E. The loading time of M.U.L.E. is reduced from 7 minutes to 1 second. After loading the first part of the game, the cartridge switches to another bank, and the second part of the game is available. Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. The most recent changes are: Added a 64-bit version for Windows. Added a Mac OS X version with full screen mode. Many improvements in the VIC-II emulation. And there is now an alternative very exact 1541 disk drive emulation. Visit the Micro64 web page to read more about the changes. Games That Weren't 64 | There are new games added to the GTW web page: Arwag, Civilization, Strobe, Bronnoyquest, Pimple Panic, The Bandage, The Slippery, Zorro in Wonderland, Lupin 3, Magnetic, Tornado Tom and an unnamed Shoot Em Up game. Magess of Midgard - C64 | Magess of Midgard is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Anthony Burns with the help of SEUCK and the music is from Fredrik. In the game you must defend the city of Caer Del Taryn. If the city gets invaded too many times the civilization will perish. Behind the scenes of a C64 demo | Ninja / The Dreams gave a presentation on the 28th Chaos Communication Congress in Germany. In this 1 hour presentation he explains how to make a demo for the Commodore C64. The topics are: Design choices, Effects, Data compression, Loading data, Dirty tricks, Synchronization, Linking and how to keep it all in 64 kB RAM. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 13 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: 12 o'clock (CP Verlag), Connection Gravity (CP Verlag), Colouration (XL.C.US), Dark Caves  (CP Verlag), Firequest (The Edge), Force Seven (Datasoft), Gremlins the Adventure (Adventure International), House Jack Built (Thor), I-Xera (The Power House), Joe Blade (Players), Threshold (Sierra Online), Velocipede II (Players) and Willow Pattern, The (Firebird Software). Text adventures C64 | Neo-Rio released three text adventures for the Commodore C64. The games are originally made for the Tandy Coco and were published in the book Rainbow book of adventures 3. The games are converted to Commodore BASIC 2. In An Actor's Nightmare you are an actor who is late for a very important performance. In The Lost Amulet you need to read carefully read all notes, conserve your batteries and maybe use some magic and in The Professional you are Joseph Benjamin Gunn, a private detective, and need to find a million dollar necklace. The Commodore 64 is 30 | This year the Commodore will be 30 years old. The C64 was the successor of the very popular VIC-20. The new computer was revealed on the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 1982. Later in the year the C64 was for sale in America. Outside America you could buy the C64 in the autumn of 1982. On the web page of you can read a nice article about the C64. The Feeling of Power - C64 | The Feeling of Power is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game was written by TheRyk, Fredrik made the music and the graphics are from LZwerch and TheRyk. The game was released at the Maximum Overdose 9 meeting, 28 - 30 December 2011 in Germany. The game reached 4th place in the Executable/Demo section. 1541 Ultimate update | For the 1541 Ultimate 1 and 2 is a new version (v2.4) of the firmware available. New in this version: CRT load for loading a cartridge file in to the Ultimate. EasyFlash support (read only). Flashing and running custom FPGAs (Ultimate-II only) without the use of a JTAG cable. And many other small improvements. EasyFlash 3 | The EasyFlash 3 is now available at the web page. The EasyFlash 3 is a kit, but the work you have to do is not difficult and a manual is available. The new version is bigger and you can now load 7 normal EF images into the system. With the EF 3 you can also replace the built-in Kernal with a alternative Kernal. The USB connection will be implemented in the future. New C64 games at TND | There are new games for the Commodore C64 available on The New Dimension (TND) web page: Destroy all Robots X21 by Roberto Ricioppo, Strike Team Alpha by Carl Mason, Grayhawk by Alf Yngve and Purge 101 by Anthony Burns. The games are made with SEUCK (Shoot Em Up Construction Kit). C64 Intros | The web page C64 Intros has added another 100 intros bringing the total to 8700 intros. A few examples of updated or new groups are: CSS, Dark Angels, Fristies, Victory Lucid,  Ahead, D.S. Compware, Hurricane, Kriminal Goodsoftware Breaking, Nostalgia, Oxygen, Sunrise, Special Weapons and Tactics and Weird Science 2662. HVSC #56 | There is a update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now more then 41.250 SIDs in the collection. In this update 861 new SIDs, 156 fixed/better rips, 786 SID credit fixes, 88 SID model/clock infos, 43 tunes identified and 79 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page. Games That Weren't | There are new games added to the GTW web page: Nuker, Runestone, Duel, Necronom, Shao Lin's Road V1, Leopard Lord, Enduro Racer V1/V2, Microprose Soccer, Razzmatazz and 44 other new entries. The site updated also 17 entries. CartographPC v2.1 | Arkanix Labs released a new version of Cartograph for the PC. With this program it is possible to make tile based maps on the PC. The maps can be used on the Commodore C64 for games or demos. Changes in this version are: Fixed a problem with the Tileset window. Added additional check when loading default Datamap and Tileset. Added an export option to the Datatypes menu. Arkanix Labs is now working on the next release (v2.5) with Multicolor, Tile animation and png support. C64 Take-away podcast #050 | In this podcast you can hear the following music: Moonove - Ace 2 - Main Theme, Encore - Run, Rob Hubbard - Thing on a Spring, N-JOY - Warhawk, Rob Hubbard - Thrust, Rayza - Oldschool, Jens-Christian Huus - Su-Sweet, Wobbler - Mountie, Mick’s Deathride, Jeroen Tel - Cybernoid II and Markus Schneider - Golden Axe. There is also news about: Eve plays tune from The Last Ninja (piano), 18 classic SID tunes remastered, C64 podcast Commoflage (RSS feed), Prince of Persia and C64anabalt.