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Start page Panic Analogue (Preview) - C64  | The group Goin' Sideways is working on a new game for the Commodore C64. Panic Analogue is fast game for one or two players, and it uses paddles. It is not possible to play the game with a joystick, so get out your paddles out of storage for this new game. The game will be released in the near future. Slixed | Slixed is a online drawing program to make pictures in the style of the Commodore C64. You can start a new or load an existing picture and edit it in Hires or Multi-color. You can then save it as a png file. The program is an early alpha release but you can try it now. The features are: Selecting colors, plotting pixels, flood fill, replace color, cut, copy and past a char, undo and zoom. Lotek64 #38  | A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: News. Tetris Tower 3D. Adventure-Schatzkiste #06: Clever and Smart. Interview with Simon Krätschmer. Amiga CDTV (Part 2). Super Mario Land 1-3. Retro Treasures: Omega Race (Atari VCS). Interview with the former owner of Colasoft. The secrets of the Nintendo color codes. Happy Halloween. Book: Die Datenfresser. Indie Game Momodora II. Here plays the Chip music. Videogame Heroes #04: Earthworm Jim. Dunjon Battler - C64 | Dunjon Battler is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by Jeffrey Ouelette. In the game you need to find the chalice of ultimate power. Destroy the monsters and collect the treasure chests. Drinking from the chalice will give you immortality. But at what cost? If you completed the first challenge you can access the second quest from the title screen. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 5 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Final fight (U.S. Gold), Gyroscope (Melbourne House), Happiest days of your life (Firebird) , Nonterraqueous (Mastertronic) and Inside Outing (The Edge). C64anabalt - preview | Paulko64 is working on a new game for the Commodore C64. This time he is doing a remake of the popular game of Canabalt. The game was originally designed  in Flash and for iOS by Adam Saltsman (Adam Atomic). In the game you need to run as far as you can. You run on the roofs of buildings and need to avoid all kinds of trouble. The game play of C64anabalt is very good and the game is very addictive. ZoomFloppy 2.0 software | There is new software available for the ZoomFloppy. Changes in this version: Support for IEEE-488 drives (Thomas Winkler). Experimental support for 1571 serial nibbling via the SRQ protocol. (Arnd Menge). Support for low-level drive analysis with the 1541 index-hole sensor. Many improvements and bug fixes. You can download the new software and a comprehensive English manual from the web page of Nate Lawson.
Micro64 | Micro64 is an cycle exact Commodore C64 emulator. It is still in development but you can try this beta version. Micro64 has beside a normal VIC II emulation also a half-cycle exact experimental emulation, but this emulation is a bit slow at the moment. You must also take a look at the program micro64ide.exe. This program shows you the how a program runs inside the C64 and you can watch the memory. Edge Grinder - C64 | The game Edge Grinder for the Commodore 64 is now available as a .d64 image. The game is made by T.M.R, the graphics are from Smila and Ste'86 and the music is made by Odie. The game about scoring points, blowing things up and grinding the walls. The alien craft attacks in waves and have varying strength values. You will need to learn these attack formations in order to succeed. VirtualC64 0.9.6 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. Changes in this version are: Enhanced sound emulation after the ReSID library has been integrated. Fixed joystick issues on Lion machines. Fixed bug that caused the emulator to crash on some Lion machines. Visit Dirk's web page for all the details. SIDaster - MOS6581 Arduino Shield | Fullmaj started a project with an MOS6581 SID chip and a Arduino board. The Arduino board is used to translate the Midi signals and commands to a SID chip. Features: Control of the SID over Arduino Hardware SPI interface. Midi Receive interface through Opto-coupler and Led visualization of Midi Traffic. On the blog of Fullmaj you can find a sound sample, the schematic and the firmware. hYpnotiZe | Slimex of the group Sidrapers made  a new SID for the Commodore C64. You can download the music from the Commodore Scene Database. Android App: Frodo C64 USB - 2 Player | Poke 64738 released an new Android app called: Frodo C64 USB - 2 Player. This app makes it possible to use a real C64 keyboard with the Frodo emulator on a Andriod device with the help of the Keyrah interface. Features: Easy GUI. 2 Player support. D64, T64, PRG and P00 support. Disk change. Drive LED support. F-keys (LIST, RUN, LOAD, DIR). Requirements: Android 3.1 or higher tablet with minimum resolution of 1024x600 and an USB Keyboard or Keyrah. The Lost Caves 6 | The Lost Caves 6 is a new edition of the classic Boulderdash game made by schlonkel. The Lost Caves 6 was official released on Gamescom 2011 in Cologne, Germany. TLC 6 has 24 caves and 6 intermission. A few examples of the new caves are: Collectors Digest, Don't Let Them Escape!, Fireworkers, Nuclear Fuel, The Bridge, Difficulty Pushing, 7 Chambers Of Fun and Time For Party! You can order TLC 6 on diskette or you can download it as a .d64 image. Gamebase 64 - v8 | The team of Gamebase 64 released version 8. The total is now more than 22,500 entries, 1500 more then the previous version. The goal of Gamebase 64 is to preserve all software that was made for the Commodore 64 computer. Games That Weren't | There are new games added to the GTW web page: Civilization, Dive Bomber, Dinnamic Donkey Duo, Erik the Destroyer, Elusive, Giana Strikes Back, Game#3, Imperial Bodyguard, Pimple Panic, Robin Hood, Shian: Tiger Style, Shian: Wu Dang, Samba 2, SAW Wars and  Zach Townsend Puzzler. CharPad v1.8.3 | Subchrist Software released a new version of CharPad. With CharPad you can design tiles for Commodore C64 games or demos on a Windows computer. Improvements and changes in this version: Added CTM format v4, import dialog for data elements, export of complete map as windows bitmap image and new project options. Improved are map resizing, map/tile area copy and paste system, export dialog and coloring modes. Regenerator 1.2 | Regenerator is a program made by Tomaz Kac, that will disassemble a Commodore 64 machine code program on your Windows PC. New in this version: Auto-Merge can be switched on or off. Manual Merge of Text/Data blocks possible. Any true type font can be selected for the display font. Force 16 bit compile of operands  by adding ~. And many more minor bug fixes. An comprehensive English manual is included with the program. Chameleon beta-6f firmware | The firmware 6f (beta) is now available for the Chameleon cartridge. Changes in this version: Emulation of illegal opcodes SHX and SHY. Support for backwards reading of the PS/2 keyboard matrix. Improved the VIC-II emulation for line 0x138 which does not exist on PAL (line 0x137 is 1 cycle longer). Lightpen trigger from emulated CIA for stable rasters effects. Fixed vertical sprite stretching bug in VIC-II emulation. Preliminary docking station support. Failure in 8 Bits | Failure in 8 Bits is a demo for the Commodore C64. Thee demo won the second place at the  Dekadence Dataparty 2011. The demo is made by Xwd, Roz, Duce, Flex and Micron. Scene World #17 | In this edition of Scene World: Editorial. News. Partyscene: Homecon 7, Riverwash and X2010. Website reviews: and Lord Ronin. R3play 2010. EEEC. Mr. Wax. ACUG. Orycon. Interviews: Nicholas Coplin and Kaizen. Games: news, reviews and programming. Charts. Shoot 'Em Up Destruction Set 2 | Psytronik Software presents  Shoot 'Em Up Destruction 2, another stunning compilation of games produced by the Shoot 'Em Up master, Alf Yngve! SEUDS 2 includes the following four games: Super Tau-Zeta, fight your way through the cosmos. Bloodwheels, drive your armored vehicle through the desert, jungle and an evacuated city. 2,000 Kung-Fu Maniacs, combat the Kung-Fu Maniacs and other assorted foes on your epic quest! Trojahn, is an adventure in which you are on a quest to rescue your beloved Elena from an evil Minotaur! MyCommodore64 | On the MyCommodore64 blog you can read all kinds of information about sound cartridges. You can find specifications, look at pictures or listen to sound samples. A few examples of cartridges are: Cynthcart 1.2.4, Drum Studio, Magic Voice, Easy Speech 64, VoiceBox, CommTalk Speech Unit, Voice Messenger, Currah Speech 64, Votalker and ProVoice. Vandalism News #57 | In this English D64 magazine the following items: Charts, Game charts, News, Mini market, World of Demos, Opinion poll, Hardware corner, The profiler, LCP report, Flashback report, The List and Crackers Map. Rambo Revisited - GFX Compo | The web page organized a competition. In this competition you could enter a improved picture of the loading screen from the game Rambo First Blood - Part II. You can now look at and vote for all of the 50 entries. Mail Order Monsters | Mail Order Monsters is a three piece music and video performance group, celebrating the sound of the Commodore 64 computer. They use a range of (custom) hardware to produce the SID sound like multiple keyboards and percussion controllers, Midibox, Hardsid, Mssiah, and real Commodore 64 computers. In total they use 23 SID chips (6581) on stage. They will do a live show at the Artprize 2011 in Ah Nab Awen Park, Michigan, United States on 21, 23 and 30 September. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 5 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Grand Prix Simulator II (Codemasters), Garfield: Big Fat Hairy Deal (The Edge), Galaxy Force (Activision), Herobotix (Hewson / Rack-it), Time Trax (Mind Games). The Marlo Files - C64 | Binary Legends made a updated compilation of two text adventure games. Join Sammy Marlo, Private Eye as he searches for stolen paintings in the Caper museum and goes on the trail of a missing scientist in Dial M for Marlo. The games were created with the Questwriter text adventure creator. Instructions on how to play the games are included on the disk. Also in case you get stuck while playing the games, full solutions are also included. EasyFlash 3 | Skoe showed a new version of the EasyFlash cartridge. In this version the cartridge will be able to switch to another Kernal, and the RAM under the Kernal will also be available. In total you can choose from 8 Kernals and 7 EasyFlashes. The USB connection can be used for updating the Firmware. The EasyFlash can also emulate another cartridge like the FinalCartride-III, ActionReplay etc. The SEUCK Vault | The web page about SEUCK games has made a big update with 40 new games for the C64. A few examples are: 3D Spacewar, Alien Blast II, Amadeus, Ardant, The Armageddon Files, Banana Jones, Base 3, Fireflash, Invasion from outer space, Lard, Space Opera, Stink Warz, Usurper, Bottom, Contura, Vios and many more. And Martin Pugh added more than 200 SEUCK games with trainers. durexForth v1.1 | Ravelli released a new version of Forth for the Commodore C64. Forth is a very low-level and minimal language without any automatic memory management. Forth on the C64 is more faster, more memory effective and more powerful than the standard Basic. Forth on the C64 includes an editor, compiler and a assembler. This version, durexForth has the following advantages: Sources are stored as text files. DurexForth is small. The editor is a vi clone. It's open source. And a comprehensive English pdf manual is Included. Unreleased Pimps | Unreleased Pimps is a music collection from the Maniacs of Noise. The music is made by DRAX and the graphics and code were made by Clarence. The songs are: Plea Ease, Blue, Dreamy, Handle It, Indifference and Sloppy.