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Start page VirtualC64 | Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. Changes in this version are: Support for OS X Lion. Redesign of the CIA debug and the Preference panels. Fixed bugs in the BCD to binary conversion routine, keyboard events and the TOD. New startup animation. Visit Dirk's web page for all the details. 1991 | Booze Design released a new demo for the Commodore C64. The demo is made by HCL, JackAsser, Dane, RaveGuru, Archmage and Jailbird. The demo won the first prize at the LCP 2011 in the C64 demo competition. C64 Studio 1.5 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version: Fixed bugs in parsing !byte with binary values and with the file info storage. Added charset/sprite functions as buttons. Warnings for unused labels. Compiler speed improvements. Lotek64 #37 | A new edition of the Lotek64 magazine is available. In this German language pdf magazine the following articles: News, Jim Slim (C64), Interviews with Oliver Uschmann and Joscha Sauer, The Mario Kart formula, Commodore CDTV, Codemasters CD game pack (C64), Graz $05, Wien 2011, Music corner, The Tetris Kitchen and Kirby. C64 Mags Update #9 | The Ultimate C64 Scene Mag Archive is a collection of magazines from the C64 scene underground. In this update: 78 Disk magazines, 58 Paper magazines, 5 Disk covers, 5 Bonus files, 20 Bug fixes and 2 Vote sheets. You can download the update or the complete archive from the web page. Ultimate v2.3 firmware | There is now new firmware available for the Ultimate II. Changes in this version: The REU emulation and SX-64 cartridge slot timing have been improved. And many more small changes and improvements. The (pre-)order form has been reopened with adjusted mail rates and different mail options. SUX 6400 | The Sound Ultimate Expander 6400 audio digitizer and its accompanying Digimaster 64 software were released on July 24, 2011 at the Commodore Vegas Expo v7. With this cartridge you can digitize audio into your Commodore C64. The cartridge is available and will cost $25 including a cartridge case. Return #8 | Return magazine is a German print magazine about the 8-bit computers from A like Atari to Z like the ZX Spectrum. In this edition: Jim Slim - C64, Cray_5 - Sinclair, 20 years Sonic the Hedgehog, Turrican, Crownland and Tennis for Two - Atari, Gamescom 2011. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 6 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Bill & Ted's excellent adventure (Capstone), Hammerfist (Activision), KGB Agent (Pirate Software), Lunar Blitz (T.M.R./Cosine), Mermaid Madness (Electric Dreams/Firebird) and Operation Fireball (Alternative Software). Brisbane C64 Night 2011 | Brisbane C64 Night is a meeting of C64 fans in Australia on the 27th of August 2011. Bring your C64 or another 8-bit Commodore computer with you and have a great evening. Entrance is 5 AUD for covering the costs. For more information you can read the messages on the Lemon64 forum. Attitude #12 | In this English diskette magazine the following: 25 Years of TRAID. The Scene with the news and the charts. Report of Datastorm 2011. Backing-up T250 tape, Traid and me, Arttitude, Ixion returns. Opinions. Tutorial for booting up XV1541 and a interview with Mahoney. Sounds of the Amiga #3 | The group TRIAD made a new music collection. This time they converted well known Amiga music to the C64. The music collection was made by: iopop, Itch, dalezy, ne7, Spot and Taper. Commodore C64 controlling a pallet warehouse | The Commodore C64 can be used to control all kinds of hardware. In this demonstration you can see that the C64 is used to control a pallet warehouse. A program written in BASIC is used to move the pallets from one place in the warehouse to another place. The movement is controlled with 3 stepper motors that can make the mechanical arm move in the X, Y and Z directions. The commands for the motors are given via 5 outputs at the user-port of the C64. Digital Talk #92 | In this German language d64 magazine the following articles: Computer Szene with Commodore Treffen Graz, HomeCon, Spectacular Odysee and Emu64. Talkies und Diskussionen. Games corner with Darlek Attack, Jim Slim and D.A.D. Out of C64 and the Musikbox. Chang's Adventure - C64 | Chang's Adventure is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by The Mad Scientist (Hokuto Force). In the game you need to find the treasures, fight the enemies and find a boat to escape the island. PIC voice synthesizer C64 | Jorge Castillo gave a demonstration of his voice synthesizer, that is controlled by an Commodore C64. The synthesizer is made with PIC16F648A micro controller. It is connected to the user-port of the C64. The program XL VIP terminal is used to communicate between the C64 and the PIC controller. You can watch the demonstration video on YouTube. Chameleon beta-6d firmware | The firmware 6d (beta) is now available for the Chameleon cartridge. Changes in this version: Turbo speed increase. Auto speed option for the turbo. Turbo slows down when access to the IEC bus - GEOS works now! 1541 emulation improved (IEC timing, VIA6522). New cartridge emulations: Mikro Assembler, StarDOS, Business Basic, S'More, Prophet-64, Capture, Mach-5, Westermann Learning, Epyx Fastload, Easy-flash and PageFox. A C64 game | Endurion (Georg Rottensteiner) is writing a blog about making a game on the Commodore C64. He explains every step he takes and you can look at the assembly code for each step. At the moment he is at step 12, but it will take about 36 steps in total to complete the game. Every step includes the assembly code (ACME cross compiler) and part of the program (.prg). Deff-Ender - C64 | Deff-Ender is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Pavel Loda and is one of the games in the Sideway SEUCK competition 2011. In the game you must fly with your laser equipped aircraft through four battle zones. You have to fight against the aliens and try to rescue the humans. Action Def - C64 | Action Def is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Christian Siege and is one of the games in the Sideway SEUCK competition 2011. In the game you go on a secret mission. You need to defeat the guards but be very careful where you walk. The game is not easy and you need to be precise and concentrated to play this game. RR-Net MK3 | Jens Schönfeld showed a proto-type of the RR-Net MK3. This cartridge for the Commodore C64 has the following features: Ethernet (Wiznet W5100 chip with integrated TCP/IP stack), 8 kbyte ROM (Writeable with the C64), 128kbyte RAM (bank switching). The RR-Net MK3 can also be use together with the Chameleon, Retro Replay, MMC Replay and the Nordic Replay via the clock-port. Escape From the Annoying Chavs - C64 | Joshua Green made a new game for the Commodore C64. The game, Escape From the Annoying Chavs, is one of the games in the SEUCK 2011 competition. In the game you are Richard and you want to go to your local pub after work. But you have to walk through many dangerous streets. You better take some coconuts with you for your protection. The music in the game was made by Richard Bayliss. CSAM v3 | CSAM is a Windows application for importing images or video, and then converting it into a Commodore 64 format. The program analyses the original picture and will make a codebook (2 kbyte) and screen-data (1 kbyte). With this data you can display your image on the C64. The encoding on the PC will take some time, but the decoding on the C64 is very fast. Version 3 brings you new encoders and pre-compressors. A English manual is included with the program. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 14 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Congo Bongoby (U.S. Gold), Cylu (Firebird Software), Dragon Skulle (Ultimate), Extreme (Digital Integration), Fire and Forget 2 (Titus Software), Fearless Fred (Americana Software), Metro-cross (U.S. Gold) On The Farm, On The Farm 2 (Achin Volkers), Rocket Roger (Alligata Software), R.M.S. Titanic (Electric Dreams), Speedball 2 (Image Works), Spellbound (Mastertronic) and Toki (Ocean). C64 Longplays | There are 5 new game videos available on the C64 Longplays web page. If you want to see how a game ends you can watch the video. The new entries are: Bounder (Gremlin Graphics, 1986), Crazy Comets (Martech, 1985), Spy Vs Spy 2 (First Star Software, 1985), Hyper Sports (Imagine, 1985) and Winter Games (Epyx, 1985). Forgotten Forest - C64 | Alf Yngve made a new game for the Commodore C64. The game, Forgotten Forest, is one of the games in the SEUCK 2011 competition. In the game you have to go through a dark and spooky forest. You have a flame thrower with you, to fight against the dangerous creatures. The music in the game was made by Richard Bayliss and the loader was done by Martin Piper. Games That Weren't | There are new games added to the GTW web page: New York Crisis by Jason Daniels, 6 Kingdoms of Babylon by Crystal Software and Electronics, Bombmania by Winkel Software and Bomber Clot by Ewen Gillies. There are also games updated: Autoguard, 9 Lives of Fritz the Cat, Barry the Seahorse, Colony, Crucial Bros, Kick Off 2 Cartridge and Moon Gods. Frantic Freddy - C64 | There is a new game available for the Commodore C64. This game is a conversion of the game Frantic Freddy for the Colecovision and Spectravideo that was released in 1983. The conversion was done by encore and the graphics were made by Joe. In the game a building is on fire. You are the fireman Frantic Freddy and you need to put out the fire. And do not forget to save the cats in the windows. Lady Kakerlak - C64 | Jörg Heyltjes from the Technische Maschinenfabrik released 5 extra levels for his game Lady Kakerlak. This game is inspired on the game Ladybug and can be played on the Commodore C64. You can also make extra levels yourself with the built-in editor. C64 Studio 1.3 | C64 Studio is a assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. Changes in this version: Image import / export for sprites and characters. Added: Pseudo pc macro, Project configurations with predefines, Element dependencies, Tab configuration and Undo/redo in the toolbar/menu. Sprite Pad v1.8 | Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of Sprite Pad. With this (Windows) program you can edit and animate your multicolor and high-resolution sprite images. Sprite Pad has also advanced editing features like: rotation, overlay and multiple color palettes. Changes in this version: Single file projects, VICE snapshot ripper, Browser window is now 8x7 (56) sprites. Import and export options with support for SEUCK/PRG files. Regenerator v1.0 | Regenerator v1.0 is a program made by Tomaz Kac, that will disassemble a Commodore 64 machine code program on your Windows PC. You can load a .prg or .vsf (VICE snapshot) file and convert it to a 64tass assembler compatible file. An comprehensive English manual is included with the program.