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Strona startowa The Retro Hour - Thalamus | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Thalamus Rebirth i Commodore Format - Andy Roberts. Uni Gen Converter | Nowy sprzęt komputerów Commodore C64, Amiga i Atari: Uni Gen Converter. Retro Computing Roundtable #158 | Retro Computing Roundtable podcast (język angielski) dla komputerów retro. W tym odcinku: AmigaOne A1222, Captain's Quarters BBS, WiFi232, Syncterm, Tempest 4000 (Jeff Minter), Alan Turing, Zork, Apple Video i Tezza's Adventures. The Retrogaming Times #10 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Events, More C64! - The Commodore 64's Legacy, Retrogaming Feels - CoCo Arcade, Apple II Incider - Legacy, The Controller Chronicles - Magnavox Odyssey 2 Joystick, A Pirate's Life For Me - Eighth Journey, The What If Universe - E.T., Memory Lane Is Not How I Remembered It, The Starpath Supercharger, The Retro Junkie: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project, Retro Gaming Legacy, What You Leave Behind, Show Report - California Extreme 2017, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap i See You Next Game. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Zorro (Datasoft - 1985), Overlander (Elite Systems - 1988), Modern Game Ports And Demakes! i A Brief History of Scandinavian Games. Computer Classics Card Game | Nowy projekt Kickstarter: Computer Classics Card Game. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Supergames Cartridge manual, Action Replay MKIV Manual, VIC20 and Commodore 64 Tool kit: Kernal, C128 Diagnostic Instruction and Troubleshooting Manual, Compute!s VIC20 and Commodore 64 Tool Kit: Basic, Comal Problemløsning og Programmering + Programhæfte i Soft Today. Remi's Classic Computers | Nowa strona o kompozytorów klasycznych. KiloByte magazine 4 | KiloByte magazyn (PDF, język angielski) dla 8-bit Komputer domowy i konsola gier wideo. W tym wydaniu: Diskette covers, c64 motherboards, cassette tapes, C16 proto-type, Isepic, Diskette cleaning, Slipstream (C64), Defender of the Crown (ZX Spectrum) i Doomsday Echoes (CPC). Retro Assembler | Nowy asembler rodziny 6502 CPU: Retro Assembler. Bart Venneker - Programator EEPROM (Holenderski) | Nowy projekt sprzętowy z Bart Venneker: Programator EEPROM. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: The Polyhedron, Compumath Magic, SpriteMaster 64, Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday, Saboteur II, Submarine Warfare, The Official Americas Cup Sailing Simulation, Command Summary, How to Master Video Games, How to Win at Donkey Kong, Guide to the Video Arcade Games, How to Win at Zaxxon, Mind Over Minors Manual Teachers Edition and How to Beat Atari, Intellivsion i Other Home Video Game Systems. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: On-screen keyboard display, Fast boot kickstart i ROMs, 1080p 50Hz, Hypervisor boot display i utility menu. Komoda & Amiga Plus #8 | Nowe wydanie magazynu Komoda & Amiga Plus: The Train - Escape to Normandy, Krzysztof Augustyn, Miecze Valdgira II, Datasoft, Laser Squad, Sid Adventures: Katod, C64 - WiFi, Rowman, Yogi's Big Clean Up, $B, Gunfright, Maze of the Mummy,3D games for VIC-20, Go Ahead!, Bomb Runner 2, English Civil War, DreamWeb, Boxx 3, Max Knight, Emulation Zone: Amiga - Android TV Box, AROS ARM - Android, MAL Hollywood, Andreas Falkenhahn, GameDev Story: Digital Team, Total Pattern, Bridge Strike, Rise of the Robots, Fresh News, Gallery, Bruce Lee 3D, Polish underground - the charm of computer markets, Pixel Heaven 2017, USBJoy, Broken plastic? No problem!, Captain Claw, 8-bit kids, Therapy, Talking Heads: educational games i Johnny presents: Prescription. Ben Daglish interview - Retrogamesmaster | Wywiad z Ben Daglish. Ben robi muzykę do gier, kilka przykładów to: Trap, Death Wish 3, Gauntlet, The Last Ninja, Krakout, Auf Wiedersehen Monty i Pac-Mania. C2N remonte | Cainers Commodore Capers!: Commodore C2N Datassette remonte. MemTest64 | Nowy program testowy dla komputerów Commodore. The Retro Hour #82 | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Joerg Droege (Scene World). Jakadapter - Firmware v1.3 | Nowy firmware dla Jakadapter. CommVex 2017 videos | CommVex 2017: Leonard Tramiel, Leigh L Klotz, Jr.(LOGO) i Roger Van Pelt (zaktualizowane gry). Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Independent Commodore Products User Group Newsletter, Precision Software - Special Offer to IPUG Members, 1541 Diskettestation Commercial, Commercial for 'EDDISON' and 'BB Write', The 'Kickstart' Guide to the Amiga, SOFT Today, MaxiMem v2.0, Advanced Machine Code Programming for the Commodore 64, VIC Computing, Motorola 68000/68008 Programming Reference Card, Sword of Honour, Zzapp64, Commodore DPS 1120, Bodylog - Das Fitnessprogramm mit dem Commodore 64/128, BTX Decoder Modul, Sargon II Chess for the VIC 20, Using the C64, AlphaWorks Universal Cartridge, Gubbdata 2017 Överlevelsesguide i Gubbdata 2017 votesheet. FREEZE64 - 11 | FREEZE64 magazyn dla Commodore C64: Andrew Braybrook, Gribbly's Day Out, Desert Island Disks, The Sky is Falling, Beart Bovver, Games in the making, Max Headroom, Exclusive poke 'n codes, The mouldy cupboard i Free cheat card (8). TOSEC | TOSEC został zaktualizowany. The Old School Emulation Center, to grupa ludzi, którzy zajmują się zbieraniem gier I programów dla komputerów domowych I konsol. W tej aktualizacji: 53 nowych, 115 uaktualniono i 17 usunięto. Pentagram v1.30 - C64, C128 & Plus/4 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64, C128 i Plus/4: Pentagram v1.30. Lotek64 #55 | Nowe wydanie Lotek64 ten niemieckojęzyczny magazyn PDF zawiera następujące artykuły: C64-MMO Habitat, - André Eymann, Frogs, Teletext, C64-Directory-Compo, PC-Harddisk - C64, Commodore Meeting Wien 2017, The Colonel's Bequest, Autobahn Raser, Amiga 3400, Siemenx Nixdorf FD 210, Sidologie, Lobert, C232, Nintendo Wii Development Kit i Videogame-Heroes. The 8-Bit Guy - US*8 kalkulator | The 8-Bit Guy dokonał film o naprawianiu Commodore US*8 kalkulator. Retrohax - RGB2S/C | Nowy projekt dla Amiga: RGB2S/C. Commodore Minuteman 3 | Naprawa kalkulatora Commodore Minuteman 3. The Guru Meditation - Amiga 1200 Upgrades | W tym odcinku Guru Meditation: Aktualizacje Amigi 1200 (LoadWB), nowe Obudowa Amiga, naprawa Acill i Vintage Computer Festival SE. Floppy Days - Podcast #75 | Floppy Days to angielski podcast o komputerach retro. W tym odcinku: VCFSE 5, Thomas Liebert, Jon Guidry, Amiga Bill i Anthony. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: The GEM Operating System, Writer File, Microkids, The Polyhedron, Teaching and Computers, Personel Computer & Games, At the Heart of the Mountain i Adventurer. Eight Bit Magazine 4 | Nowy magazyn dla komputera retro: Eight Bit Magazine 4. W tym odcinku: Atari 8-bit, Spectrum Next, 8-bits emulators, adventures, Tech Zone, wywiady i recenzje gier.