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Strona startowa Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Anthrox - Ninja in Space, The Band - Batman, TRSI - The Lone Ranger, Technosoft - Pagestream, Logos, Flashtro - Stryx, Scoopex - Stryx, Scoopex - Arctic Fox, Flashtro - Santa Run i Blizzard & Hotline - Backlash. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Scoopex - Arctic Fox, Flashtro - Santa Run, Blizzard & Hotline - Backlash, Ackerlight - Falcon, BAmiga Sector One - Arkanoid, Australian Crackers United - Ninja Warriors, Generation 89 - M1 Tank Platoon i Scoopex - Uridium 2. VDC-MCM - C128 | Dostępne jest nowe demo dla komputera Commodore C128. Demo zostało stworzone przez Strobe (kod), Patto (muzyka), Cupid (piksele) i Oziphantom (test). Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Hoodlum - The Banished, Flashtro - Wiz AGA, Equinox - Logical, Orion - Knights of Cristallion, Orion - Postman Pat, Vision - Pro Sound Designer, Orion - RoboCop, Robocop - Kamikaze Chess, The Foul Critters - MicroProse Formula One i Redrum - Creepy Twins. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Necropolis - Elvira II, Bimbo Cracking Group - Kick Off, Legion - Permonie, Paradox - Midi Sample Wrench, The Next Generation - Best Business Management, Hotline - Best Business Management, The Cardinals - Twintris, Flashtro - Magica, The Orb - Twintris, Italian Bad Boys - Geisha i Falcons - New Import. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Access - Agony, Mad Monks - Transputor, Classic - Last Ninja 3, Phenomena - Tiger Road, Defjam - CCS - SpreadPoint - Blood Money, Technosoft - Block Shock, Technosoft - Falcon, Technosoft - Movem, Bad Karma - The Last Star Fighter i Random Access - 3d Pool. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Ross - Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons, Defjam - Maxiplan, The Band - Populous, Scoopex - Yogis Great Escape, Tarkus Team - Junior Ice Mines, The Cardinals - Celica GT Rally, Scoopex - LeaderBoard, Flashtro - Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons FINAL, Flashtro - Else We Get Mad, Flashtro - Super Wormy i Redrum - Tricycle Racer. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Redrum - Tricycle Racer and Wanted Team - Swidron. Botticelli Bilderdisk #45 | Nowe wydanie Botticelli Bilderdisk dla Commodore Plus/4. We Love C64 - Demo | We Love C64 to wersja demonstracyjna dla komputera Commodore C64. Demo opracowali Richard, Dr.J & Mythus (kod), Mythus, Richard, Bordeaux & Logiker (piksele), Richard, Dr.J & SigmaZeven (muzyka) oraz Baracuda & Richard (tekst). Predison 2020 - C64 | Fairlight stworzyło nowe demo dla komputera Commodore C64. Demo osiągnęło 4 miejsce w Mixed Demo Competition w Edison 2020. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: The Silents - Cosmic Pirate, Abandon - Pinball Dreams and Flashtro - Freds Journey. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Abandon - Pinball Dreams, Freds Journey, The Gang - Flight of the Intruder, Abakus - Operation Neptune i Paranoimia - A new crack. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Tiny Little Slug, Rotator, TRSI - Pac Mania, Future Composer Redux V 1.6, Quicksilver - Chicago 90, Global Overdose - Apidya II, Scoopex - Create Font V1.0, Tarkus Team - Sim City, Threat - Test Drive II, Raw Head - Crazy Cars II, Rawhead, Blizzard - The Great Giana Sisters, Angels & Genesis - Art Department, Vision Factory - Fallen Angel, The Cardinals - Gods i Chain - Walker. Final Cartridge Demo - C64 | Final Cartridge Demo to nowe demo dla komputera Commodore C64. Demo zostało stworzone przez aussiebj. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Quicksilver - Chicago 90, Global Overdose - Apidya II, Tarkus Team - Test Drive II Sim City, Raw Head - Crazy Cars II, Blizzard - The Great Giana Sisters, Angels & Genesis - Art Department, Vision Factory - Fallen Angel i The Cardinals - Gods. 2600 AD - C64 | 2600 AD to nowe demo dla komputera Commodore C64. Demo zostało stworzone przez Rastah Bar, Facet i Joe. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: The Ultimate Warrior - Walker, Future Composer Redux, Australian Crackers United - Infestation, Scoopex - Hacker, Scoopex - Recoil, Pseudo-ops - Sorcerer Lord i Prologic - Mini Golf. C64 intros | Nowe intra są: Hokuto Force, Genesis Project, Raiders of the Lost Empire, The Critters, Triad, The Electronic Generation, Humanoids, Wolf Team, 3D and Delta System. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Pseudo-ops - Sorcerer Lord, Prologic - Mini Golf, Red Sector - Phalanx II, Flashtro - Black Dawn Rebirth, Scoopex - Trainer Menu i Belga Live - Zero Gravity. YoomBlazer - Plus/4 | Carrion stworzył nowy obraz graficzny dla komputera Commodore Plus/4: YoomBlazer. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Belga Live - Zero Gravity, Headwave - X out, BAmiga Sector One -The Predator, R.E.R.O 9 Level Preview, TRSI - Clown o Mania, Redrum - Axe Man in Colorado, Crass - Super Seymour Saves the Planet i Triad - XR35. Pixelrat - Spider C64 | Pixelrat wykonał grafikę PETSCII na CAFe Demoparty 2019. Ta praca zajęła 4 miejsce w Konkursie Grafiki Mieszanej. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Triad - XR35, The Cardinals - Alcatraz, Dune & Duck Tales, Scoopex & Inner City - Maniac Mansion, Nerve Axis - Street Fighter II, Valhalla - Turbo Silver, The Fire Starters - Zak Mckracken, Alpha Flight - Cracktro Source Code, Gothic - Agony, Australian Crackers United - Day of the Viper, Hotline - New Stuff, Xentrix - Pang, Horizon - Red Heat, The Clan - Deflektor, Anadune - Dyna Blaster i Ethic - Zeppelin. Botticelli Bilderdisk #44 | Nowe wydanie Botticelli Bilderdisk dla Commodore Plus/4. Carrion - Comet Jockeys | Carrion stworzył nową grafikę pikselową dla Commodore Plus / 4. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Shut Berlin - Renaissance, Splashtro - Toki, Oracle - Kick Start II i The Supremacy - Demo Creator. VDC101 - C128 | VDC101 to demo dla Commodore C128. Demo jest tworzone przez Strobe i Babyface. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Unix One - Ninja Warriors, TRZ - Beneath a Steel Sky, Redrum - Donner Party, Nuke Busters - Sorcery Lord, Jump - Smile, Dexion - Fast Lane, Area 08 - ABasic, Animate - Sherman M4, Dynamix - Thunder Force 4, Retrace - Blades of Vengeance, Outlaws - Stimpy, Premiere - Dr Robotnic, Fairlight - Mig 29, Razor 1911 - IDS Multiboard, Quartex - Top Wrestling, Redrum - Apollo 11 i Scoopex - Robinsons Requiem. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Scoopex - ShufflePuck Cafe, Razor 1911 - Continuum, CDI - Craps Academy, Switch - RA Demo, Flashtro - Celtic Heart, Subway - Xenomorphes, Alpha Flight - Silent Service II, Flashtro - Sardonic, River Raid Reloaded, Valhalla - Subbuteo, Scoopex - Modern Learning, Flashtro - Bridge Strike, Switch - Burntime, Scrooge - Gemz, Supreme - Conflict Europe, Phantasy - Dangan, Random Access - Music Compilation i Supplex - Nicky II. Hires Color 12 - Plus/4 | Nowe zdjęcia z Erich / Unlimited dla Commodore Plus/4. Purple Planet Yo - VIC20 | Nowe demo dla Commodore VIC20: Purple Planet Yo.