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Strona startowa Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Defjam - Led Storm, SCA - Gold Runner, TSK & The Accumulators - Cybernoid II, CBC - Falcon, Flashtro - Operation Firestorm, Flashtro - Morton Strikes Back, Scoopex - World Wide Hunting, Flashtro - Arctic Moves Final, Betrayal - Cjs Elephant Antics, Prophecy - Lotus Turbo Challenge i Flashtro - Trap Runner Final. CP|M VIC Demo - C128 | Nowa demonstracja CP|M dla Commodore C128. Bottom - C64 | Nowe demo z Bonzai: Bottom. Walt (kod), Drax (muzyka), Dize (grafika) i Trap (tekst). C64 intros | Strona internetowa c64Intros dodała nowe intro's. Dreamtime 2K18 - Plus/4 | Zbiór zdjęć FLI dla Commodore Plus/4. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Flashtro - Uwol, Demon Blues, Power Glove & Tiger Claw, Pirates - Ami Back, Dytec - Abandoned Places, Anthrox - Blue Boy & TV Sports Boxing, Testament - Bug Bash, Fusion - 3d Pool, Submission - Desert Strike, Vision Factory - Football Manager, Subway - Bio Challenge i Scoopex - Starquake. Vixmas 2018 - VIC20 | Nowe demo dla Commodore VIC20: Vixmas 2018. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Kefrens - Megademo, Dongue - Prehistoric, Snake Plissken - Arazoks Tomb, Vision Factory - Solitaire, Vision Factory - Black Gold, Vision Factory & The Beyonders - Revenge II, Subway - Hard n Heavy, Venom - Airaki, Switch - Gateway Y, Endless Piracy - Shadow Dancer, Redrum - Fright Maze 3d, LSD - Syrius, World of Wonders - Video Effects i Awesome - Railroad Tycoon. Propaganda List #3 | Nowe wydanie Propaganda List. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Motiv8 - Cairo, Mayhem - Rise of the Robots, Chromance - Graeme Souness soccer, Hokuto Force - Mad Doctor, F4CG - World Boxing, Supreme - Cracktro Source Code, Genesis Project - Flying G*P Intro, Alpha Flight - Klepkomania, Rebels - Jack Nicklaus Course Designer, Dark Angels - Starforce, Alpha Flight - Blackit, Section 8 - Alderan, Palace - Kings Bounty, Onslaught - Coldiarus, Hokuto Force - Rollin, itp. @ - C64 | Nowe demo dla Commodore C64 od Atlantis.
Kod: Dr Science @ Pad
Muzyka: Magnar Harestad
Grafika: Diamantdesign, FatFrost & Lobo
Charset: Pad
Linking: Dr Science
Wsparcie: Merlin Botticelli Bilderdisk #43 | Nowe wydanie Botticelli Bilderdisk dla Commodore Plus/4. Anbieren - C64 DTV | Nowe demo dla C64 DTV: Axis i Peiselulli (kod), dEViLOCk (muzyka) i Yazoo (grafika). Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Flashtro - Worthy, Sharks - Canon Rider, Shazam - Shatter Land, Sharks - Fireking, Section 8 - Hyper Aggressive, 711 - Big Game Fishing, Alpha Flight - North Sea, Acrise & Excess - Timeout, Skid Row - Castle of Dr Brain, Interpol - A1200 fixer, Crusaders - Magic Johnsons Basketball, Dual Crew - Crystals of Aborea, RedRum - Room 237, Alpha Flight - Bundesliga Manager Hattrick, Alpha Flight - Eye of the Beholder i Falcons - Hudson Hawk. Faces In HFLI - Plus/4 | Nowy obraz z MMS: Faces In HFLI. Waiting For Promised Land - Plus/4 | Nowe demo dla Commodore Plus / 4: Waiting For Promised Land. Beyond Tellerrand 2018 | Beyond Tellerrand 2018 to nowe demo dla komputera Commodore C64. Demo zostało stworzone przez Groepaz, Xiny6581 i Seven. Galerie Unlimited 7 - Plus/4 | Nowe wydanie Galerie Unlimited dla Commodore C16 i Plus/4. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Decay - Final day, Match - Harpoon, Crusaders - Deja Vu 2, Fairlight - Tower 57, Astra - Donkey Kong, Zenith - Wiz n Liz, Ghost - CJ in the USA, Copyright Destroyers Inc - Shadow World, Pirates - Winzer, Shining - Switch Blade 2, Adept - Splitter, Xessive 4ce - Redesign 4 fun, Megaforce - Xenon, Universal - Indiana Jones, Energy - Speedball 2 + 281, The Time Circle - Rainbow Islands, Xessive 4ce - Nippon Safes, Vortex 42 - Aegis SONIX (1987), Oracle - 4×4 Off Road Racing, Trilogy - RallyCross Challenge, Rainbow Trio - Dungeon Master, BTW - Custodian, Flashtro - Golden Wing, Buddha - Elite, Haddoc - Chase Hq, TRSI & Surprise - Robocod i Horizon - Navy Moves. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Full Evil - Digiworks, High Quality Crackings - R Type, 2000 A.D - Inter Word, Oracle - InterSound, World of Wonders - Dame Grand Maitre, Supreme - Ultra Paint, Cascade - Hyper Cat 1.3, Spell Jammer - Art Department Pro, The Magnum Force - Safari Guns, Cascade - Harddisk Drivers, Possessed - Becker Text, The Web Inc - Sidmon, Blast - Playfield Designer, Thrust - Source Code, Thorax - EPRommer 2.0, BAmiga Sector One - Project D, Immortal & Exxon - Super Off Road, Paranoimia - M, ipg. VDC Mode Mania V1.11 | Nowe demo dla Commodore C128: VDC Mode Mania V1.11. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Hokuto Force - KillerWatt, Hokuto Force - Feud, Mechanix - Acid Runner, The LightForce - Cataball, Ikari - Total Eclipse, Hokuto Force - Sinbad, Genesis Project - Wizards Dominion, Dytec - CyberBlocks, SubSoftware - Web of Terror, SubSoftware - Sliders, SubSoftware - Edd the Duck, SubSoftware - Exterminator, Subsoftware - Twintris, BusSoft - Hybris, FutureSoft - Bionic Commando, DCDA - Trolls, Mystic - Firma, etc. Flashtro Amiga | Nowe Flashtros: Plumpy AGA, Thunder Boy, Defjam - Mercs, Boing New Year, TRSI - Wings of Death, Defjam CCS - Inter Font, Skid Row - Special Forces, Defjam CCS ACC - Ghosts n Goblins, Flashing Bytes - Zack, Slipstream - Defender of the Earth, Dianetix - Parasol Stars, Slipstream - Cj's Elephant Antics, Flashtro - Cavitas, Defjam CCS ACC - Xcopy, Slipstream - Shadow Dancer, Parallel Dimensions & Inner City - Ghosts and Goblins, Slipstream - Simpsons i Scoopex - Cavitas. C64 intros | Istnieje 24 nowe intros dostępne. Quad-core C64 | Nowe demo dla Commodore C64: Quad-core C64. Flashtro Amiga | Nowe Flashtros: Hotline - Libyans in Space, Gigaflops & Dominators - Gun Shoot, The Heroes - Math Animation, Quiver - Afterburner, The Final Suppliers - Ganymed, LSD - Import Intro, Factor 4 - Nuclear War, MegaForce - Seconds Out, Kingdom - Holiday Lemmings, Vision Factory - Xenophobe, Flashtro - Outlands, Scoopex - Outlands, Black Monks - Clown O Mania i Defekt - LionHeart. Botticelli Bilderdisk #42 | Nowe wydanie Botticelli Bilderdisk dla Commodore Plus/4. Flashtro Amiga | Nowe Flashtros: Ackerlight - Italy Soccer 90, Access - Super Frog, Paradox - Championship Manager 93, Scoopex - Zoom, Paradox - Power Pinball, Paradox - Indianapolis 500, Hoodlum - Apocalypse, Scoopex - Arsenal, Crest - Watch Tower, Quartex - Dawn Patrol, Alpha Flight - Amoeba Invaders, Oracle - Pipe Mania, Legend - Rampart, Red Sector - Marias Xmas Box and Trilogy - Where in Europe is Carmen San diego. Flashtro Amiga | Nowe Flashtros: Hyperion - Wonderland, Horizon - Strider 2, Thunderloop - Harlequin, Scoopex - Mega Sound Cracker, Warfalcons - Yolanda, Legend - BugBomber, Legend - The Enforcer, Legend - Dragon Fight, Legend - Assasins Battleships, Legend - Fly Harder, Fairlight - Platoon, Bamiga Sector One - Major Motion, Bamiga Sector One - Fire and Forget i Dual Crew - No Mans Land. Flashtro Amiga | Nowe Flashtros: TIC / Freestyle - Cluedo, DDC - Hellfire, DDC - Zak Mckracken, DDC - Last Inca, DDC - Ghost Busters II, Energy - Wanderer, Paradox - Super Cauldron, Taipan - Narco Police, Adept - Cloud Kingdom, M.A.D - Jumpin Jackson, Razor - Elder Scrolls, Bitstoppers & Fusion - F1 Tornado, Agile - World Rugby, Agile - Mega Traveller, Enigma - 3d Construction Kit, Miracle - Straf, Legend - Balloonacy i Powerslaves - Worldwide Hunting. Venice Carnival - Plus/4 | Obraz przedstawia Commodore Plus/4: Venice Carnival. C64 intros | Nowe lub uaktualnione grupy są: Laxity, Hokuto Force, Genesis Project, Atlantis, Atlantis + F4CG, Alpha Flight 1970, Angels, Accept i Collision.