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Strona startowa C64 Endings | Strona ma 4 nowych zakończeń gier: Gaplus (Mastertronic), Psych Soldier (Imagine Software), Street Warriors (Silverbird) i Star Slayer (Silverbird). Special Forces Soldier - C64 | Special Forces Soldier to nowa gra na komputer Commodore C64 opracowana przez Chris Yates, Charles Deenen i Wile Coyote. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Savage, Montezuma's Revenge, David's Midnight Magic, Night Mission Pinball, Dropzone, Hard Drivin', Unique Games! - Part 6, Ski or Die, The Official Father Christmas Game, Special Delivery i Spy vs Spy. | Nowe gry są: Bumble Bee, Bumble-Bee, C64hess, Charlie and the Jugs, Clef Climber (Carousel), Demoni, Die Ringe von Coplar, Finders Keepers (Carousel), Follow the Leader (Carousel), Frenzy (Micropower), Frenzy (Zzap 64), Jet-Power Jack, Q10 Tankbuster, Quo Vadis (Data Media), Santas Christmas Capers (Santas Xmas Capers), Ski Jumping (Tronic) i Stock Car. Amiga exe games | Nowe exe gry od The Company: Legion (Gobi), Chińczyk (Twin Spark Soft), Szachista (LK Avalon, Lethal Weapon (Ocean), Classic Board Games (Merit Polarware), Captain Blood (Exxos) and Motörhead (Virgin). C64 Endings | Strona ma 7 nowych zakończeń gier: Android Control (ECP), The Fury (Players), Fred's Back II (CP Verlag), Footballer of the Year (Gremlin Graphics), Footballer of the Year 2 (Gremlin Graphics), Golden Pyramids 2 (64'er) i Scuba Kidz (Silverbird). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Populous, Blue Sun, Telmar's Gold i Wendellwood Estates.  Aktualizacja: All Terrain Gardener, Arcade Classics 2, Bushido Warrior, Escape From Mars, Hope To Hopp 2, Hydrogenese, Rebelstar, Rebelstar 2, The SuperCan i Your Computer Software Exchange. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Cyber Games, Ghost Chaser, Gadgets Lost In Time, Cyber Cop i Robot Readers: Aesop's Fables. Zaktualizowano: Fast Brain, Nobby the Aardvark, Night Hunter, Crackdown, Moonfall i Phantasie 3. | Nowe gry na stronie Attack of the Mutant Aliens, Aviator Arcade, Blackjack aka Twenty-One, Boxing Manager 2 (Cult Games), Brick Buster (Software of Sweden), Brillant Maze, C-2048, Centipede Junior, Cherry Picker, Confused, Cowboy Duel - Live your Dream, Cowboy Duel Junior, Cowboy Kidz, Crillion Xmas 2014 Doreco Edition, Darkland, Darkland - The Lost Realm, Eelona the Warrior Princess Preview, Falling, Fickle, Foren Huren, Head-On (Compute), Heli Attack Preview, Honey Bee, International Karaoke Plus, Invader Alert, Kanga i Kings Valley Preview. Games That Weren't 64 | Games That Weren't 64 aktualizacja: Baffle, Catch 2, Eye Of The Moon, Force Of The Vulcan, Hangman Deluxe, Hydrogenese, MiniDon, Reflect, The 4th Dimension, The SuperCan, Your Computer Software Exchange i Zaxon. C64 Endings | Strona ma 6 nowych zakończeń gier: Captain Power (Box Office Software), Devastating Blow (Beyond Belief), Deja Vu (Mindscape), Dark Star (Mastertronic), Epsilon IV (Loadstar) i Fi$tful of Buck$ (Ocean Software). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Boxing Manger 2, 3D Roam, Black Knight 2, Blackshagger, Blown Away for $50, Bounch!, Boxes, Boxing game, Brickout, Brickwall, Busta, Candyman, Cola Quest, Crystalopis, Cyberiad, Cyberworm, Deep in Space, Detroit Invader, Dozo Quest, Dr Bongo’s Safari Park, Dump, Dungeons, Empire Vision, Evasion, Eye Of The Beholder, Fantastic Voyage i wiele więcej. Melting Trail - C64 | Melting Trail to nowa gra na komputer Commodore C64 opracowana przez Cout Games. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Fast Brain, WHDLoad V18.0, Never Mind, 5th Gear, The Seven Gates of Jambala, Atomix, Amplifier I & II, Rolling Thunder, Madness II: The Search for Sanity, Black Shadow, Winter Games i Test Drive. Zaktualizowano: Nobby the Aardvark i Delta Command. C64 Endings | Strona ma 10 nowych zakończeń gier: Autotest (Daisysoft / Byte-Back), Arachne (Tony Espeset), Black Night (Timesoft), Bionic Commando (US) (Capcom), Blood Brothers (Gremlin Graphics), Better Dead Than Alien (Electra Software), Bell Ringer 3 (G. Straume, S. Connolly), Bushido (Firebird), B.A.T. (Ubisoft) i Moving Target (Players Premier). TOSEC | TOSEC został zaktualizowany. The Old School Emulation Center, to grupa ludzi, którzy zajmują się zbieraniem gier I programów dla komputerów domowych I konsol. W tej aktualizacji: 8 nowych, 131 uaktualniono i 7 usunięto. C64 Endings | Strona ma 10 nowych zakończeń gier: Sgt Slaughters Mat Wars (Mindscape), Terror of the Deep (Mirrorsoft), Ultima III: Exodus (Origin Systems), Vegas Jackpot (Mastertronic), The Wombles (Alternative Software), Whistler's Brother (Br0derbund), Wheelin' Wallie (Interceptor Software), Weird Dreams (Rainbird), Warlock's Quest (Infogrames) i War in Middle Earth (Melbourne House). WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: 42, Infinite Dreams, Back 2 Base, Don't Panic, Nightshade's Harmony, Project Beat, Visual Intensity 1, The Party 2 Slideshow, P.E.N.I.S 1/2/3, McDisk 1/2/3, Scene Talk 4-8, Upstream 1, Cracker Journal 1-22, Bass-O-Matic, Kuglepolen, Despair, 3D Balls, Cutcreations, Megademo, Demodisk 1 i Color Crime. Zaktualizowano: Legalise It, Megademo, Chase H.Q. 2, Zine 5-7 and Seeing is Believing. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: 3D Snooker, Hooray for Henrietta, Mix and Match with Maggie, Rick Dangerous 3 i Samurai Warrior V1. Aktualizacja: 7 Minutes To Midnight, Batman Returns, Cable Run, Crystal Chamber, Fireblaster, Great Giana Sisters, Money Minefield, Reach For The Moon, The Tripods i Xybots. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: 7 Minutes To Midnight, Grey Slayer, King, Legendary Wings, London Exchange, Money Minefield, Test Match Special, The Sentinel 2, Fireburner i Crystal Chamber. Aktualizacja: All Terrain Gardener, Cycleburner, Gold Runner, Lock On, Nimitz i Pimple Panic. C64 Endings | Strona ma 10 nowych zakończeń gier: Neuronics (Thalion), Oh no! (Silverbird), Penetrator (Melbourne House), Seabase Delta (Firebird), Storbringer (Mastertronic), Sheep vs. Fox (TND), Sergeant Seymour (Codemasters), Skull & Crossbones (Domark), Slug (Alternative Software) i Technocop (Gremlin Graphics). WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Turrican Music-Show (Spreadpoint), Music Rip 3 (Spreadpoint), Cracker Journal 13 (Alpha Flight), 4th Dimension 3 (Cryptoburners), Hallucinations and Dreams Preview (Katharsis), Alchemy (Rage), Bandit's Radio (Mad Elks), Megademo (Katharsis) i Epilepsia 1 & 2 (Amnesia). Zaktualizowano: Scene Talk 1, 2 & 3, Megademo (Katharsis) i Cracker Journal 4 & 12. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Football Game, Skweek i Space Action 2. Aktualizacja: Arthema, Body Slam, Car Wars, Dangerous Sports, Enduro Racer V2, English Invaders, I Can Remember, Murder!, Myth 2, R-Type V1, Rocket Roger V1, SDI i Time Scanner V1. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Cracker Journal 3-12 (Alpha Flight), Zine 1-11 (Brainstorm), Grapevine 5-21 (LSD), Vectordemo (Vector all Times) i Apocalypse (Gods). Zaktualizowano: Player Manager (Anco), Megademo (Dragons) i Analogia (Analog). C64 Endings | Strona ma 9 nowych zakończeń gier: Floyd The Droid (Radarsoft), Innerspace (CRL), Kong Strikes Back (Ocean), Koronis Rift (Activision / Lucasfilm Games), L.A. Police Dept. (Interceptor), Meganova (Alternative Software), Magazine (CP Verlag / Magic Disk 64), Ollie's Follies (Access Software) i The Scrolls of Abadon (Access Software). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowe: Breaker, Crystal Chamber, Fireblaster, Rocket Roger V1, Skweek, The Ancient Art of War, Typhoon Thompson i Unknown platform game. Aktualizacja: Airwolf 2 V1, Body Slam, Delphian, I Of The Mask, Mutant Zone, Search For Sharla, Star Force Seven, Star Maze i Zanaton. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Music Disk 1 (Mahoney & Kaktus), 5 Yards (Vision), Mouse Quest (Micro Value/Tynesoft) i Where Time Stood Still (Denton Designs/Ocean). Zaktualizowano: Copper Master (Angels), Thunderhawk (Core Design), Lionheart (Thalion) i Obliterator (Psygnosis). C64 Endings | Strona ma 8 nowych zakończeń gier: The Colour of Magic (Piranha Software), Deadzone (Markt & Technik), Doughboy (U.S. Gold / Ocean), Days of Thunder(Mindscape), Eye of Horus (Logotron), Fiona Rides Out (Interceptor Software), Grand Monster Slam (Rainbow Arts) i Glider Rider (Quicksilva). WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Synthetic Vibes (Quartz), Best of RAF Vol.1 (Katharsis), Music Collection (Katharsis), The Town with no Name (D4i), Psycho Killer (D4i), Testament (Katharsis), Mega Mix 3 (Royal Amiga Force), Megademo (Royal Amiga Force) i TurboRaketti II (Heikki Kosola). Zaktualizowano: Space Quest 3 (Sierra), Base Jumpers (Rasputin), Lionheart Demo (Thalion), Oil Imperium / Black Gold (reLINE), Super Skweek (Loriciel) i Gloom (Black Magic). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Body Slam i Circus Circus. Aktualizacja: Zone of Darkness, Arsenal FC, Brides Of Dracula, Heavy Barrel, Rex, The Rocky Horror Adventure Show, Total Recall V1 i Zanatron. | Strona miał aktualizacji. Nowe gry są: Alter Ego, Amazon (Commodore Disc), Amity Island, Aurum, Breakthru in 3D, Bugs, Captain Future Preview, Commando Arcade, Crazy Painter, Darkness, Denga, Dinosaur Dig, Fuse, Gnugo Version 1.2, Graham Gooch All Star Cricket Preview, Ice-Racing, Knights and Demons, Labyrinth (Commodore Disc), Magic Duel, Onslaught Shooter Collection, Oops, Pluff, Rylan, Single Extreme Freedom, Snakman, Softporn Adventure, Spakman, Super Pac Twins, Treasure-Hunt, World Boxing Champ, Xain d Sleena i Your Fathers Nightmare. C64 Endings | Strona ma 5 nowych zakończeń gier: Astro Marine Corps (Dinamic), Beyond Dark Castle (Activision), Cavemania (Atlantis Software), Clystron (CP Verlag / X-Ample) i Captain Blood (Infogrames).