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Start page COREi64 - Ultimate 64 SIDtap | The COREi64 web page offers a new product for the retro computer. The Ultimate 64 SIDtap is an add-on for the Ultimate 64, which provides two RCA connector for dual SID audio. You can order it as a kit or as fully assembled. GGLABS GLINK232T case | The COREi64 web page offers a new product for the retro computer. If you have a GGLABS GLINK232T interface cartridge you can now add a case to it. When you order a case you can choose from many colours. Jan Beta - BackBit C64 | A new video from Jan Beta. In this video: Jan talks about the new BackBit C64 cartridge for the Commodore C64, C128 and the VIC20. re-PLAcement Chip - C64 | The webpage now offers a PLA replacement chip. This chip replaces the often defective original PLA chip in the Commodore C64. Kung Fu Flash - C64 | Kim Jørgensen developed a new cartridge for the Commodore C64. The Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use D64/D71/D81 images. A few examples of the emulated cartridges are: Action Replay, KCS Power Cartridge, Final Cartridge III, Simons' BASIC and EasyFlash. Ultimate64 v1.28 | There is new firmware available for the U64 / U64E. Changes or improvements in this version: Debug stream over Ethernet, ACIA, Modem Layer, REU, IEC, SuperGames, 1541C, Epyx Fastload, KCS, DMA, telnet, configuration manager, NMI / IRQ and 1764 REU. ThunderDrive - AztecMonster SCSI / SD mount | The iCore64 web page offers a new product. This mount makes it possible to mount an AztecMonster SCSI to SD board in a ThunderDrive CMD Hard drive clone. Steve Smit - C64 robot guitar | At the Sydney Amiga User Group meeting on the 8th of March 2020, Steve Smit explains and demonstrates his C64 robot guitar. The Micro Museum | If you are in Ramsgate in the United Kingdom don't forget to visit the Micro Museum. The Museum is run by Carol and Mike Deer. The Guru Meditation - NewTek Video Toaster | In this episode of the Guru Meditation: The NewTek Video Toaster for the Commodore Amiga computer. Bill shows the video switcher, ChromaFX, Toaster Paint, Lightwave 3D, and the character generator. Programming the C64 again | Jens Christian Ingvartsen Thomsen has written a new book for the Commodore C64. In the book Jens shares his experience on programming his game in assembler. A314 | The A314 is a trapdoor expansion that lets you use a Raspberry Pi as a co-processor to an Amiga 500. The Amiga 500 and the Raspberry Pi can communicate through a shared memory. The A314 is developed by Niklas Ekström and M. Rönndahl. AMIGA 2020 - Steven Fletcher | AMIGA 2020 will be a documentary film by Steven Fletcher. Steven is now running a Kickstarter campaign to make his documentary about Amiga users, new developments and Amiga events in the Year 2020. Look Mum No Computer - SID Guitar | The YouTube channel Look Mum No Computer made a bass guitar synthesizer with a SID chip. Jan Beta - SaRuMan TED RAM | A new video from Jan Beta. In this video: Jan is looking at the SaRuMan TED RAM expansion for the Commodore C16/C116 from Eslapion. A1200 8MB RAM expansion | The web shop Amiga-Kit is now selling a A1200 8MB Fast RAM Memory Expansion for the Amiga 1200. Features: 8MB Fast RAM, Auto-config, Clockport, Support for FPU and Real Time Clock. BackBit - C64 / C128 / VIC20 | BackBit is a multi-purpose cartridge for the Commodore C64, C128 and the VIC20. The features are: SD storage, Real-time-clock and support for D64, D71, D81, CRT, T64, PRG and P00. Rob Taylor - SixtyClone | Rob Taylor has been working a long time on a replica Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for the Commodore C64. A replica of the PCB with Assembly #250407 or #250466 PCB is now available. A complete list of components you need to buy yourself is also available. Modern Vintage Gamer - MNT ZZ9000 | The Modern Vintage Gamer has made a video about a graphics card for the Amiga 2000/3000/4000. The MNT ZZ9000 RTG Card supports resolutions up to 1080p and has onboard ethernet and USB. Bwack - C64 VICII | Bwack is making a video series about the analysis of the VIC-II die shot. In this part: The address counter. Tynemouth Software - C128 keyboard & joysticks - USB | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about making a device to connect a Commodore C128 keyboard and joysticks to USB. With this device the C128 keyboard can be tested or used on a modern PC. ZZ9500CX - Amiga 500 | ZZ9500CX is a Denise adapter for the ZZ9000 graphics card. This adapter makes it possible to use a ZZ9900 graphics card in your Amiga 500. ReGame 64 #4 | ReGame 64 is a printed book about Commodore C64 games and game creators. The articles are: YOOMP!64, Aviator Arcade II, L'Abbaye des morts, RGCD 2019, Graphic Pixel Art, Hunter's Moon (Remastered), Best 2018 C64 game and interviews with Zbigniew, Mark and Antonio. Tynemouth Software - PET/CBM keyboard + USB | Tynemouth Software has written a blog about making a device to connect a Commodore PET/CBM keyboard to USB. With this device the PET/CBM keyboard can be tested or used on a modern PC. COREi64 - IEEE L RRIOT  | The COREi64web page offers a IEEE L RRIOT  daughterboard. This board makes it possible to replace the original RRIOT chip with a standard 6532 RRIOT chip and an EPROM with the specific code for the device. The following disk drives are supported: 2040, 3040, 4040, 8050, 8250, 8250-LP and the SFD-1001. Blast Annual 2020 | There is a new Kickstarter campaign for a book about retro game platforms. The articles in this book are: Retro events, Stephen Wrenn Smith, Scene World, THEC64, ZX NEXT, Sega, Victor Parada, Gunnar Kanold, Carleton Handley, Israel Roman, Ryan Burger, Santiago Ontanon and many game reviews. Amiga 500 FPGA accelerator | Mike is experimenting with an accelerator for the Amiga 500. He uses an adapter board and a Terasic DE0 Nano FPGA board. The FPGA is loaded with the TG68 core and an extra 32 MB of RAM is also available. COREi64 - MasterAdapter | The COREi64web page now offers a reproduction of the Schnelder Systems MasterAdapter. This device allowed the simultaneous use of the TurboMaster CPU and a GEOram cartridge or Commodore REU. Ms Mad Lemon - SIDBoombox | Ms Mad Lemon is building a SIDBoombox. She is combining a modern SID player and a 80s portable radio cassette player. You can follow the progress on her YouTube channel. RetroCengo - Gotek | A new video from RetroCengo. In this video: How you can install a Gotek in a Amiga 500. A Gotek replaces the floppy disk drive with an USB connection. The computer communicates with the Gotek just like a real disk drive. Daniel Renner - C64 Custom cartridges | A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Building custom cartridges for the Commodore C64. He talks about Super Mario Bros 64, Skullcart, Basic programs, Zaxxon, Magic Desk Cartridge and the SMB64 cartridge case. KernalKart 64 | KernalKart 64 is a cartridge for the Commodore C64 that makes it possible to choose between 8 different kernals. You can order the KernalKart 64 with your favourite kernals pre-installed.