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Start page - C64 userport | is making new video series about using the user-port of the Commodore C64 to control devices. JoyDivision Joystick Adapter | The JoyDivision is an Atari style joystick to USB converted, developed by Stefan Blixth. Changes in this version: Support for the THEC64 and the Edu Arana joystick adapter. Jan Beta - C16 64KB | Jan Beta has made a video about upgrading a Commodore C16 from 16 kB RAM to 64 kB RAM. Marina64 1MB - C64 | The Marina64 is a 1MB banked ROM cartridge for the Commodore 64, 128 and SX-64. The cartridge is Magic Desk compatible and uses a 27C080 EPROM with 128 banks of 8 kB. Chuck Hutchins - PET sound / RS232 | Chuck Hutchins developed a device a to add sound and a serial port to his Commodore PET 2001. With this device you play games with sound, listen to the Datassette loading and communicate with a modem. Niklas Ekström - A500 Flicker Fixer | Niklas is working on a flicker fixer/scan doubler for inside an Amiga 500 or Amiga 2000. He uses a FPGA to read the CSYNC (composite sync) and the 12-bit RGB signals from Denise. After reading the signals, they are converted to a VGA output signal. Retrohax - ThED (update) | Retrohax - ThEDRetrohax and Willy are working on a new project for the Commodore 264 series. The ThED will be a replacement for the TED chip in the Commodore C116, C16 and the Plus/4. You can follow the progress of ThED on the Retrohax web page. WireMon64 - C64 | Timo Voutilainen is working on a 1-wire network for his Commodore C64. With this network you can connect to sensors, relays, motion detector, switches, etc. Mega65 - Moulds | The Mega65 team wants to produce high plastic cases for the Mega65. To achieve this a metal mould needs to be made. Update: The amount needed is almost reached. Jan Beta - C64 Video Enhancement | Jan Beta made a video about the c0pperdragon C64 Video Enhancement FPGA board. Amiga Retro Adventures - C64 Reloaded MKII | A new episode from Amiga Retro Adventures is now available. In this episode a review of the C64 Reloaded MKII from Individual Computers and it's installation into a new case from PixelWizard. Jan Derogee - Commo pad | A new hardware project from Jan Derogee. This time he developed a touchpad device for the Commodore C64. It is made to act like a KoalaPad, 1351 mouse, or a joystick. TechJump - CD32 | TechJump has made a video about converting a Amiga CD32 from NTSC to PAL. C64 keycaps | Intric8 and JimDrew are working on making new keycaps for the Commodore C64. You can follow their progress on the AmigaLove web page. Update: The Indiegogo campaign is funded. Sven Petersen - C64 power supply | Sven Petersen has developed a new power supply for the Commodore C64. The power supply can be switched between 115 and 230 volts, and has an voltage and current display. Mega65 | Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: QSPI flash, Bitstream Boot Flash, JTAG and multiple bitstreams. Atilla Meriç - Wood C64c | Atilla Meriç has build a Commodore C64c case from wood. He worked on it for two months and only used wood, glue and hand tools. Jan Beta - Joystick - USB | Jan Beta is building an adapter to connect a digital joystick to an USB. With this adaptor you can use your favourite joystick for example on TheC64 Mini / Maxi. Retrohax - C16 64K & IEC2SD | Retrohax has written a blog about upgrading a Commodore C16 to 64 KByte RAM and adding an internal IEC2SD. This C16 also has a double OS and extra heatsinks. MindFlareRetro - C64Saver | MindFlareRetro has made a new video: In this video he builds a C64Saver that protects your computer against an over-voltage from a defective power supply. MiSTer | MiSTer is a port of well-known MiST project, but with a larger FPGA and a faster ARM. Examples of cores are: Commodore PET, VIC20, C16, Plus/4, C64 and the Amiga. The recent changes are: Improvements for C1541, joysticks 3/4, Minimig, mouse, PET2001, TG68K, HDMI and SDRAM. Commodore C128 - Diorama | Eric R. Krystof created a diorama of his childhood. He built a room with a Commodore C128, monitor and disk drive. The screen is a LCD display which is connected to a Raspberry PI with the VICE emulator. C64 Cartridge Re-locator | Melbourne Console Reproductions is now making the C64 Cartridge Re-locator. With this device you can connect your cartridges on a 90 degrees angle. This is very handy with cartridges that have buttons such as the 1541 Ultimate or the Easy Flash cartridge. Retro Recipes - A4000 & Titanic | Perifractic made a video about an Amiga 4000 that was used in the movie industry. The company Lightstorm Entertainment used this A4000 for the movie Titanic. C64 FM Radio v2.4 | Listen to your favourite radio stations on your Commodore C64. Timo Voutilainen developed a system that uses a FM Radio module which is connected to the user-port of the Commodore C64. Changes in this version: Support for the Datassette port. 8-Bit Show & Tell - TheC64 (2) | Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he shows TheC64 Maxi Full-Size Commodore 64 Replica. No More Secrets v0.94 | No More Secrets is a documents that describes the so called 'illegal' op-codes for the NMOS 6510 microprocessor. The document is maintained by Groepaz and gives you information on op-codes such as: RLA, LAX, ANC, ARR, TAS and many more. CBM Tape Pi | CBM Tape Pi makes it possible to transfer programs to and from a Commodore computer via the cassette port. A Rapberry Pi is used as an emulator for the Datassette. Changes in this version: Read/write directly from/to SD, and support for the Raspberry Pi 2. Sjofels making stuff - C64 | The YouTube channel Sjofels making stuf made a video about a modified Commodore C64c. The changes are: sid2sid, 7 LCD, potentiometers, sd2iec, amplifier / speakers, internal power supply and a custom retro case. MrCaliforniaD - Music Maker Deluxe | MrCaliforniaD made a keyboard out of a defective Commodore 8-bit computer and a Arturia MiniBrute keyboard. The Music Maker Deluxe can be used with all programs that use the C64 keys to play notes. The Vintage C128 Personal Computer Handbook | Margaret Gorts Morabito wrote a hand book for the Commodore C128 user. In this book: Set-up, Operating systems, SD2IEC, Ethernet, BASIC 7.0, CP/M, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. 10 MARC - Amiga Component Display Adapter | A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: A review of an Amiga Component Display Adapter.