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Strona startowa A SID Adventure - Gaetano Chiummo | Wywiad z SID muzyk Gaetano Chiummo. The Rocket Man, SEA Soft Loader, Il Mago, Sheer Earth Attack, Acoustic Freedom i Filtered Feelings. AMIcast #23 | AMIcast Podcast: Jarlath Reidy. Timothy de Groote - Hyperion Entertainment | Wywiad z Timothy de Groote. Matt Gray interview - Retrogamesmaster | Wywiad z Matt Gray (BMX Simulator II: Dirt Biking, Dizzy: Treasure Island, Driller, Maze Mania, Ninja Massacre, Yogi Bear i Last Ninja 2). The story of Commodore and Atari - Leonard Tramiel | Rozmowa z Leonard Tramiel (Commodore & Atari). AmigaWave - interview | Wywiad z Enrique z Amiga Wave. BlitterWolf - Jamie Krueger & Niko Tomatsidis | Wywiad z Jamie Krueger (BITbyBIT Software Group LLC) i Niko Tomatsidis (AspireOS). Adam Gilmore - Interview | Wywiad z Adam Gilmore, The Day of the Jackal, Mutiny, Retire to Zork After Burner, Ninja Commando, Sabotage, International Tennis, Elvira: The Arcade Game i Ball-Blasta. AMIcast #19 | AMIcast Podcast: Hans de Ruiter (Warp3D - Radeon HD Driver). Richard Leinfellner interview | Wywiad z Richard Leinfellner (The Evil Dead, Cauldron, Barbarian, The Sacred Armour of Antiriad i Dan Malone's brainchild). The Retro Hour - Trevor Dickinson | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Trevor Dickinson. AMIcast #17 | AMIcast Podcast: Bill and Anthony od Guru Meditation strona internetowa i kanał YouTube. AMIcast #007 | AMIcast Podcast: David Brunet - Obligement. Steve Hammond interview | Wywiad z Steve Hammond, DMA Designs / Lemmings. The Retro Hour #27 | W tym odcinku wywiad z Chris Hülsbeck (Turrican 2, R-Type i The Great Giana Sisters). Karl Hörnell interview | Wywiad z Karl Hörnell. Gry: Fruity, Ronald Rubberduck, Velocipede, Clean-Up, Velocipede II, Fungus, Melonmania, Toad Force und Clean-Up Service. AMIcast | AMIcast Podcast: Wywiad z Toni Wilen od WinUAE. AMIcast #011 | AMIcast Podcast: Wywiad z Mike Battilana od Cloanto. Martyn Brown wywiad | Wywiad z Martinem Brown od Team17. (Alien Breed i Worms.) Scene World Magazine: Hans Ippisch | Scene World Magazine wywiad z Hans Ippisch (Rainbow Arts, Play Time, PC Games, Amiga Games, SEGA, N-Zone, PlayZone i Club Nintendo Magazine).