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Start page UltiMem - VIC20 | Jim Brain is working on a new memory expansion for the Commodore VIC20. The features are: The memory is organized in 5 windows: RAM1/2/3, BLK1, BLK2, BLK3, and BLK5. Each window can be configured to show any 8kB RAM or FLASH ROM page in the memory space. There are 1024 8kB pages of FLASH RAM, and 128 8kB pages of RAM. VIC-20 IEEE interface | Mark Gladson started an Kickstarter project to make replicas of the VIC-20 IEEE interface cartridge (VIC-1112). The project will produce fully assembled cartridges with case and label included. The System IIII game catalog - VIC20 | Ghislain has released 8 games for the Commodore VIC-20. The games were made between 1986 and 1990. The games are: Adventure World, Ms. VIC-Man, Operation: NATO, Space Destructor, SUMO Smasher, VIC Boxing Association, Punch-Out (PETSCII version) and VICeye. Serpent Caves - VIC20 | Ravenxau released a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. This is the Retro Edition and can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20 with the keyboard. The game has 9 levels with 3 serpents on level 1. The levels 7, 8 and 9 are a real challenge. Mini 32K RAM expansion - VIC20 | k3ys developed an mini 32K RAM expansion that hides in the Commodore VIC20 cartridge port. The RAM expansion is based on the design from Adam Bergström. You can select how much RAM is active, enable or disable the cartridge and make the RAM read-only. VIC20 - K9 | Chris Adams built a robot in 1982 that looked like a dog and he called it K9. After many years he decided to restore the K9 to its former glory. The K9 is controlled by a Commodore VIC20 with a speech synthesizer. You can read more about the K9 on his blog. GCart Jr | Thomas Lövskog is developing cartridges for the Commodore VIC-20. The GCart Junior is a RAM expansion for the VIC-20. The features are: RAM expansion for Block 1, 2, 3 & 5 and RAM 1, 2 & 3. Memory enable, disable and write protect. RAM at IO#2 and IO#3. 16 MB Flash with super fast loading and a 3D printed casing. Boray Gammon - VIC20 | Anders Persson released a new game for the Commodore VIC20. With the game Boray Gammon you can play backgammon against the computer or with two persons. You can either use the internal random generator for dice, or use real dice. To play the game you will need a 16K RAM expansion. Chiptunes Volume 1 - VIC20 | R'zo released Chiptunes volume 1 for the unexpanded VIC 20 with SD2IEC or VICE emulation. You can listen to 10 tunes: Looper, Ressurection, Revenge, Viral, Redemption, Return, TVC, Movement, Mindstroyer and AD. Cygnis - VIC20 | Cygnis is a new text adventure for the Commodore VIC-20 made by Kurt Johns. In the game you  must land on planets and receive your mission. Danger and excitement lie in the solutions to the quests on these strange far away planets. Scrap Yard Scrapes - VIC20 | Kweepa made an new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is the VIC20 version of the Scrap Yard Scrapes game in in the 2013 Comp Sys Sinclair Crap Games Competition. A simple music player is added in this version. The game can be played on a standard Commodore VIC20. Bluetooth speech synthesis | VIC-20 Scott Adams adventure games have the option to connect a Votrax type 'n talk speech synthesizer. A rare and expensive device, but now it is also possible to use your smartphone to make the famous adventure games talk. Jan Derogee made an app to make this possible. Tau Ceti - VIC20 | Kurt Johns made a set of text adventures for the Commodore VIC-20. In the adventures you must explore the planets around Tau Ceti. You can download the game or you can buy the game on a real cassette. The game can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20. KNOSSOSS - VIC-20 | Kweepa release a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game KNOSSOSS is written in BASIC and is a maze game. The game has 4 unique mazes, and can be played on a unexpanded Commodore VIC-20. Tank Battalion - VIC20 | Beamrider released a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is a port of the tank arcade game from Namco. In the game you must destroy all the other 20 tanks and protect the base. For this game you need a Commodore VIC20 (PAL), a 16 kByte memory expansion and a joystick. Super Starship Space Attack - VIC20 | Misfit released a new game for the Commodore VIC 20. In this game you must find 3 power units and escape from the spaceship. The game has three levels: easy, normal and difficult. The game can be played on a VIC20 with a 16 kByte memory expansion and a joystick. Cassiopei - VIC-20 | The Cassiopei now supports VIC-20's that have a memory expansion. The menu program does a small analysis regarding the load-ability of the selected program and relocates the BASIC program where possible. Available are the firmware update (v20141018.hex), a menu program and a user manual. FIFA 2014 - VIC20 | Jeff made a 2014 version of his FIFA football game. The game can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20 (keyboard). All the 32 national teams are available. There is a one player elimination mode (knock-out) and a two player mode available. Adjustable skill levels. And the vuvuzela is removed from the 2010 edition. Threes - VIC20 | Schlowski made the game Threes for the Commodore VIC-20. In this game you must shift the tiles with numbers. When two tiles with the same number come together they will merge into one. The game can be played on a unexpanded Commodore VIC-20 or with the VICE emulator. Bertie the Ball  - VIC20 | Misfit released a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game can be played with a PAL VIC with a 16 kByte memory expansion and a joystick. Bertie the Ball is an action-adventure / platform game and is a tribute to the C64 game Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back. Get the Cat - VIC20 | Peter van der Woude release a game for the Commodore VIC-20. In the game you must rescue your cat. You can place bricks on the floor to reach the level of your cat. The game can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20 with the joystick. ViccyBird - VIC20 | Misfit released the game ViccyBird for the Commodore VIC-20. The game is a clone of the very popular game Flappy Bird. The game can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20 (PAL) and a joystick or with the VICE emulator. Pulse - VIC20 | Pixel released a new game for the Commodore VIC20. The game is a fast and smooth scrolling shoot em up game for the unexpanded Commodore VIC-20. The game is inspired by the classic arcade game Gradius from Konami from the year 1985. Panicman - VIC20 | Dane Bills released a game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game is based on a well known 80s game and is written in assembly. The music in the game is from Jeff Messner. The game can be played on a Commodore VIC20 with an 3 kByte memory expansion and a joystick. Victorian Era VIC 20 Sound Chip Emulator | Aleksi Eeben has made an program for the Commodore 64 that can emulate the sound of the Commodore VIC-20. The player can be used to play all the VIC-20 music, and 35 examples from 4-mat, Britelite, Viznut, Mermaid and Aleksi Eeben are included. VIC-20 flash memory expansion | Petri Häkkinen is developing a flash memory expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. At this moment he has a working prototype. He uses a 256K x 8 flash memory chip, three 74HC541 8-bit tri-state buffers and an ATMega32A micro controller. You can follow the progress of this project on Petri's blog. Pooyan VIC-20 | Beamrider (Adrian F) released a Commodore VIC20 version of the arcade classic Pooyan. If you want to play the game you will need an Commodore VIC20 (PAL), a 16KB memory expansion and a joystick. This is not the final version and you can give your feedback about the game. Doom - VIC20 | Kweepa released the game Doom for the Commodore VIC20. For the game you will need an Commodore VIC-20, a 35 KB memory expansion and a disk drive. The game has 8 levels, 4 enemies, 5 weapons, 11 music tracks, 20 sound effects, cheat codes, a map screen, corpses, secrets, pick-ups, exploding barrels, intermission and victory screens, and more! Gamebase20 v0.3 | A new version of the Commodore VIC-20 Gamebase is now available. In this package you will find: Gamebase front-end, Games, Screen-shots, Extras and the VICE emulator. This version has 1485 games, 1993 screen-shot, 166 cartridges, 1136 scans, 127 manuals and 727 .tap files. Bolder Dan - VIC20 | Bolder Dan is a new game for the Commodore VIC-20 made by Misfit. The game is based on the classic game of Boulderdash. For the game you need an unexpanded VIC-20 (PAL), a disk drive and a joystick. The game is developed with the help of cc65 and CBM prg Studio. Fastboy - VIC20 | Fastboy is a new game for the Commodore VIC-20, made by Misfit. The game was made for the LudumDare 48h competition. In this competition you have only 48 hours to make a complete game. For the game you need an unexpanded VIC-20 (PAL), a disk drive and a joystick. VIC-20 flash memory expansion | Phvic is developing a flash memory expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. The following features are planned: The VIC will see the flash memory as a ROM. Auto booting from the flash memory. A micro-controller will control the memory and the expansion port. At the moment the device is still in development. You can follow the progress on the Denial forum.