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Start page WimBASIC - VIC-20 | There is a new version of WimBASIC available. WimBASIC is a BASIC extension for the Commodore VIC-20. The program is loaded in BLK5 of a RAM memory expansion or you can use a ROM cartridge. The changes in this version are: Improvements for the ROUND() function, defined function keys, FIND command and the SuperNumbers implementation. Mayhem  - VIC20 | Mayhem is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 made by Martijn from Revival Studios. In the game Wizzy's invention exploded. You must collect all the parts but avoid the debris. The game can be played with the joystick and is available as a cassette or as digital download for the unexpanded Commodore VIC-20. Multi-Joystick Interface | Kananga has developed an joystick interface to connect up to eight joysticks to the Commodore VIC20. The new interface was demonstrated at the Commodore users group in Graz - Austria. Kananga adapted the Super-Amok game so, that more players can play at the same time. Kananga is working on more multi-player versions of games. Space Warz - VIC20 | Ghislain released a improved version of Space Warz. Space Warz is an text adventure that was originally made in 1993. The game can be played on a Commodore VIC and a disk drive. The improvements include an hi-res intro, two pieces of movie music and instructions on how to play the game. GCart - VIC20 | After a break Thomas Lövskog is working on the GCart again. He redesigned the circuit board and expanded the RAM memory to 64-512 MByte. The Xilinx FPGA will handle the WiFi and memory instead of a PIC32. A new addition is a optional Commodore IEC serial port for the emulation of the disk drive. The user interface is moved to a external circuit board with many options: Buttons and LEDs, a 16x96 or a 96x64 OLED screen. Coppa Reloaded - VIC20 | Ronald Körber (Dusty) released a 2012 version of his game Coppa. Coppa Reloaded is a game for the Commodore VIC20 and has now 4 new levels. In the game you must move your space ship across the grid and turn all fields purple. You get points for every field you change to purple but lose points if the field was already purple. Vic-20 Lives | The web page Vic-20 Lives is dedicated to the classic VIC-20 Computer. On the web page you can find games that Rob programmed himself, and games that Rob typed in from computer magazines. The latest additions are: Caves of Alpha-Ceti, Fly Grand Canyon, Kingdom, Mushrooms and Sea Battle. Retina-Display - VIC 20 | Retina Display is a demo for the Commodore VIC20. This demo uses a new graphical display system. This graphical system is named Ultra-Hires Interlace mode and can be used on a NTSC VIC-20 with an 32 kByte RAM expansion. The screen can display 192 x 416 = 79872 pixels, that is 25% more than with a Commodore C64. WimBASIC - VIC-20 | There is a new version of WimBASIC available. WimBASIC is a BASIC extension for the Commodore VIC-20. The program is loaded in BLK5 of a RAM memory expansion or you can use a ROM cartridge. The changes in this version are: A new command: DIVMOD. This command is used to calculate the quotient and the remainder of two unsigned integers (0..65535). The results are put in two variables DQ and DR. KWEEPOUT - VIC20 | Kweepa is developing a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game is inspired on the game Breakout and is written in BASIC. The game can be played on a VIC-20 without an extra memory expansion. You can follow his progress on the Denial forum. Dusty's VIC-20 resource page | Ronald Körber (Dusty) started a new web page. On the web page you can find programs he developed in the years 1985 and 1986. Examples of his programs are: Alien Trooper, Coppa, Deliverer, Robin At Ravenwreck, Robin Goes Skiing, Wormy, Zeichensatzeditor II, Adress-Star etc. Break-Fast II - VIC20 | Ghislain released an new version of his game Break-Fast. The game was originally programmed in 1990. In this new version Ghislain improved the game, and added a splash screen and instructions to the game. The puzzle action game can be played on an Commodore VIC20 with a disk drive. The Explorer - VIC20 | Jeffrey Daniels released a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game is made in BASIC and can be played on a unexpanded VIC-20 with a joystick. The game is a snake type game. But it will take some finding out to play the game to the real end. Do not think you are at the end of the game when you have arrived in a strange bitmap land. JS VIC-20 | The Javascript emulator of the VIC-20, made by Matt Dawson, has been updated. This emulator works best with the latest Chrome or Firefox browsers. Changes in this version Full-screen support. New debug screen with VIC and VIA info. Edit or view a Basic or machine-code program. Choice between 100% speed or no-limit. Datassette emulation (Load) with support for TZX, CSM and PRG files. VIC20 - Game Compilation C | Vicman has made a compilation of games. You can now watch video’s of Commodore VIC20 games that start with the letter C: Cabby, Canibal, Cannon Ball, Cannonade, Canyon, Canyon Runner, Capture the Flag, CB Slot VI, CB Slot VIII and City Crusher. WimBASIC - VIC-20 | There is a new version of WimBASIC available. WimBASIC is a BASIC extension for the Commodore VIC-20. The program is loaded in BLK5 of a RAM memory expansion or you can use a ROM cartridge. The changes in this version are: Solved problems with the ROUND() function, defined function keys and the FIND command. And the SuperNumbers implementation has been improved. VFLI - VIC-20 | Michael started a project in 2010 to enhance the graphics of the Commodore VIC-20. The new graphics mode requires a hardware modification of the VIC-20. The normal RAM is expanded from 5 kB to 8kB and the new colour RAM is 16 times bigger than the original. Recently Michael updated the conversion software and introduced gamma-correction which improves the quality of the converted pictures. You can read all about the VFLI system on the Denial forum. LCE - VIC20 | Schlowski made an character editor for the Commodore VIC-20 called Little Character Editor (LCE). The program can be used on a unexpanded VIC20 and can edit 64 characters. The commands are: Load, Save ($1C00-$1DFF), Copy, Paste, Rotate and Mirror. Internal 8k expansion – VIC-20 | Thomas Lövskog has designed an internal expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. The expansion is especially designed to enhance the graphics capabilities of the VIC-20. The expansion is placed in the character ROM socket and connected to the motherboard with 7 wires. The features are: 8kByte that is usable by the VIC chip (BLK0). 32 pages of 1 kByte color RAM. 4 banks of 4 kByte RAM ($8000). Auto start and optional LED driver. Fickle - VIC20 | Malcolm Tyrrell improved his game Fickle” for the Commodore VIC-20. The game has now teleports. And a few weak levels have been replaced with with better levels. Malcom also included the source code of the game. GCart - VIC20 | The project of Thomas Lövskog the GCart is one step further. After a long time the proto-type circuit boards have arrived. The GCart will have the following features: 64k - 1024k SRAM, 8k Kernal, Disk-management and Basic extensions with full screen editor, SD card, Audio decoder for MIDI, MP3, FLAC, WAV, OGG, etc, RTC with battery backup, WiFi, 3 buttons (RESET, NMI, DISK) and a display for text, icons etc. VIC20 - Game Compilation B | Vicman has made a compilation of games. You can watch videos of games for the Commodore VIC20. This time you can see the games that start with the letter B: Backfire, Balloon Dodger, Barrier Battle, Battleship, Bee Trap, Bewitched, Birds, Black Max, Blam!, Blitzkrieg, Blue Star, Bomber, Bombs Away and many more. Vicious SID Converter | Kananga is working on a conversion program that will make VIC-20 versions of SID music. The converter is based on the Aleksi Eeben's SID Emu and will work on a Commodore VIC-20 with an 8 kB memory expansion. You can now listen to examples he already made, such as Commando, Cybernoid, IK and Zoids. Cometfall - VIC20 | Cometfall is a new adventure game for the Commodore VIC-20 made by Kweepa. To play the game you need a real VIC-20 with a 16 kB expansion or an emulator. You can also play the game on-line. The game is a science fiction text game. With help you will get a list of possible commands and you can also use the Infocom short-keys (n,s,e,w,u,d,i,z,x). Rethinking Art and the Machine | Schema (Leif Bloomquist) made a new music track. The music is made on a VIC-20 and was optimized with FL Studio (phaser/reverb/equalizer, mild overdrive). The music was made for the Art and the Machine (RAM) presentation. RAM is a showcase for artists who work with art and electronic technology, light, graphics, robots and virtual reality. Fickle - VIC20 | Malcolm Tyrrell made a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game Fickle is a real-time one-button puzzle game and is an entry for the Minigame Compo 2011. Malcom is also working on a NTSC version of the game and he wants to add a teleporter to the game in the future. Theater of War III: Western Front 1918 - VIC20 | Theater of War II: The Pacific is a strategy game for the Commodore VC-20 made by Ghislain. To play the game you need a (unexpanded) VIC-20 and a disk drive or an emulator. In the game you are a commander of the German Empire's army. Your task will be to take on the French forces as you advance to the Marne river, and then onwards to Paris. There is also a two-player option. FE3 Task Switcher | Kananga released a new program for the Final Expansion 3. This program allows you to have up to eight virtual environments (tasks) on your VIC-20 with a FE3 simultaneously. The supervisor and SJLoad will be loaded at start up. You can create and reset tasks, switch between them by using the restore key or a SYS call, and you can save or load a task. FE3 RAM Disk v0.8 | Kananga has released an update for the FE3 RAM disk for the Commodore VIC-20. Change in this versions: Improvements for loading and saving data. The commands Scratch and Rename are now stable. Experimental support for REL files. Theater of War II: The Pacific - VIC20 | Theater of War II: The Pacific  is a strategy game for the Commodore VC-20 made by Ghislain. To play the game you need a (unexpanded) VIC-20 and a disk drive or an emulator. In the game you are in the Pacific Ocean where you command the Imperial Japanese Navy against the American forces. You can achieve the ultimate victory if you complete all five levels. There is also a two-player option. The Last VIC - VIC-20 | Orion70 made a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. The game The Last VIC is an conversion from the Commodore C16 game Earth Defender, made by R. Adling. The game uses the hi-res 160x192 graphics from Mike's Minigrafik extension. In the game you need to defend your home planet. You must destroy all the bombs with your canon. The game can be played on a real VIC-20 with 8KByte extra RAM or an emulator. Blitz - Andriod | Caffeine Kid released a classic Commodore VIC-20 game for Andriod. The game Blitz was original written by Peter Calver for the Commodore PET and was named Air Attack. The game was later converted by Simon Taylor and published under the name Blitz. In the game you need to destroy a city with a small airplane. You can use your bombs to destroy the building but don not fly into the buildings.