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Start page Pegasos book | The Pegasos book V2.3 English is released. In this book: Tricks and hints under Linux on Pegasos. Installation on Linux Debian or Linux Ubuntu. Usage of bootcreator, chroot command, NFS to fast up compilations and Nintendo Wiimote on a Pegasos. Retroputing | Retroputing is a collection of forums about retro computers. There are forums about: Commodore, Apple, Atari, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, Tandy, Sinclair, Adam and DOS. RetroChallenge 2008 | This competition is all about our love for the retro computers. Challenges can vary widely... You may want to try your hand at programming, graphics, music or hardware hacking. Every computer system is welcome to join the challenge. The challenge will start on January 1st until January 31st. PET web page | This web site is dedicated to keeping the Commodore PET and CBM II series alive into the future. On this web site you can find information and discussions about the PET/CBM II. This web page wants to promote an active development scene for the PET / CBM II and preserve and distribute PET/CBM II related software, manuals and code. AmigaOS 4.0 Classic | Hyperion entertainment announced the Amiga OS 4.0 for classic Amiga's equipped with PowerPC accelerator cards at AmiWest. This version of Amiga OS 4.0 for classic Amiga's is functionally identical to the version already available for AmigaOne hardware. AmigaOS 4.0 Classic will require at least 64 MB and 200 MB HDD space, as well as a supported PowerPC accelerator (CyberstormPPC or BlizzardPPC). MiniGame Compo 2007 | The results of the 1k and 2k games are available. Not only Commodore games but also Atari, Spectrum, Amstrad, Colecovision are competing in this event. VIC20 Denial  | This is a web site dedicated to the VIC20. There is a active forum where you can ask questions, chat or buy and sell your VIC equipment. Besides a forum there is also a WIKI. Here you can learn all details about the first computer to sell more than 1.000.000 units. C64 Orchestra CD | A new CD from the C64 orchestra. The packaging is a very nice design. On this CD: Delta, Commando, Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid, International Karate, Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth and Supremacy. And the extras are: interviews with Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel and the C64 orchestra trailer. Amition update | On there are 11 new videos in the download area. Also the web pages are moved to a faster server, so downloading will be faster. If you have other Amiga video material about events or tv please contact the people at C64 Tape Info Central | If you want to know everything about tape loaders you can take a look at this web page. There is a page that explains how to transfer data from a original tape to a PC. Also all tape turbo's are explained. Best of Plus/4 | If you want to know what the best game, utility or demo is for the Plus/4 then take a look at the Top List page of Plus/4 World. EAGER | EAGER stands for Every Amiga Game Ever Released. This site contains information on commercially released titles for the Amiga range of computers. Info about: Game description, Review details and scores, Manuals and, supplements, Publishers and Developers info, Cheats, hints, full solutions and maps, Screenshot, Game Demo, Compatibility, HD Installers and patches. Tulip wants Commodore back. | Tulip Computers N.V. (Tulip) has informed Commodore International Corporation (CIC) that it want to make an offer to buy the company. The offer is to pay 1 $ per share. The payment will be made in shares Tulip or shares in the new Commodore. Tulip sold Commodore in 2004 for 24 million Euros and now it's offering more than 55 million Euros. OS4 Depot | OS4 Depot is a File Depot portal dedicated to hosting Amiga OS4 software and related resources. One of the updates is a new version of PNG Icon Editor. Aminet update | Aminet update - Aminet is a set of interconnected WWW and FTP servers hosting freely distributable Amiga software. Established in 1992, Aminet belongs to the Internet's oldest software repositories, the total size of the archive has recently crossed the 30 GB barrier. Only the last 14 days there were more than 30 updates. Commodore Service manuals. | If you need a service manual for your broken Commodore system then take a look at this web site. Service manuals for the C64, Plus/4, disk drives and datassettes. Also manuals and other technical information on Commodore systems. Minimig web site | Dennis van Weeren famous for his mimimig development has made a web site. On this web site all information on the minimig project. History, technical specifications and the source files of the project. New boulderdash web page | ODO made a new web site dedicated to the game Boulderdash. ODO has just started but is expanding his web site in the near future. Jim Butterfield has passed away. | Jim died at 1:30 AM on June 29 after battling cancer. Jim Butterfield was a Toronto-based author and computer programmer famous for his work with Commodore microcomputers, and a longtime contributor to periodicals such as The Transactor and TPUG. High Voltage SID Collection | Edition 47 is out now. After this update, the collection contains 34127 SID files! This update features 1127 new SIDs, 19 fixed/better rips, 773 SID credit fixes and 44 unknown game or demo tunes identified. You can download this 66 MByte archive from the web site. Update | If you want to watch a C64 demo take a look at It has been updated recently with demos from: Dominators (37) Beastie Boys (52) Hokuto Force (1) Triumwyrat (15) Atlantis (4) and Crazy (10). There is also a Top 10 of all demos and lots of screen shots. SOASC= | The SOASC= project is an automated recording technique invented by Stone Oakvalley in order to mass record music from the legendary Commodore 64 and its SID chips (6581 and 8580). The entire HVSC is recorded in MP3 fromat. This means that there about 95.000 tunes available. If you want them all buy a big harddisk (400+ GB). AROS | The website has been updated. AROS is a lightweight, efficient and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It's an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS 3.1 and improving it in many areas. Michal Schulz has completed UHCI and OHCI USB supports, this means AROS should now support USB almost on every computer. At this stage, only mice and keyboards are supported, but other devices are on the works. C64 Codebase Wiki | This wiki contains all kinds of articles related to C64 coding. Sourcecodes, tutorials, notes on clever tricks and hardware quirks and so on... You name it! The wiki is open for everyone to read and modify and you do not need to register to add your own material. So go ahead and fill this site with nice contents! Fred Fish passed away. | On April 20, 2007 Fred Fish passed away at the age of 54. Fred Fish was a computer programmer notable for work on the GNU Debugger, as well as his series of Fish disks of freeware for the Amiga. The Fish Disk series ran from 1986 to 1994 and there are about 1000 Fish Disks. CP/M | This web site has collected a considerable amount of technical information on CP/M, in particular the CP/M+ version used on the Commodore C-128. All programs on the web site are free for your personal use. Also programs for MS-DOS and Windows to format or copy CP/M disks and links to other CP/M related web sites. SFODB | The Sixty Four Originals Database site has been updated. On this web site you can see the original packaging, disks and cassettes of more than 1400 games. The last update added another 50 titles. Walkthroughs | Always wanted to finish a game? On this web page you can find out how you got to do it. Martin Brunner collected more than 300 walkthrough of games. There is also a discussion forum and you can send in your own walkthroughs. CDTV web site | This site is dedicated to the first computer to be sold as standard with a CD-Rom drive. The Commodore CDTV is still alive and kicking. This site not only covers the CDTV but CDTV related items like the CDTV CR prototype, A570 and CD32 including all available upgrades and software for each. RKO | The web site RKO (Remix.Kwed.Org) is already six years the collection of C64 remixes. The database has more than 1800 of remixes of C64 game music. They are made by more than 500 artists. You can download the remixes in the mp3 format and the original in sid format. There is a top ten of the Week, Month and of All Time. Commodore PC | Commodore gaming introduced a new range of PCs. Besides very fast hardware they offer a wide range of case designs that you can choose. Richard Joseph | Richard Joseph was a computer game composer, musician and sound specialist. He has had a career spanning some 20 years starting in the early days of gaming on the C64 and the Amiga and onto succeeding formats through to the present day. After being diagnosed with lung cancer, he died on March 4, 2007. Some examples of Richard work are: Defender Of The Crown, Cannon Fodder and the BAFTA winning soundtrack of Theme Park World.