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Start page Commodore gaming | Commodore will present a new line of gaming PC's at CeBIT 2007. These PC will be cutting edge hardware for the fanatic gamers. CeBIT is held from 15th of March until the 21st of March in Hannover Germany. Slay Radio | The Fleming Show is back. Every second Thursday starting February 15th at 20:00 CET, The Fleming Show is back on SLAY Radio. The show will be hosted by Andreas Wallström as usual. Apart from the usual mayhem that kind of is The Fleming Show signature, Andreas is going to make his listeners more active in the show by getting them live on air for a chat and request. Most importantly: the music will be strictly C64 SID's, C64 remixes, and C64 related music. C64 DTV Hacking Wiki | Jason Winters has made a Wiki page for the DTV. On this page you can find al sort of info on the DTV's. Find out which version you have. The changes or improvements you can make. Programming the DTV and lots of useful links to DTV hacking web sites. The Bird Sanctuary | The Bird Sanctuary is a refuge for memories of Telecomsoft, better known in the UK and Europe during the 1980s by the publishing labels Firebird, Rainbird and Silverbird. The Bird Sanctuary website is made by ex-Telecomsoft staff and developers, along with some help from Joe public. The web site has been updated recently. Plopbox goes SID | The web site Plopbox is updated. This music archive/jukebox running with a java applet/ajax site which allows you to listen directly to any tunes and make your personal web radio. After a long work, we added the SID format, and the replay is very close to sidplay2. Pegasus book v2.2 | On the wiki site for the Pegasus system you can download the new version of the Pegasus book. This is a 7 Mbyte PDF file with all info about the Pegasus computers. (GB) New Amiga Forum | There is a new Amiga forum called This site is for the promotion and support of AmigaOS4 and beyond only! Including the associated hardware. The forum is in the English language. Commodore DVD's  | Now that both the Plus/4 and 64 DVDs are sold out, Lacoste/Wilds released them for download for free. The DVD downloads are generously hosted by (More than 4 Gigabyte each DVD !!) Amigafan | There is a new web site for Amiga fans. Jörg Klopsch has build a web site with information on every Amiga system. But also information on the WinUAE emulator. And there is a forum if you have any questions or comments. The web site language is German. | This web site provides an active and vibrant community devoted to keeping the Commodore 128 alive into the future. The site provides information, downloads, a forum and much more. Big Book of Amiga Hardware | The well know web site for information on Amiga Hardware has been moved. Ian Chapman who runs the web site for seven years has turned over the site to a new group of people. Retro Computer Day | In November there will be another Retro Computer Dag (26-11-2006) in the Netherlands. Not only Commodore computers but all other home- or gamecomputer will be on show. After the success of the latest show this time even more tables. History of the game computer. | There will be an exhibition about the history of the game computer from 7 July until 9 September in the museum Het Kleine Veenloo. There will be exhibition of game computers, cartridges, disc-drives and cassette-recorders to give a complete history of many old systems. There will be a lot of brands like Atari, Philips, Commodore, Sinclair, Sony and Nintendo. Also a very special and rare system the Magnavox Odyssey from 1972 will be there. But also a working Sony Play Station 2 is on display. During the exhibition you can play Space Invaders on a Atari 2600 and Pac-Man on a Commodore 64. The major part of the systems are from private collector Erik Klooster. The museum Het Kleine Veenloo is located on the Markt 10 in the city Veenendaal. The museum is open: Tuesday - Saturday from 10.00 until 16.00. C64 Orchestra | The Commodore 64 is popular again the last couple of years. Not only as a game console but also as a musical instrument in the dance-scene. For the production C64 Orchestra two famous C64-composers were contacted: Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel. The work of these two Godfathers of C64 game-music is arranged for and preformed by 12 musicians from the Ricciotti Ensemble. The conductor is Bas Wiegers. The compositions from Rob Hubbard: Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid, the Master of Magic and International Karate. The compositions from Jeroen Tel: Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth and Supremacy. When performing this concert there will be images of the original games shown by the C-men. Follow the rehearsals on these videos Low resolution and high resolution Press Play On Tape | This is a Commodore 64 revival band, (almost) exclusively playing tunes from the 80's home computer Commodore 64 as rock on real instruments. If you want to see them in action download one of the movies from their website. Llamasoft | Who had a 8 bit computer knows the games from Jeff Minter. He founded the company Llamasoft in 1982. Llamasoft has released over 30 games on nearly 20 platforms, garnering plenty of awards along the way as well as a loyal community of fans - The Llamasofties. The old games like Attack of the Mutant Camels and Hover Bovver are all available for download from Jeff's website. 8-bit Podcast #8 | Special Birthday Episode - Jeroen Tel in the mix! Episode #8 is a liveset performed by Jeroen Tel / Maniacs Of Noise which they did on March 24th this year on the dutch WeekendXL radioshow. (43,6 MB MP3) Win a C65 | Always wanted a C65 for your collection? Then here is your chance. You have to enter a demo for the 0XAA (Codex Alpe Adria) demo competition. And second price is a C-one computer. There are different competitions: C64 (PAL, 1541-II), Amiga (A1200 PAL AGA / RTG), PC (Windows XP SP2, Wild Demo (anything you would like, including animations, videos and photographs) RR-Forum | People who have a Rertro Replay or a MMC can join their own forum. In this forum which is for both users and developers of the RR and MMC can ask questions exchange code or just look for the latest software / ROMs's for there cartridges. Amiga demo scene online Encyclopedia | If you want to get some information about a demo for the Amiga then visit this website. At the moment there are more than 15.000 entries in the database. Most of the demos include a screen shot and info on the makers. | There have been a lot of new games and demo's added to the website. Only in June there were 150+ new games. doesn't only do games and demos but also interviews, pictures, articles and much more. Hardware pictures 264 | Chris from has started a picture collection of Commodore 264 hardware. If you own a piece of (special) hardware for a C16, C116, Plus/4 then send your pics to Chris. See his webpage for details. Lost and found | The people at Commodore Plus/4 World are digging through their software archives. They found lost of old demos and games. The search for the missing software has recovered more than 100 items already. AAY 1541 | The All About Your...-series (AAY..) is a mighty help-system for C64 - coders done by Ninja. The new edition is about the 1541 diskdrive. commented ROM-Listing, Zeropage, VIA6522-registers, Cross Reference, Jobcodes, Error Messages. You can download the HTML or ASCII version from the Dreams website. HVSC update | More than 600 new SID tunes are added to the High Voltage SID Collection. And about 1000 SID's have been fixed. The current version has now reached 58 MB (zipped) of music. Play C64 games online | The website C64 Games has now a C64 emulator online. You can play the well known games such as: Great Giana Sisters, Arkanoid 2, Bubble Bobble, Avenger, Donkey Kong, Pitstop 2 and many more. This is all possible thanks to Joakim Eriksson's JaC64 emulator. The Xtreem Commodore Logo | CIP made a Commodore logo that is so big that it is actually a game cabinet. At the moment there is a DTV and a 1084 inside the logo and a Arcade joystick mounted in the upper part of the =. Check out the website for more info. ZZAP64 | All issues from the well know C64 magazine are now available for you to download. Scanned and converted to PDF together with bonus covertapes. Dane's homepag | Dane of Booze Design made a homepage to show his work and the work of the Swedish demo group. If you are enthusiastic about 8-bit programming, 3-channel music and 16-color graphics this is the place for you. RECOLLECTION #1 | Scene-newbies appear to be lost about the past, confused, or even being totally ignorant about it. As in, how things worked back then. Where did they really get their originals? Who had to skip school to crack a first release? What were their plans - and how well-planned were they? How did they meet and get together in the first place? What triggered all the fighting? What split groups up? Who made money and who didn't? What was the lamest thing the coolest persons ever did? Read it all in the new disk-magazine Recollection. DTV - Ask me a question! | There is a new site to ask questions about the C64 - DTV and the Hummer game. You can send your question to Mr. Latch-up. For those who don't know Mr. Latch-up. It is a famous person in the DTV world and don't be fouled by the Mr. There are about 20 questions already answered on this site. Plus/4 World | There are two new games on the Plus/4 world website. The games are Spunza which is a puzzle game with sound and a memory game called Merk-As. Also the website has got a RSS feature now.