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Start page | Chris put up a new website for the 264 series of Commodore Computers. He started with coverscans of his software collection. Scans are from Addictive, Trojan, Tynesoft, US Gold and many more. Lemon Amiga | The Lemon Amiga website has been updated. 200 Amiga games are added including info and screens. HVSC | The High Voltage SID Collection is updated. Current version is #44 and is 4 MBytes in size. Adding 600 new SID's to the total of more than 30.000. The complete file is now 58 MByte. You can download the HVSC collection for free and they also provide a SID player for it. Liquid Skies Records | A new track from Lcr. Fkrent Story originally composed by Lcr and remixed by Kuadziw is released. As always downloads are for free. But you can order a CD at production costs. PAL DTV | When the sale started of the PAL version many people started the hacking. Daniel Kahlin did some fine work in discovering the secrets of the PAL DTV. He has written a program to change the ROM inside the PAL DTV. But how is it possible to change the ROM? It's actually a Flash ROM like the memory in a digital camera. The program works but be careful. If you use it the wrong way it will erase your entire DTV. Commodore 264 series docs. | Chris from has uploaded some new documentation: The Anco C16/Plus 4 Reference Book, Script Plus Manual, Rap 4 Manual, Plus Exchange Issue 1/2/3. They are all available to download in PDF format in the Publications section. AAY 1581 | The All About Your...-series (AAY..) is a mighty help-system for C64 - coders done by Ninja. The new edition is about the 1581 diskdrive. German commented ROM-Listing and RAM-Area, Cross Reference, ROM Differences, CIA / WD-registers, Jobcodes, Error Messages. You can download the HTML or ASCII version from the Dreams website. Individual Computers stops selling hardware  | Individual Computers and also E3B, who are well known for innovative and powerful hardware expansions for classic Amiga computers and the C-one, are forced to stop selling hardware until further notice due to changes in German law. No hardware is being shipped within the EU, neither to resellers, nor to direct customers. Both companies are willing to meet the new law but the German authorities are far behind with the implementation. So we have to wait until the German authorities will have done their work or buy the products outside the EU. Demo DVD | Do you like to watch demos made on a C64 but you do not have one right now? There is a solution. Stefan Uhlmann made DVDs with lots of demos. You can download the DVDs using Bittorrent or EDonkey. There is also a VIC20 DVD planned. A few examples: Deus Ex Machina, Refugee , Bumpmania, Mathematica and many more. The Pegasos book | The Pegasos book, is a free document of 148 pages in PDF format. Its goal is to gather a whole of information and articles on the Pegasos and its operating systems (MorphOS, Linux, MacOSX with MacOnLinux) in only one document which can be consulted off line or printed easily. PETSCII website update | The PETSCII PAGES is a Commodore web site created and maintained by Jeff Ledger. This is the root hub for both personal projects as well as the other Commodore web sites. Examples are: The Petscii Forums, The TELBBS site, Quantum Link Reloaded, Commodore Markup Language, Commodore DTV Hacking, Secret Society of Commodore Coders Forum. 264 documentation | The Commodore16 website made an update on documentation on the 264 range of Commodore computers. They have re-organized the Publications section of the website, you can find it under the Information banner. As well as listing books and other publications based on these machines, you can now download a large amount of the documents in PDF format. If anybody has any scans of documents, books, adverts and manuals please contact Alinea Computer | Alinea Computer is proud of presenting itself as a new company for Amiga Software. Alinea Computer concentrates it's work mainly on the development and the distribution of AmigaOS4-applications and -games. The following Amiga -Software is now available: AmiPhoto and ANotice 2. CommodoreTalk | CommodoreTalk is a new forum for all Commodore fans. The forum handles all computers from the PET to the Latest Amiga. To use the forum you need to register. C64 Games website update | The website C64 Games has been updated. On the website you can find a lot of info about the C64. There is a C64 revival section explaining everything about emulation. A download center with hundreds of games. And also a all time TOP 50 for C64 games. PAL DTV Hacked | It had a bit of a slow start. But the PAL version of the C64 DTV is hacked. On the forum of dtv-hacking you can see where the connections of the disk drive and keyboard need to be made. Booting to BASIC is a bit different, hold down the CTRL instead of the K while turning on your DTV. Check the forum for more news about the C64 DTV. Liquid Skies Records | Liquid Skies records brings you music made on the Amiga. You don't have to have a Amiga to listen to the music because the format is mp3. The latest track is composed by Maxus. It's track number 89. You can download the music from the website or order a complete CD. GameBase 264 | Chris from the website has announced the start of GameBase 264. Gamebase is a Windows based FrontEnd for the emulators CCS64 and VICE on the PC. It's purpose is to make a database of 264 games and SID tunes. And make them readily available to play in the emulator of your choice by just clicking on the game name. Amiga Software | Amiga.sf has made 3 software titles available for download. LAME is an LGPL MP3 encoder. It is now an highly evolved MP3 encoder, with quality and speed able to rival state of the art commercial encoders. UnRAR v3.51 is an utility to decompress RAR archives. Wget is a software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP (68020 /40 /60, WarpOS) Boulderdash | Tired of playing the original Boulderdash game. There are lots of people who create there own Boulderdash versions. Firefox released his newest Boulderdash game it is game number 54. You can download this game at his website. C64 Preservation Project | The main goal of this project is to archive pristine versions of original Commodore 64 software, including copy protection. A secondary goal will benefit of this will be to catalog and document all the different copy protection methods used. This information will be used to improve emulation, as well as remastering software onto disks for you to enjoy on the real thing. Of course, to reach these goals, we need your help. If you have a 1541 or 1571 disk drive and a XEP, XAP, or XMP cable,  we can send you the latest mastering software. You can then send us the resulting image and statistical data for analysis and inclusion in the archive. GameBox64 | GameBox64 has a collection of scanned packaging and media for Commodore 64 games. The aim is to be the complete resource for scanned items from C64 games. The scans come from instructions, inlays, catridges, disks, tapes and miscellaneous items. Barcode | Ever wanted to know what CBM was in a barcode..... Want to make your own barcode click on the link or the picture. HVSC | The High Voltage SID Collection is updated. Current version is #43 and is 3 MBytes in size. Adding 750 new SIDs to the total of more than 30.000. The complete file is now 56 MByte. You can download the HVSC collection for free and they also provide a SID player for it. Quantum-link reloaded | Jim Brain did it. He brought Quantum-link back online. For the people outside the USA Quantum-link was a very early internet-type system. You could connect to it with a C64/128 via the telephone. Download software, chat, send mail , play games and much more. Later the name was changed in AOL and was opened up to PC's. After that Quantum link was shut down. But now it's back. Competition Pro | The legendary joystick is available again. But now with a USB connection. The last thing you needed for the emulators. Many say this was the best joystick ever and having dozens of them I agree. Now available in the better computer shops for about 15 euro. Copenhagen Retro Concert | Big retro music event in Copenhagen. The following bands will be performing. PRESS PLAY ON TAPE, SID'80s, Visa Röster, Axes Denied. Also the famous Rob Hubbard will be there. Update: The event is sold out! Braunschweig 25 years. | This week it was 25 years ago that Commodore Braunschweig was opened. The Braunschweig division assembled millions of Commodore computers. They also made the most famous model, the Golden C64. PAL DTV | The first PAL DTVs are seen in the UK. The companies Argos and Amazon are selling the second version of the Commodore C64 in a joystick through their websites. The new version has a number of different games. The price is about 30 - 35 euro. The PAL-DTV is expected in the rest of Europe in the coming months. C128 is 20 years old. | The Commodore C128 is 20 years. Dave Haynie and Bil Herd made a video to celebrate the 20th birthday of the Commodore C128. In the video there are some very rare Commodore types like the TED, 264, C128 proto-type, C64 LCD and the CD32 AAA proto-type. PAL core | Peter Wendrich has published a new Alpha version of his C64 core. This time the CPU has experienced a few updates (decimal mode and a few illegal opcodes), and an experimental MMU is included now that will be useful for future expansions like using the SD-Ram, which is much bigger than any 6502 processor can handle without additions to the hardware. Still no sprites in the VIC. | The C64 was Commodore biggest seller but there are other models as well. A bit different group are the C16 - C116 -Plus/4. On the website this group of Commodore computers are presented in a big way. You can download games, read games reviewes a busy forum and lots more. The SID (music chip from the C64) is very popular. At the moment an SID cartrigde is being develloped for the Plus/4. You can sign up for a newsletter on the website.