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Start page Hall of Light | Hall of Light (HOL) has been updated, this website has all information about the games released on the Amiga's. From screenshot, game info to cheatcodes. The spectacular rise and fall of Commodore | This is the title of a new book about the history of Commodore. The book will be available from August and contains stories from all the great people at Commodore like Jack Tramiel, Irving Gould, Chuck Peddle, Dave Haynie and many more. The book will describe the first computers like the KIM / PET's (1976) untill the last Amiga's (1994). Retro Computer Day Holland | After the great success of the Dutch RetroComputerDay of 2004 there is a follow-up  planned in September 2005. This year the Atarians are giving it a go. But there is going to be more then Atari on this day. The Commodore computers are represented by Robert Sproktholt and Richard Lagendijk. Robert has a wide collection of Commodore, MSX, Sinclair's and Atari's. Richard will take about 5 different Commodore's for game play from the VIC20 to the Amiga CD32. Amiga is 20 years old. | On July 23rd 1985 the first Amiga (A1000) was shown to the public. Commodore sold more then 5.000.000 Amiga worldwide. The Amiga 500 was the bestseller by far. Commodore Grooves | Anders Carlsson aka Goto80 released another SID album. COMMODORE GROOVES is here, finally! Goto80's first full-length CD-album released on Rebel Pet Set. Including the data-track, there's 2 hours of music,and also videos, pictures, and stuff.. Primary Star 2005 | The Primary Star meeting has updated it's website. Compo's are: Graphics - Pal C64 with 1541. Music - 3 minutes max. Demo - 15 minutes max. 4K Intro - 10 minutes max. Wanna have a cool looking Desktop?  | Yes? Then you need one of these funky wallpapers, just grab them on the website of Christian Rosentreter. He has Commodore and Amiga style wallpapers in various sizes. New PAL core for the C-one | The Dutchman Peter Wendrich had already published a PAL C64 core for a Xilinx FPGA but now he has ported it to the C-One with a bit of help from Tobias Gubener. There is a long way to go as this is still an alpha version. It's missing sprites but has a working IEC bus and can access the real SID. Lemon Amiga | The Lemon Amiga website has been updated. 60 Amiga games are added including info and screens. Freax | Yes, the biggest book ever written about the history of the computer demoscene is completed. The 224 page book contains the complete history of the Commodore 64 and the Amiga, both the machines and the underground subcultures around them, from the cracker-warez scene to the demoscene, from hacking and phreaking to the ASCII art scene. Illustrated with 483 color photos and screenshots. SlayRadio | Want to listen to C64 type music than tune into SlayRadio. They also do live shows. Check it out.... Book about the joystick | The German book about joysticks is already 2 years on the market. It tells the history of the joystick from 1972-2004. Written by Winnie Forster and Stephan Freundorferand has 144 pages. And the best joystick is on the cover !! AmigaOS Homepage | This is a (unofficial) AmigaOS Support Homepage. On this page you will find all important Information and Updates for the AmigaOS 3.1, 3.5 and 3.9 for your Amiga computer. Release 3.1 was the first version of the Amiga operating system to be officially dubbed AmigaOS. It was also the last version developed under Commodore. Later Amiga licensed development to Haage and Partner and they released with OS 3.5 (1999) and 3.9 (2000) the first Updates since 5 years. Feelin | Feelin is a new object-oriented system (OOS) for the AmigaOS. It provides two things: A small shared library, fast and powerful (the object - system core), offering everything needed to create a complete object-oriented environnement; And an extensible system to create and maintain GUIs. AAY64 v0.64 | AAY stands for All About Your.... This is a mighty help-system for C64-coders done by Ninja. A (really) lot of documentation has been collected and put to a hyperlinked context. So, with just a few clicks you should be able to find the information you need for developing. Different devices have their own AAY, like the C64 or the 1541 floppy-drive. You can download a version for PC-DOS, HTML or ASCII. PokeFinder | Pokefinder is a FTP search engine. That will search all the FTP sites that has C64 software on it. It's really easy to use. Just type in your request. In seconds you'll know where to go. Games That Weren't | Games That Weren't (GTW) originated from an article by Ian Osbourne in the later issues of Commodore Force in 1993. Research through many hundreds of old magazines started to uncover even more unreleased / incomplete games, and eventually the information evolved into a regular feature for the now sadly deceased Commodore Zone magazine, called Games That Weren't. Popularity of the feature from its readers pushed the demand for a web site to detail more about other unreleased games. Protovision Update | Protovision has updated their website. A new trailer for the mega game METAL DUST with music from Markus Siebold! TANKS 3000 Preview. A playable demo of TANKS 3000 can be downloaded. Also a new pricelist (04/05), with the new MMC64. MMC- and SD-Flashcard Interface for the C64. C64 mags | The biggest C64 scene mag archive has expanded more, this site now holds over 1.4GB of C64 scene media. In this update a further 138MB of new paper and disk magazines have been uploaded. Please continuing supporting the site, we need your help in order to preserve the history of our culture. AmigaSpeed | Want to know how fast your Amiga is. Check out this website. All kinds of configurations are tested on speed. Kickstart Archives | Kickstart archives is a compilation of AMIGA computers related material provided on DVD. The compilation is html based and should run on any current computer platform. All the information on kickstart archives is provided with the gracious support of the contributors. Amiga One firmware update | Hyperion released a new AmigaOne firmware update for AmigaOS 4.0. New features in this release include: Improvements in the x86 BIOS emulator Reworked IDE/ATA-Code with better support of multiple IDE controllers. Preliminary support for the Catweasel Mark IV controller by Individual Computers. Ability to choose graphics card for booting. Multiple bugs fixed, including a wrong IRQ assignment for AGP graphics cards (Vertical Blanking interrupts should now function correctly). Big Book of Hardware magazin | You can download the Big Book of Hardware magazin in the pdf edition. Topics: AmigaOS auf der Xbox, Alternativer Router, A500 Extrem Umbau, A500-Clockport. Reviews: Walker. Interviews: Robert Wahnsiedler (aPEX), Sylvio Kurze, Retroman (German language) Programming the 6809 | If you want to program the 6809 on the SuperPet you can download the complete manual of the Waterloo 6809 assembler in pdf version. North American Intros / demos | Wanderer (previously known as Satan) made a website to tribute the North Amercan demos and intros made by himself. Wanderer was a member in several groups like Public Enemy, Rampar, The Survivors (TS 2019), NEC and FBR. C64 intros | With the 100 new intros added to the site today we now have 2000 intros online! Many intros from Avantgarde, Hotline and Unicess were added this time as well as 3 new groups: The Dream Team, Brutal and Quartet. And finally we've sorted out the mess on the Illusion page, giving the 3 different groups their own pages. C64 Endings | So what have we got in store for you? Well, not only do we provide you with a description and screen shots of all our C64 game endings, but we also give you the option of downloading the ending to view for your own enjoyment! PAL DTV | Finaly a word about the PAL version of the DTV. Basicly is it's the same as the NTSC version but the games are different.  New games are Alleykat, California Games (full version), Head the Ball, Marauder, Maze Mania, Mission Impossibubble and Netherworld. Amition | Need some info on the Amiga then visit Check out the updated Hardware part. Also look at the downloads for lots of pictures and movies.