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Start page FPGA64 | The FPGA64 project from Sabbi has made progress in the last weeks. FPGA64 is a Commodore 64 inside a FPGA chip on a Altera Cyclone-II development board. Recent changes: VIC displays the 50 pixel wide sprites in the Krestage 3 demo. Stable $D013 Interrupts. SpriteEnable now works correctly. You can follow the progress on FPGA64 blog page. Chameleon beta-6 firmware | The (beta) firmware v6 is now available for the Chameleon cartridge. Changes in version 6: Fixed RAM mirrors for 1541 drive emulation and reading from emulated SID. Cartridge emulations: KCS power, SSv5, C64GS, Comal-80, Zaxxon, Ocean type 1, Simons Basic, Fun play, Super Games, Warp Speed, Dinamic and Magic Desk. Implemented: Disk-change (button), SDR register in CIA and IEC bus disable bit. Improved: VIC-II timing for mode bits (MCM, BMM and ECM). Vandalism News #56 | In this English D64 magazine the following items: News, World of Demos, The Wire, Gubbdata, Isterparty, Crackers Map, The Easy Flash, Interview with Devia of Ancient and The List. Stereo SID | DAC (Digital Audio Concepts) has a new product available, the internal Stereo SID board for the Commodore 64 and 128. With this dual SID board you can install a second SID (6581 or 8580) inside your C64 or C128 (without soldering). You can buy a empty pcb, pcb with parts or a complete assembled version. C64 Intros | The web page C64 Intros has added another 400 intros bringing the total to 8400 intros. A few examples of updated or new groups are: Big Ones, Full Force, Rayden, Shadow, Thieve's Guild, World Search Incorporated, Browbeat, Cross, Danish Dream Line, Double Sided Delinquencies, Exodus, Intense, Operation Underground, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Strickly Business Incorporated, The Joker Crew, The Zero Boys. Sheepoid - C64 | Sheepoid is a new game for the Commodore C64. The Neon Vortex is under attack from strange and bizarre psychedelic experiences from outer space!  You have to guide two micro sheep against the Neon Vortex invaders. You can buy the game from Psytronik as a tape or disk game. MUCSU-FLI converter | Algorithm released a new program to convert images from your PC to a C64 image. You can create MUCSU-FLI images with 272x160 hires FLI per line combined with X-expanded multi-colour sprites (240x160). You should use this graphics mode if you have an C64 image that contains many colours in close proximity. Infiltrator Disassembler v1.0 | RHX released a program called Infiltrator Disassembler. With this program you can investigate the memory of the Commodore C64. You can analyse the program code with the disassembler. You can also look at sprites, bitmaps, character-sets and screens. The program can be used on a Windows computer. A very comprehensive manual (English) is included. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 10 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Bard's Tale 2 (Electronic Arts), Black Hornet (Hi-Tec Software), Clever and Smart (Magic Bytes), China Miner (Interceptor Software), Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk Folk (Codemasters), Defenders of the Earth (Hi-Tec Software), Endzone (Alternative Software), Spellbound Dizzy (Codemasters), Treasure Island Dizzy (Codemasters) and The Vikings (Kele Line). CBM prg Studio v1.1.0 | Arthur Jordison released a new version of CBM prg Studio. Changes in this version: Improved BASIC loader generator. BASIC programs in t64 format can be imported. More detailed output in the assembler. Code reformatting for assembly programs. Memory viewer improvements. Coins - C64 | Coins is a new game for the Commodore C64 made by the group Avatar. The programming was done by Iceout, the music is from Fredrik and Flower did the graphics. In the game you must arrange the coins in groups of four of the same coins. You can flip the coins in X and Y direction with the joystick. St. Pauli - C64 | St. Pauli is a adventure game for the Commodore C64 which was released many years ago but until now the game was missing in the C64 Gamebase. The game is in the German language and made with the help of Graphic Adventure Creature program. You can download the game including the passwords and cheats for the game. Play-throughs | Phynnboi is making videos of Commodore C64 games he is playing. A few examples of his videos are: Anhk (walkthrough), Aztec (level 8 play-through demoing bugs), David's Midnight Magic (1,000,000+ score), Dicky's Diamonds (play-through of non-repeating levels) and Dig Dug (shows a cute bug/Easter egg). C64 Longplays | There are 10 new game videos available on the C64 Longplays web page. If you want to see how a game ends you can watch the video. The new entries are: ACE Air Combat (1985), Silent Service (1985), Movie Monster Game (1986), Terra Cognita (1986), Future Knight (1986), Mermaid Madness (1986), Dragon Skulle (1986), Captured (1986), Marble Madness (1986) and Bouder Dash 3 (1986). On the Farm 2 - C64 | On the Farm 2 is a new Arcade style game for the Commodore C64 made by Achim Volkers (programming and graphics) and Richard Bayliss made the music. You play Shep, a dog who has a job, which is to guide the sheep back to their pen. Shep must herd a certain number of sheep in each of the 20 levels, within a certain time limit. Jim Slim - C64 | Protovision released the game The Adventures of Jim Slim in Dragonland. As ball Jim it is up to you to retrieve a stolen skull and to save the lovely Candy. You can move through the colourful mazes by rolling, jumping, trampolines, a tube system or even via teleporters. The game comes boxed, including a printed manual in English and German. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 13 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Aquanaut (The Power House), Almazz (The Edge), The Catacombs (Anirog Software), Dark Fusion (Gremlin Graphics), Deliverance (The Power House), Echelon (Access Software), Grange Hill (Argus Press Software), Jammin' (Taskset), The Munsters (Alternative Software), Motor Massacre (Gremlin Graphics), Prodigy (Electric Dreams), Rollerboard (Pirate Software), Repton 3 (Superior Software). C64SD 2.0 Infinity | Manosoft made a successor to the C64SD. He replaced the processor with a Atmega 1284p which has double capacity (128 kbyte). The new version now has a pass through for the Datassette port and a revised reset circuit. You can watch the promo-video of the C64SD 2.0 Infinity on YouTube. The promo-video is in the Italian language, but has English subtitles. Games That Weren't | An update from the GTW web page. This time the game Escape was found. This platform game was made by the team called Artcore for the company Timsoft. There are also 4 new entries: Hard Drivin V1, Indiana Jones Last Crusade V1, Radioactive and a unnamed SEUCK game. The games Bits for Bizmo, Hangman's Hazard, Zynon and Mega Twins were updated. Sudoku | Hamar of Falcon soft made a Sudoku puzzle game for the Commodore C64. The game has four difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard and extreme). There is also a built-in editor to create your own puzzles. And there are two Easter eggs in the game, can you find them? Hoxs64 v1.0.7.2 | David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Fixed broken 320x200 and 320x240 modes. Text rendering bug fixed. Added trace till IRQ/NMI function. Miscellaneous monitor GUI fixes and improvements. Improvements on the VIC and CIA emulation. The Hoxs64 emulator is available for 32 and 64 bit Windows systems. Chameleon beta-5 firmware | The (beta) firmware v5 is now available for the Chameleon cartridge. Changes in version 5: Improvements with MMU (framebuffer and turbo). Chameleon can use the real BASIC and Kernal ROMs in the C64 in cartridge mode. FLI bug fixed. Added Stereo SID support. TOD clock fixes. Turbo has configurable speed limit. Double-buffered VGA output. Many changes to the menu. MK-II | MK-II is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is a science fiction adventure with excellent graphics and sounds. At the moment the adventure is in the Spanish language, but the game will be translated in English and German. The game is made by Lobogris and Rulas International, they did the code and graphics and Yogibear made the music. In part one you need to find the password for part two of the game. Onmyodo | Jens Schönfeld is working on a Internet connection for the Commodore C64. His proto-type is called Onmyodo. The specifications at this moment are: 100MBit, TCP/IP Stack in Hardware, IRQs (low CPU usage) and a 16 kByte buffer. The Onmyodo can be plugged into the cartridge-port of the Commodore C64, but can also be used together with a MMC64, Retro Replay, MMC Replay and the Chameleon. You can follow the progress of this cartridge on the web page. 1541 Ultimate-II V2.1 Firmware | Gideon releases a firmware update for the Ultimate-II. The changes are: Audio options and Stereo SID emulation. Initial support for Domark cartridges. Improvements made in file system handling. Improvements to the cartridge logic, and reading of ISO9660 added. Gideon is also experimenting with the EM1010 USB to Ethernet module but it is not functional at the moment. Mission Extreme | Luigi Med64 Vicari is working on a new platform game for the Commodore C64. On his blog page you can watch a demo video of the game Mission Extreme. You can also follow the progress of the game on his blog. The blog of Luigi is in the Italian language but you can use Google's translate to translate the web page. Lotek64 #36 | A new edition of the Lotek64 magazine is available. In this German pdf magazine the following articles: VICE, Pixelpunch, Der Parallax Propeller, Schmalspur-Nomade, Hive-Projekt, C64: JiffyDOS, Project Firestart, Little Nemo, NES-Rennspiele, Stunt Cycle, Doctor Who, BBC Micro, Hobby and Elektronik 2010, Fantastic Dizzy, Easter Eggs für zuhause, Interview: Retro TV, Retrobörse TU Wien, Musik and Videogame Heroes #02. FPGA64 | Sabbi has made progress in developing his Commodore 64 inside a FPGA chip. In February he started his project with an Altera Cyclone-II FPGA development board and later he added a AD725 for color video. You can watch several YouTube videos on his blog of the FPGA64 project. Emu64 | Thorsten Kattanek is working on his Commodore C64 emulator. He changed his development system to Qt. With Qt he can develop the Emu64 for Windows but also for Linux and Mac. On his web page you can see a video about the SID part of the emulator. If you want to help Thorsten with feedback you can try the new Windows or Linux version. C64 Endings | The web page C64 Endings has added 5 new game endings last month. The latest additions are: Frost Byte (Mikro-Gen), Lunar Blitz (T.M.R./Cosine), Mask of the sun (Brøderbund), Pang (Ocean) and Quick Draw McGraw (Hi-Tec Software). Roll Preview | Iceout from the group Avatar has released a preview of a new game. The game is called Roll and in the game you need to roll a ball from the start to the goal. The rolling can be done by tilting the playing field. You can download the game from the Commodore Scene Database and try it out. Lords of Midnight Wrapper 0.2 | Mr. Mouse of Xentax released an update of the game Lords of Midnight. The game must be played together with the CCS64 v3.8 emulator. New in this version: Replay function. You can save the turns information into a text file to study later.