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Strona startowa Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Top Secret for SOFT 1988, The PET Revealed, Mastering your VIC-20 through eight BASIC projects, The Final Cartridge III Manual, Monteringsvejledning for dansk karaktersæt til Commodore 128, Mapping the VIC i A590 Hard drive brugervejledning. The Retrosaurus Podcast - C64 | The Retrosaurus Podcast: Commodore 64. DarkWolf80s - 1084 Wyłącznik zasilania | DarkWolf80s - 1084 Naprawa przełącznika zasilania. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Nebulus (Hewson Consultants, 1987), Frankie Goes To Hollywood (Ocean Software, 1985), Crack Down (Sega, 1989), Zenji (Activision, 1984) i Unique Games! (11). Jan Derogee - Więcej przygód z dyskietkami | Nowe filmy z Derogee: Skarpety i przechowywanie... DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: MSD C64 to IEEE-448, Access Catalog 1986, SSI Catalog 1984, Demon Stalkers, Spy vs Spy User's Guide, Paperboy, TNK III, 64 Tape Computing, Master 64, geoWORLD, Cosmic Life, Qix, Wasteland Survival, Creature Creator, Money Wise, Fax, Calc Result, Coco2, 1541 Physical Exam, Bravo!, Sky Travel, Volcabulary I, Spelling II, Homonyms, Astro Propulsion i grafDOS. | Aktualizacja na stronie  geoFont Catalog, geoPublish Tutorial, WsDos v7.1, Disk Frisk, Directory Assistant v3.6, Screen Gem v1 and Scan-Man v1.2. Retro Asylum Podcast - 179 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Juan J. Martinez. The Retrogaming Times #13 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Winter Olympics, Apple II Incider - The Apple II Game Wishlist, The Controller Chronicles - Atari 7800 ProSystem, Arcade Obscure - Jump Coaster, Magical Shrine of Fun - Starring Grandma's Birthday Gift and the Rental Wonders, Catch and Release - King Salmon The Big Catch (Sega Genesis), Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap i See You Next Game. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: ZOOM - Super Machine Language Monitor for the CBM 64, Montering af Gary adapter, Interactivision InterWord C64 flyer, Interactivision InterAsm Amiga flyer, DELA Elektronik Köln Eprommer Manual, DELA Elektronik Eprommer 1 Manual Paa Dansk, Service Manual 1960 Super VGA Color Monitor, Commodore 64/128 Tips-program, Service Manual MPS-803, Service Manual 1930 VGA Color Monitor, Commodore PC 1 Technical Manual, Commodore PC brugervejledning, Commodore Matrixprinter 1526, Commodore MPS 1230, Commodore Der Technologie-Konzern, Amiga V.I.P. package, Programmer's Utilities, PC-1 service kursus for værksteder, C64 service information, Interactivision Amiga software, AJ-SoftWare I/S Priskatalog, C64 Diagnostic Instruction and Troubleshooting Manual, Commodore 128 Guide Systeme, Privat Computer, Turbo Silver 3.0, Oxford Pascal Manual, C128 System Guide, COMputer and Amiga Format. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: Rozszerzony Commodore 64 BASIC i dokumentacja w trybie tekstowym MEGA65. Commodore Kernal | Blog o Kernal Commodore: KIM-1, PET, VIC20, CBM-II, C64, Plus/4, C128 i C65. Jan Derogee - Więcej przygód z dyskietkami | Nowe filmy z Derogee: Impreza i drzwi... 6502 Homebrew Computer | Nowy projekt komputerowy 6502: 65c02 @ 2.68Mhz, 44KB SRAM, 16KB EEPROM, Wideo: TMS9918, 16KB SRAM, 6522, SD karta, 6551, Audio: AY-3-8910 i drążek sterowy. 8 Bit Annual - Kickstart | Nowy projekt Kickstarter: Nowe 8-bitowe recenzje gier. Scene World Podcast #44 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: Rob Hubbard. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Bravo!, Sky Travel, Volcabulary I, Spelling II, Homonyms, Astro Propulsion, Wizard of Wor, grafDOS, Moses The Assembler of the Ages, Rescue at Rigel, Diskmate V1, California Games II, Crazy Conveyors, Your Home Library for C64, Mathaletics II, Cosmic Cruncher, Jupiter Lander, VIC Avenger, The Sky is Falling, Home Babysitter, Omega Race, Pinball Spectacular, Gorf, Power-64 Tool Kit, Vicsoft  Catalog, HAWS, 64 Forth, Programmers Aid Cartridge VIC-1212, SynCalc, Mirage Database Manager, Gortek and the Microchips, Recreation 6 Pack, Fortran Abacus, An Introduction To Basic Part 1, Xetec 32k Ram Card Instruction Manual, EOS, VIC-TREE, Ardy the Ardvark, itp. Return #32 | tym wydaniu magazynu Return (język niemiecki): Mega Drive, Argus, Doomsday: Lost Echoes, Gamesworld, Rescuing Orc, Nintendo, Games (3), Tapecarte, Wintergames, 4x4 Jam, Rocketron, Amiga 32, Q*Bert, Centipede / Millipede, Papiermaschinen i Pixelart. Kick Assembler v4.19 | Nowa wersja Kick Assembler. MindFlareRetro - PLAnkton | Prezentacja o PLAnkton z Francois Leveille (eslapion). Scene World Podcast #43 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: Talking Bitpop with Gavin Graham. Jan Derogee - Więcej przygód | Nowe filmy z Derogee: Szpiedzy, luźna deska i kot... The Retro Hour - DMA Design | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: DMA Design - Steve Hammond. IECHost | Wykazanie urządzenia IECHost. Amiga user Ireland podcast 12 | Podcast dla użytkowników Amiga i Commodore: Andrzej Wilk, Amiga Future, AmiModRadio, Wicher 500i, Highway Sprint, Last Ninja, Starfysh, SEUCK 2018, Else We get Mad, BBS, Kickstarter A500, VGER-20 i Amiga City Radio. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: 16-kolor sprite mode, ethernet, karta SD, freezing & unfreezing, DMAgic i wsparcie dla myszy Amiga. RetroManCave - Retrobrite | Nowy projekt z RetroManCave: Retrobrite, 1000w Full Spectrum Grow Light, Albert Austin Sous Vide Stick, ElectriQ Vacuum Sealer, BeBlonde 40vol Cream Peroxide i Super Star Crystal Clear Peroxide. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Commodore Service Manual for Slimline Series 286-16/386SX-16/20 Computers, PC - AT 60/40 60/80 Technical Manual, Diagnostic Manual 1571/C128D Version 1.2, COMputer, Mastering the VIC20, BASIC på VIC= 20, KCS Power Cartridge Manual, UJ Copystick, Samling af Commodore Information papirer, NCS Skat - Commodore 128 Brochure, Leg og Hobby, Commodore VIC 20 farve computer, Commodore Prisliste C64/VIC20, Commodore C64 Brochure, Amiga Kataloget, BetaClub News, NewSletter from Schultz Boghandel, CBS Electronics Software price catalog, Klub C64/C128 / Amiga Letter, Macro Assembler Development System, Transmodem Instructions, Phase 5 Cybervision 64, Phase 5 Blizzard 1260, Amiga Bladet, XTreme Racing, Chuck Yaegers advanced flight trainer 2.0, VI og VIC, ADB På Folkdator VIC, Regneark og Kartoteker i BASIC, Compute!s second book of machine language, C16 Italian 3D box, Mapping the Commodore 64, TopSecret - Tillæg til Soft, Commodore 1084S farvemonitor, NEC Pinwriter P6/P7 Plus, itp. X500 Pro computer case | Nowy projekt sprzętowy dla retro komputery: X500 Pro computer case. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Ardy the Ardvark, Turtle Toyland Junior, Tri-Math, VIC Tape Computing, Computer Direct, Assembler Monitor 64, Nick's Swift Copy, Sound and Graphics for the Commodore 64, Tips and Tricks, Mastering the Commodore 64, Graphics for the Commodore 64 Computer, 100 Programs for the Commodore 64, BASIC Programming for the Commodore 64, BASIC Fun for the Commodore 64 Beginner, Let's Learn BASIC Commodore 64, Commodore 64 BASIC Made Easy, VIC-BASIC A User Friendly Guide, Vicsoft Commodore 64 Catalogue, Videotex Decoder Software II, 50 Simple Ready-to-Run VIC-20 Programs, Introducing Commodore 64 Machine Code, Explorer's Guide to Commodore Logo, Amnesia, CBM Personnal Computer Guide, VIC-20 The Affordable Learning Tool for the Mature Adult, A2090 Hard Disk SCSI Controller, Kids and the Amiga, itp. Jan Derogee - Dyskietki | Nowe filmy z Derogee: Dyskietki. CBM prg Studio v3.12.0 | Nowa wersja CBM prg Studio jest dostępne. SaveBlock, Repeat - EndRepeat, IfDef. Ulepszenia dla export, go to, cursor, debugger, assembler i screen editor.