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Strona startowa DC2N | Nowe wideo z DC2N od Luigi Di Fraia. The Retrogaming Times #12 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - More Than The Human Body, Apple II Incider - Star Wars Memories, The Controller Chronicles - TurboGrafx-16, The Retrogaming Times Newsletter Legacy Archive Is Live, The Magical Vacation - Starring Uncle Edward and the Sega Master System, Classic Xbox - TRON 2.0 Killer App, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap i See You Next Game. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: Sprites, VIC-III, cartridge, 1351, paddles, GEOS i disk-drive. Wireless joystick | Nowy projekt sprzętowy: joysticki bezprzewodowe. The Retro Hour | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Dimitris Giannakis - Modern Vintage Gamer. KiloByte magazine 2017/3 | KiloByte magazyn (PDF, język angielski) dla 8-bit Komputer domowy i konsola gier wideo. W tym wydaniu: Floppy-sleeves, LOGO!, VR-64, Atari gry, Interton VC4000, Signetics 2650A, Sam's Journey, Nox Archaist, Argus i Starfysh. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Commodore 128 Peeks & Pokes, Commodore 128 Tips & Tricks, Professionelles Arbeiten mit DeLuxe Paint II, Beginners Assembly Language Programming for the Vic20, 1701/1702 Stickers i Vic Computing. 2018 | Bardzo szczęśliwy 2018

Richard Amiga user Ireland podcast 10.1 & 10.2 | Podcast dla użytkowników Amiga i Commodore: Arstate Digital & Świąteczne specjalne. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Delta (Thalamus, 1987), Stardust (Bloodhouse, 1993) i Bomberman. The Guru Meditation - Christmas special 2017 | W tym odcinku Guru Meditation: Bill i Anthony rozmawiają o roku 2017. Retro invaders kalendarze 2018 | Nowy kalendarz Retro invaders jest już dostępny. W tym roku: Gry. Retro Commodore - kalendarz 2018 | Retro kalendarz na rok 2018. DC2N4-LC | Nowe wideo z DC2N4-LC od Luigi Di Fraia. Iz8dwf - Czyszczenie klawiatury | Czyszczenie klawiatury Commodore. Karl Dunkerley wywiad | Wywiad z Karl Dunkerley na temat komputera Commodore PET. Retro Runner - naprawa 1084 | Film o naprawie Commodore1084S-P1 monitor. Komoda & Amiga Plus #9 | Nowe wydanie magazynu Komoda & Amiga Plus: Rescuing Orc, Turrican, Galencia, C=Rex Offline, Dark Destroyer 2117, Who dares wins I & II, Space Chase, Legend of the Last Catacombs, SIBUGA games, Roman Werner, Bertie the Ball, Sid Adventures: Gaetano Chiummo, Lode Runner, Genius, H.P. Lovecraft, Power Sisters, RPG Quest - Minimae, SID hero, C64 Power Game Mod Compo 2, There was once a swapper, Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio, Gobliiins, Lumberjack, Arctic Moves, The last memories of LucasArts, Folio, Space Hulk, Fresh News, Re-Imagined loading screens, Magical memories, David Pleasance, Theatre Europe, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Godzilla and friends, Aye aye Shoonay - Bye bye Shoonay, 10th Muse and 4th generation, Castlevania, Hi, I'm Edd!, Atom Ant & Steel Eagle, Talking Heads: not just games and Johnny presents: Tytus 2017. Lotek64 #56 | Nowe wydanie Lotek64 ten niemieckojęzyczny magazyn PDF zawiera następujące artykuły: Amiga 3500, Vortex Crystals, Gamer City 2017, Play Austria 2017, Eisiges Screenshot-Quiz, The 8-Bit Guy, Commodore Treffen Graz, Wipeout (MBO), Sega prototype, Sidologie, Lo*bert, Sport games, New games for C64, NES and Co, Music-corner i Frogger. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Amiga CD32 Gamer, Amiga Action, Vic Computing, Graphics for the Dot-Matrix Printer, Structured Programming Revised 1977, 6800 FORTH Reference Manual, Software Design Techniques, Projects in Machine Intelligence for your Home Computer, Computers - How to Break into the Field, Commodore 64 Advanced Game Design, Mastering VisiCalc, KCS PowerCartridge Instruction Manual, Computer Art and Animation A Users Guide to Commodore 64 Logo, AmigActive, SUNCOM six pack plus, Amiga Desktop Video and The BASIC Explorer for the Commodore 64. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: Automatic 4502 / 6502 Instruction Set Switching. Scene World Podcast #41 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: David Fox, Thimbleweed Park, AtGames, Megadrive Flashback HD, Commodore 64 Reloaded Mark II, Project SIDFX, FPGA SID, Planet Golf, Argus i Quantumlink Reloaded. Flashtro | Nowe Flashtros: Hokuto Force - KillerWatt, Hokuto Force - Feud, Mechanix - Acid Runner, The LightForce - Cataball, Ikari - Total Eclipse, Hokuto Force - Sinbad, Genesis Project - Wizards Dominion, Dytec - CyberBlocks, SubSoftware - Web of Terror, SubSoftware - Sliders, SubSoftware - Edd the Duck, SubSoftware - Exterminator, Subsoftware - Twintris, BusSoft - Hybris, FutureSoft - Bionic Commando, DCDA - Trolls, Mystic - Firma, etc. Commodore Monitor Information | Nowe informacje o monitorze: Commodore RANGER 15 & 21. Commodore Braunschweig | Thilo zrobił wideo Commodore Braunschweig - historia Commodore z C64 i Amiga. Wiebo de Wit - C64 Reloaded mk2 | Wiebo de Wit: blog o C64 Reloaded mk2. Return #31 | W tym wydaniu magazynu Return (język niemiecki): Discs of Tron, Retroguru, Ys, Galencia, Philips Videopac G7000 / 7400, Time Pilot, Spellbinder, Diamondz 2, Commodore Plus4: 3-plus-1 Software, Alice Dreams Tournament, SEGA, Dragon Quest, Tec Toy, Hermes, Potpourri i Strider. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: 3D pudła / sprzęt komputerowy: A600HD, C1541-II, 1081 monitor, Amiga Dataflyer, Amiga Tandem IDE i Amiga Alcotini Sound Sampler. Retrohax - 1541 | Nowy projekt sprzętowy z RetroHax. Jan Beta - Suncom TAC-2 | Film o Suncom TAC-2 joystick. VCF East XII wideo | Zebranie Vintage Computer Federation East XII: Dean Notarnicola - Tandy TRS-80, Jeff Salzman - Commodore 64 PAL Assembler, Evan Koblentz - VCF Tales, Brian Stuart - Forth, Dave Test - Vintage Computing with Raspberry Pi, Todd George - Commodore PET Repair, Corey Cohen - Apple II Repair i David Gesswein - DEC PDP-8 Overview. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Sabre Wulf (Ultimate Play The Game, 1984), Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (Accolade, 1990), Tom (Kingsoft, 1984) i TWOFER #17: Unique Games Corrections.